Random account name change out of the blue

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neutron Hop.9857

Neutron Hop.9857

My account name was randomly changed, I’ve had the account name kitten hunter for well over a year and needless to say the word filter in-game had no problem with it aswell. One forum post and then someone mashes the report button? I mean really? Did someone seriously get offended? Most people LIKED my username, I’ve yet to see anyone get offended over it even if you take it in pop culture context. Not even a swear word, yeah it’s suggestive but quite frankly its cleaner than slaughtering helpless ambient creatures for achievement points.


Admins if you won’t change it back at least let me get to choose my account name like I got to do when I purchased this game.

Edit: Jeeze, they added p%o0.n to the word filter. If it’s really so bad as to warrant a update the entire filter just give me one freebie name change.

(edited by Neutron Hop.9857)

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


The amount of time you have had said name means nothing. Display names that are determined to be against the naming policy are changed by Anet. The change is most always an anagram. You will not have the option to change it to one of your choosing. Sorry for your luck but it seems even you know the name could be seen as inappropriate.

Further reading:


An offensive name will be changed — once — and it will be changed by a GM using an anagram system, so the user does not get the privilege of choosing the second name.

P.S. I like the name Neutron Hop. It could have been a much worse anagram.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CptTrips.6512


Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Pretty sure he knew what it was. He’s just irritated because he got away with it for so long before being caught.

Guild Wars 2 Naming Policy

  • We do not permit names that:
  • Have offensive racial, ethnic, national, or cultural connotations
  • Include hate speech or bigoted slurs
  • Reference sexual acts or real life violence
  • Are pornographic
  • Make inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions
  • Reference illegal drugs or activities
  • Reference religious or historical figures
  • Reference real-life people
  • Reference names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials, or products
  • Use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules
We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I especially love the Wikipedia link, because apparently we’re expected to believe he was “hunting” … a novel? People with that last name?

Seriously, grow up. We all knew what you meant.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neutron Hop.9857

Neutron Hop.9857

Pretty sure he knew what it was. He’s just irritated because he got away with it for so long before being caught.

Guild Wars 2 Naming Policy

  • We do not permit names that:
  • Have offensive racial, ethnic, national, or cultural connotations
  • Include hate speech or bigoted slurs
  • Reference sexual acts or real life violence
  • Are pornographic
  • Make inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions
  • Reference illegal drugs or activities
  • Reference religious or historical figures
  • Reference real-life people
  • Reference names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials, or products
  • Use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules

Getting caught? What exactly was I hiding from? When I created the name alot of people had such names and nobody had a problem with it, apparently people are more thin-skinned now than 2 years ago.

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neutron Hop.9857

Neutron Hop.9857

I especially love the Wikipedia link, because apparently we’re expected to believe he was “hunting” … a novel? People with that last name?

Seriously, grow up. We all knew what you meant.

Please read posts before playing hero. I admitting it was suggestive from the get-go. Keyword being suggestive, not offensive. I’ll just file a ticket since theres only forum trolls here.

Not even a swear word, yeah it’s suggestive but quite frankly its cleaner than slaughtering helpless ambient creatures for achievement points.

(edited by Neutron Hop.9857)

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

A slang word for an female sexual body part is more than suggestive, it’s against TOS. They already have said they don’t allow names that reference sexual body parts, slang or not. They aren’t going to let you change it back.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


The reason why you’ve gone so long before it got changed is because unlike character names, account names are seen a lot less often – usually only through Guild or Friends List rosters. Or this forum, which I suspect in your case is where your account name got noticed.

I’m sure some of your friends found it hilarious when you mention that some people liked it, but had it been a character name, you would have got reported by someone a lot sooner in-game, because it’s not a nice or clever name to have.

That said, look on the bright side. People have received 3 day bans in the past for less offensive names – so be grateful it was only a forced name change.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neutron Hop.9857

Neutron Hop.9857

Sorry, a slang word for an female sexual body part is more than suggestive, it’s against TOS. They already have said they don’t allow names that reference sexual body parts, slang or not. They aren’t going to let you change it back.

So in a game where I can commit animal cruelty for achievement points this is unacceptable? It wasn’t against the ToS when I created the account, ToS at the time pretty much only covered genuinely hateful names such as ethic-cleansing, racial slurs .Besides anyone can get offended over anything, someone somewhere is going to get offended. I’m pretty sure theres a number of homophobes(lot of those here in North America) out there that completely lost it when the main story featured a lesbian romance.

