Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grizzle.9872


I’ve posted all the technical details about my problem, so I won’t bore anyone with that. Having tried everything I can possibly think of, and then having it still crash. I’m left with no alternative to quit GW2. The game is sending me bananas.

Has anyone else been driven to this because of the persistent technical problems?

I’m curious.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhetoric.4810


Im very close, for the same reason. Constant disconnects that make the game unplayable. I cannot be in any instance for more than 10 min without a disconnect. That means no spvp, no wvw, and no dungeons, without getting booted out after 10 min. Even in the world, while questing, I will DC at least every 20 min or so. Unbearable.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: umnik.6813


Grizzle, have you tried the 3 Gb switch fix? http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=9583842&linkID=9240617 (copy and paste into your browser, simply clicking doesn’t work for some reason)

Quod licet bovi non licet Iovi.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Unpredictability.4086


Could it be a singular hardware problem? Have you tried replacing components one by one and seeing if the problem still exists? You could use parts from a friends computer too (I don’t see why they wouldn’t let you).

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soul of Wrath.6518

Soul of Wrath.6518

Cannot really blame you. There are far too many good games out there to waste your time being a test subject. GW2 has done a great job of eliminating many of the things that frustrate me about MMOs, but with MOP nearing release and SWTOR going F2P I think I am going to put GW2 on the shelf and maybe think about it again in 6 months. Maybe they will get the bugs fixed by then or maybe I just won’t care about GW by then.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Sorry to say but if you keep on crashing again and again and again,you cannot just keep on blaming GW2 for it.You do realize thousands of players are playing as of this moment without crashing right ?

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VendettaDFA.9368


check a few threads associated with wireless routers if this is what you are using to be online. This may hold an answer for you.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lockeness.7931


Caedmon, don’t be a jerk.
The guy deserves to play this game and hundreds are on the same boat as him, like myself. Just because we are a minority doesn’t mean we aren’t important.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Caedmon, don’t be a jerk.
The guy deserves to play this game and hundreds are on the same boat as him, like myself. Just because we are a minority doesn’t mean we aren’t important.

Wy am i a jerk when i was being serious ? If thousands of players are playing with NO crashes,then why isnt it possible that there is something wrong with your hardware,ISP ,connection ? Dont be so quick to rule out this possibility.Who said i dont think he deserves to play ? Your totally misunderstanding my point.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: callaia.7948


Grizzle I’m just about to quit myself. Can’t believe all I’ve had is crashing – and the tech isn’t offering any useful working solutions. I’ve seen you in all the threads regarding crashing and I’ve tried everything you have and had the exact same nothing results.

Really disappointed. If it is my laptop I just want to know it’s my laptop so I can just give up, if it’s the game I’d just like to know it’s the game so I can know they’ll eventually fix it. Any news will do!!

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ian Smith.8690

Ian Smith.8690

Caedmon, don’t be a jerk.
The guy deserves to play this game and hundreds are on the same boat as him, like myself. Just because we are a minority doesn’t mean we aren’t important.

Wy am i a jerk when i was being serious ? If thousands of players are playing with NO crashes,then why isnt it possible that there is something wrong with your hardware,ISP ,connection ? Dont be so quick to rule out this possibility.Who said i dont think he deserves to play ? Your totally misunderstanding my point.

Fine, something is wrong with my PC. I’m willing to accept that, but what is it? I had none of these connection issues during the betas or stress test. So why now? One of their suggestions is to open four TCP ports. Were those ports not used during the betas, because it didn’t seem to be a problem then. Said to remove our various protection software. That didn’t fix it, had that on during the betas too and there was no issue then. So what changed? I recently had my computer checked out, cost me $75 to be told that nothing was wrong just needs tad more space yet isn’t overheating even at present. So hardware wise everything is fine and unchanged. Only new software is this game. See where this is going? Only one change has happened, the game. If it’s some incompatibility, so be it, but tell me what it is. Yes, at this point I do expect that from Arena.Net, and I expect them to tell me how to fix it. I have three friends playing the game and they have no issue, so yeah, it does make sense that maybe part of the issue is with my PC, but considering my pc didn’t change during the time of the betas up through the launch, it’s fairly reasonable to assume that part of the issue is also something Arena.Net has changed.

I think a good developer should be a person not a professional. —DayZ designer Dean Hall

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: callaia.7948


Fine, something is wrong with my PC. I’m willing to accept that, but what is it? I had none of these connection issues during the betas or stress test. So why now? One of their suggestions is to open four TCP ports. Were those ports not used during the betas, because it didn’t seem to be a problem then. Said to remove our various protection software. That didn’t fix it, had that on during the betas too and there was no issue then. So what changed? I recently had my computer checked out, cost me $75 to be told that nothing was wrong just needs tad more space yet isn’t overheating even at present. So hardware wise everything is fine and unchanged. Only new software is this game. See where this is going? Only one change has happened, the game. If it’s some incompatibility, so be it, but tell me what it is. Yes, at this point I do expect that from Arena.Net, and I expect them to tell me how to fix it. I have three friends playing the game and they have no issue, so yeah, it does make sense that maybe part of the issue is with my PC, but considering my pc didn’t change during the time of the betas up through the launch, it’s fairly reasonable to assume that part of the issue is also something Arena.Net has changed.

Well freaking said!!

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Caedmon, don’t be a jerk.
The guy deserves to play this game and hundreds are on the same boat as him, like myself. Just because we are a minority doesn’t mean we aren’t important.

