Ram Disk and the game

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: winterlove.6834


i was wondering if i installed this game on like a ram disk would my levels load alot faster? as is now im running it off a 120gb hyperx kingston 3k ssd wich is fast but i switch and switch lands all the time and im waiting

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mif.3471


You probably will load faster with a ram drive, just as you load faster with an SSD over a HDD, but there will probably be a cap as to how quick you can load as it seems to be limited by the servers.

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Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: winterlove.6834


think it be worth doing it?

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

If you redownloaded the game client today, it would be just about 16GB. This means that in order to put GW2 on a RamDisk, you would have to have MORE than 16GB of memory in your system (24 or 32 would be ideal).

i7-3770K (Delidded) @ 4.6GHz | nVidia GTX TITAN X@ 1468/7800
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Espionage.3685


If you redownloaded the game client today, it would be just about 16GB. This means that in order to put GW2 on a RamDisk, you would have to have MORE than 16GB of memory in your system (24 or 32 would be ideal).

This (my GW2 folder comes to around 15.3GB however). However, if anything, it may help out loading times between zones. Player culling (if that’s the right term) would still occur because of the server handling it, but player loading should be better.

Just do keep note that you’d want to have a lot of RAM available too for that, as mentioned.

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


If you are already running on a SSD putting GW2 on ramdisk won’t increase load times.

Your load time will be limited by the CPU uncompressing files etc.

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Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

I use fancycache its currently free(has been for a few years now) its like a ramdrive but rather then installing/loading stuff to a ramdrive, fancycache detects what files(sell blocks really) are in use and caches them to ram, so that you arent limited by I/O speeds but by your cpu.

no need for an ssd when you got enough ram cache

also note, you dont need more then 16gb ram to do this with any game even tera(27gb when i checked it 15seconds ago) the more ram you can dedicate to it the better though.

you can see my specs below

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: winterlove.6834


kool, well i am wondering thendoes fancy cache put any extra load on the cpu? mines fast but its an older core i7 920 quad

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

it wont put much extra load on cpu but it will on the memory controller but thats fine, todays systems are enlarge not bottlenecked by memory bandwidth.

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: winterlove.6834


hm i got tripple channle memory

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hoegarden.4287


Even with a modern hdd the loading time is already fast.
I have a HDD 7200rpm, 6gb/s if that isn’t enough to load a map…

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Even with a modern hdd the loading time is already fast.
I have a HDD 7200rpm, 6gb/s if that isn’t enough to load a map…

hdd’s cant reach those read/write speeds, only ssd’s can at present, bench it yourself with crystal diskmark or hdtune or the like.

my best hdd’s will do around 200+MB/s where the best ssd’s i have seen more then double that.

the thing is, ssd’s ware faster and have much lower capacities so theres always a trade off….in my case, the fancycache of the drive REALLY helps speed things up

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hoegarden.4287


I used the ssd for windows. All the other stuff is on seagate hdd.
For now the maps are loading pretty fast. Maybe it will load 1-2 seconds faster with fancy techniques, but I can live with that.

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Ramdisk is faster then ssd,anytime of the day.The bad side is,you have to recreate the disk for gw2 everytime you boot your pc,thus its not really worth it unless you never power down.

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

well Caedmon, the ramdisk software I own can be set to re-create the ramdisk on boot,

but, fancycache for me, is more effecient because, i dont have to swap ramdisk contents or cache the full app/game, fancycache will only cache the most used bits/blocks meaning, it wont cache stuff thats not really needed.

I love fancycache honestly, great little app, you do need to go to their forums and update your key file from time to time to keep it active but thats just because they want to ensure people grab the new versions when they come out rather then just keeping using older beta builds.(smart move honestly)

fancycache is in effect a very tricked out ramdrive/ramdisk that decides what needs cached based on use rather then you having to manually cache the whole game.

an example where fancycache can make insane improvements in overall perf is arma2 due to how it streams textures from the hdd during play, till fancycache you could use a ramdrive and cache specific files, you could use a fast ssd or you could live with relatively poor performance. (or horrible perf in many cases)

for me, fancycache is a godsend, because i can just set it and forget it as they say, it “just works”

and I have 32gb of 1866ram that i paid 109.99 for around christmas!!!(its now 209.99….LOL)

but, even people with 16gb ram or even 8 can use fancycache to good advantage, hell i set itup for testing on my mothers work system, gave it 512mb, shes only got 4gb, in the end, it boosted her load speed of most used apps(browser, quickbooks, msoffice) noticeibly so much so that when i disabled he she thought something was wrong with the computer…lol…

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

Ram Disk and the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: winterlove.6834


I really need to set fancy cache up. am wonderin jazara have you used ram disk? if so you think fancy cache is better? im tryin to decide wich to use. also to id like to put internet explorer on it but have no idea how to even begin doing that since windows explorer is already pre-installed on C: drive