Problem with Representing Guild
Any dev or support staff on that can help me with this?
Myself and 4 others from my guild are experiencing this on Darkhaven. We have submitted tickets.
We cannot represent the guild, we cannot use any guild upgrades (bankd, weaponsmith, armorer) as they all tell us we need to be in a guild, and we cannot use guild chat it says we do not belong to a guild.
We have left the guild, and rejoined to attempt this as a work around… but it did not work either.
There has to be more people out there with this problem… right?
Having the same problem on Anvil Rock. Was in guild just fine yesterday… today i cannot represent, even dropped from guild and re-invited… still won’t work.
I had this same problem during pre-release, all I had to do was restart client and it worked. Not sure whats causing the issue though.
@ Serbius1256 I did multiple restarts and am unable to represent on an alt so im unsure.
I am having the same problem I was represnting my guild and Im not anymore for some reason and pressing rep guild doesnt work. Please help with this
Having the same issue on Henge of Denravi. Restarting the game didn’t do anything to fix it.
I’m current having the same issue on my characters in Ehmry Bay. Tried logging off and restarting everything nothing changed.
Having the same issue here, cannot represent my own guild and my tags seem to be blank. Just brackets with nothing inside.
I’ve had this problem earlier today too, and submitted a support ticket.
I was also having launcher issues, so I deleted everything in the “Documents\Guild Wars 2” folder and any “local.dat” files, and that fixed my launcher issues. When I got back into the game, about 30m later from the support ticket submission, the “Represent” button worked.
So, I really dunno whether support fixed my “Represent” button issue in those 30m or the launcher fix also fixed that, since I didn’t change anything else.
Bump, bet there are more folks with this issue…
I noticed, that if I am not in DR, I can access guild functions as normal… example being Lions Reach, all works fine.
Having the same issue. Super frustrating. The represent button just doesn’t do anything at the moment.
Yeah, same for me this morning. Worked ok for a while, but mid way through depositing some items to the guild stash, it just stopped working. Changed to my other char and can’t even represent the guild now. Last night, a couple of us tried to deposit items to the stash and they were removed from the char inventory, but didn’t appear in the stash. Those items were there this morning though. Obviously having some issues
For myself and those affected in my guild, we have found a work around.
LEAVE Divinity’s Reach.
The Guild upgrades, armorer, weaponsmith, bank are accessible for us in Hoelbrak and Lion’s Arch.
We can turn representing on and off anywhere we tried besides DR.
I’m not experiencing this bug anymore, thankfully. Just to add what Siresmith said above, this bug seemed to be tied to certain areas – once I left Bloodtide Coast and entered Lion’s Arch, I was able to use the ‘represent’ function again. Hopefully this will help any who might still be experiencing this issue from time to time (unless ofc it’s been addressed by ArenaNet already, in which case, thank you!
Technical Support
This is a known issue that is still being looked into by the Development Team and it is likely that you are in your Guild but you may just be unable to see that you are in game. There are a couple of things that you can try to resolve this issue:
1. Log out and log back in again.
2. Completely shut down the game client, re-open it and log back in.
3. “Stand Down,” switch zones, and click “Represent” again.
Sorry for the inconvenience guys, rest assured this is being looked into!
Using the guild vault, buying guild influence and guild upgrades as well as representing work best in lower population areas. I rarely can do any of them in DR or LA. They usually work fine in Black Citadel or Hoelbrak (on Ring of Fire they are deserted). Representing also works well inside the home instance or a racial quest instance (your alone).
just do to a low pop region and it should work
I have the same problem, it tells me i didn;t even build the guild bank it;s llike i never upgraded the guild, and ofc all the material i had in there is gone