Please address the widspread latency
Yesterday my ping was averaging 70-80ms, today it’s averaging 450ms. Near the point of unplayability. Not sure what’s going on here now.
Edit: Seems to have normalized itself now. Had some 300+ms spikes now and then, but nothing in the past few hours.
(edited by HaraldSkambank.7531)
I can confirm this! In all game mode especially in WvW my ping spike up to 5k++ and I can’t even hit anything, everything just lag like 1min behind the real time… It only started happening to me this week and have been persistent. Already called my ISP they said everything is fine on their side, now waiting for ANET side to respond to my ticket.
I urge anyone that is facing this similar problem to post a reply to this thread too.
(edited by Ciel.8705)
my ping spike up to 5k++ and I can’t even hit anything, everything just lag like 1min behind the real time…
This has been happening to me since about a week before Bitterfrost. Teq and Shatterer unplayable and I have had a 2 minute lag a few times So yes, game is no fun at the moment.
op, it would be helpful if you post a ping plotter.
not everybody experience the same latency as you. If you post your ping plotter, it gives anet a sample point to spot trouble areas.
Happening to me getting disconnected every 10-5 mins at peak hours and really long lag episodes where I can go take a pee and comeback to my char still shooting at the same target!
Warning: Do to the easy availability to programs that can interrupt internet access I urge people to NOT display their IP addresses or the IP addresses displayed in Ping Plotter on any open forum.
All though Ping Plotter(which uses Traceroute to do it work) can be a some what help full tool it can also give false information since it uses ICMP echo requests .Many severs block and/or filter ICMP echo requests do to security reasons (example: DDOS attacks).Because of this you may see some servers not responding (ICMP echo reqests are blocked)or servers that show high latency (ICMP echo requests not prioritized ). I used Ping Plotter to get a general idea of the path but had to ping individual hops (using command line)to get more accurate information.