Wy am i a jerk when i was being serious ? If thousands of players are playing with NO crashes,then why isnt it possible that there is something wrong with your hardware,ISP ,connection ? Dont be so quick to rule out this possibility.Who said i dont think he deserves to play ? Your totally misunderstanding my point.

Fine, something is wrong with my PC. I’m willing to accept that, but what is it? I had none of these connection issues during the betas or stress test. So why now? One of their suggestions is to open four TCP ports. Were those ports not used during the betas, because it didn’t seem to be a problem then. Said to remove our various protection software. That didn’t fix it, had that on during the betas too and there was no issue then. So what changed? I recently had my computer checked out, cost me $75 to be told that nothing was wrong just needs tad more space yet isn’t overheating even at present. So hardware wise everything is fine and unchanged. Only new software is this game. See where this is going? Only one change has happened, the game. If it’s some incompatibility, so be it, but tell me what it is. Yes, at this point I do expect that from Arena.Net, and I expect them to tell me how to fix it. I have three friends playing the game and they have no issue, so yeah, it does make sense that maybe part of the issue is with my PC, but considering my pc didn’t change during the time of the betas up through the launch, it’s fairly reasonable to assume that part of the issue is also something Arena.Net has changed.

You dont have to ask me what it is that makes you crash,because i have no idea.Im merely saying that people quickly come to the conclusion that when crashing,the fault lies with arenanet.Look at the forum its filled with it,i dont know the background of all these peoples experience with this game.All i meant was,dont be to quick to give up on a game because of frequent crashes that can possible resolved by yourself.Did you guys try to repair the client btw ?

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZaxanRazor.6235


If it’s crashing – it’s not the game, otherwise the forum would be full of complaints. They’re not, there’s a handful (in comparison to the number of posts on the forums).

There’s something with your system that’s doing it.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: muslumgurseks.4951


3rd party tools like msi afterburner or evga precision kind which you use for overclocking or monitoring your temps overclock etc causes gw2 to crash.. make sure you arent running them on background.

X99 Deluxe / i7 5820k @4.5 /980ti KPE @1550/ Rog Swift / 16gb DDR4 /Custom Loop

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ceallach.8740


I had the crashing problem for a day, but then I fixed it.

For me it was my router. For others it’s overclocking type software as mentioned, for some it’s a heat issue, and et cetera.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drintar.1246


3rd party tools like msi afterburner or evga precision kind which you use for overclocking or monitoring your temps overclock etc causes gw2 to crash.. make sure you arent running them on background.

I have to disagree I run EVGA Precision to control my fan speed otherwise GW2 crashes with overheating my video card. Now the thing I don’t do is OC my card with precision. In beta they had some problems with factory overclocked video cards having issue and if the people dropped their speeds by 10% the crashes stopped so it might be an OC issue for some people.

EDIT: And no with precision running I do not crash can play all day long no problem. Without precision running I will crash it’s just a matter of how fast some days an hour some days 20 minutes depending I guess on where I am in the game.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


While I have odd FPS issues with the game and I keep on reporting them. This game has not crashed a single time on me since it went live and it only crashed once during any beta weekend.

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Abraxas.7284


It definitely sounds like the game just doesn’t like something about your setup. Hopefully it’s software related since hardware is harder to fix and more expensive.

Out of curiosity though I would try the game on another computer if possible. Maybe a friends computer. Just use it long enough to see if you get the same problem. If it works then that confirms it’s not account related. Use the alternate computer in it’s original location and at your location. If it works at one but not the other, then that indicates an infrastructure problem (networking related).

After that though, depending on how badly you want to play, try a complete nuke of your system. I do this yearly just to get all the garbage off my system. Then again I have the technical knowledge to easily do this. It’s a big task for someone not familiar with the process.

After the nuke I would install the following,

Latest BIOS updates.
Fully patched OS with latest drivers (no betas)

Try the game with a fairly vanilla install. Don’t install anything that is not required to run the game.

If it still doesn’t work then identifying the incompatibility becomes way more difficult and requires the technical expertise of someone who can get more creative with the troubleshooting. I’m talking about trying various hardware swaps, OS loads, driver versions, etc.

On the other hand, if the vanilla install works, then start installing all the extra stuff like virus protection. Test the game after each install. Maybe you’ll find the culprit that the client doesn’t like.

It can be a monumental task and the decision is yours to make. Good luck.

(edited by Abraxas.7284)

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Max Lexandre.6279

Max Lexandre.6279

EVERY people paid for this game and everybody was the RIGHT to play it, the ANet can’t refuse to help or fix something (like this strange problem in stable connections) just because “some people had the issue”. (that to some comments up there)

And this is also my Issue, but only since Yesterday, from nothing I have an NetWork crash but it’s nothing to do with my connection.

I’m The Best in Everything.
Asura thing.

(edited by Max Lexandre.6279)

Quit Gw2 because of crashes. Have you quit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grizzle.9872


My PC can run every other game just fine. Crysis 2, Bioshock 2, WoW, Orcs Must Die 2, etc etc..My PC NEVER crashes when I’m not playing GW2. It consistently crashes within 1minute to 30minutes of GW2 use.

It’s clearly a GW2 issue. Obviously there is something on my system that GW2 does not like…but again, that’s an Anet problem, not mine.

@umnik: I did try that. It didn’t work =(