But hey these things do change, so I’ll made it squeaky clean if they give me the chance.

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neutron Hop.9857

Neutron Hop.9857

The reason why you’ve gone so long before it got changed is because unlike character names, account names are seen a lot less often – usually only through Guild or Friends List rosters. Or this forum, which I suspect in your case is where your account name got noticed.

I’m sure some of your friends found it hilarious when you mention that some people liked it, but had it been a character name, you would have got reported by someone a lot sooner in-game, because it’s not a nice or clever name to have.

That said, look on the bright side. People have received 3 day bans in the past for less offensive names – so be grateful it was only a forced name change.

True enough, I should be grateful for not getting slapped with a ban.

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


So in a game where I can commit animal cruelty for achievement points this is unacceptable? It wasn’t against the ToS when I created the account, ToS at the time pretty much only covered genuinely hateful names such as ethic-cleansing, racial slurs .Besides anyone can get offended over anything, someone somewhere is going to get offended. I’m pretty sure theres a number of homophobes(lot of those here in North America) out there that completely lost it when the main story featured a lesbian romance.

The game was certified with the certificate (12+) it was given with ‘slaughtering’ animal creatures in mind. Had the game featured NPCs with names such as yours, it’d surely have been given an 18+ certificate. 15+ at a push.

Killing ambient creatures and in-game violence that is within the certificate parameters are not an excuse for poor choice of words/names. Just take it on the chin instead of hooping up your thread!

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Sorry, a slang word for an female sexual body part is more than suggestive, it’s against TOS. They already have said they don’t allow names that reference sexual body parts, slang or not. They aren’t going to let you change it back.

So in a game where I can commit animal cruelty for achievement points this is unacceptable? It wasn’t against the ToS when I created the account, ToS at the time pretty much only covered genuinely hateful names such as ethic-cleansing, racial slurs .Besides anyone can get offended over anything, someone somewhere is going to get offended. I’m pretty sure theres a number of homophobes(lot of those here in North America) out there that completely lost it when the main story featured a lesbian romance.

But hey these things do change, so I’ll made it squeaky clean if they give me the chance.

Sorry mate, being able to slaughter cute bunnies isn’t an excuse to allow you to use a crude and vulgar display name.

The fact that this wasn’t brought to their attention earlier is a miracle. Also they may have done a sweep due to a similar name that was reported and found yours.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

So in a game where I can commit animal cruelty for achievement points this is unacceptable? It wasn’t against the ToS when I created the account, ToS at the time pretty much only covered genuinely hateful names such as ethic-cleansing, racial slurs .Besides anyone can get offended over anything, someone somewhere is going to get offended. I’m pretty sure theres a number of homophobes(lot of those here in North America) out there that completely lost it when the main story featured a lesbian romance.

But hey these things do change, so I’ll made it squeaky clean if they give me the chance.

Kinda reaching there mate. ToS gives Anet complete authority to determine what’s acceptable or not. By playing the game, we give Anet the right to take away Gems we purchased if they want. We are at their mercy, because it’s their game, their rules. You can still have fun without trying to push any envelopes.

Now as for a lesbian romance, do note that in America, homosexual relationships are becoming more acceptable by the majority.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Sorry, a slang word for an female sexual body part is more than suggestive, it’s against TOS. They already have said they don’t allow names that reference sexual body parts, slang or not. They aren’t going to let you change it back.

So in a game where I can commit animal cruelty for achievement points this is unacceptable? It wasn’t against the ToS when I created the account, ToS at the time pretty much only covered genuinely hateful names such as ethic-cleansing, racial slurs .Besides anyone can get offended over anything, someone somewhere is going to get offended. I’m pretty sure theres a number of homophobes(lot of those here in North America) out there that completely lost it when the main story featured a lesbian romance.

But hey these things do change, so I’ll made it squeaky clean if they give me the chance.

It was against the ToS when you created the unacceptable name, had you bothered to read the ToS. That policy has not changed. It is unfortunate more people don’t read what they agree to, to avoid embarrassing situations.

Good luck on your request. I’m sure it will receive the determination it deserves.