Random disconnects

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rakiasa.9270



For the last 3 or 4 days I have been randomly getting disconnected. At first I thought it was my internet acting up but then when I would be on at the same time as my boyfriend I would get disconnected and he wouldn’t. In an hours time it happens at least 5 times and is getting really frustrating to the point where I just close the game and don’t even feel like playing anymore. Please help!

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


I too have started to have this same issue today… however yesterday, I was in game for quite a long time with no issues whatsoever… then came the little ‘hot patch’ they tossed at us.

Immediately after that patch, guild members that were online physically were shown to be offline in the guild window AND when trying to send a /tell to them it would say they were offline.
Today however, I’m being disconnected every 1-2 minutes. It is to the point now that I’m not even bothering to log in until I get something constructive back from the support group.

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rakiasa.9270


Yes that is my problem but mine started like 3 days ago and has gradually gotten worse. It did it yesterday like 3 times all day then today its like every few minutes and it is very frustrating.

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dicey Garlics.3918

Dicey Garlics.3918

same is happening here

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


Oh, and I forgot… the support team want you to disconnect anything between your PC and your Inet connection and run their Utility program.
While I understand this may be needed for their ‘base line’ support to gather information, I don’t like opening up my PC to the outside world not even in the slightest way like this.
Which essentially tells me that their ‘diagnostic utility’ only tests the connection… woopteedoo. I know my connection is fine as it is currently working with many other programs, none of which ever have problems.

So basically I was just told that w/out me doing this for them, they can’t do anything for me… because the GW2.log file I sent them apparently doesn’t have enough information in it.

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dicey Garlics.3918

Dicey Garlics.3918

what utility can you link me it?

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nalora.7964


This is the same thing that has been happening to me. It is not my end. It is theirs.

DEMAND Bunny Slippers and a bathrobe!

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


what utility can you link me it?

It’s called ‘GameAdvisor’. You should be able to get it directly from ANET site or a link here on GW2 site… right now I cannot remember the link but I’ll see if I can find it and re-post.

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rakiasa.9270


I have tried everything I can think of on my end and personally I don’t like opening my computer up for outsiders either so maybe they can figure something else out. :/

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Empressium.5482


same here ever since tat last patch i couldn’t connect to the game, uninstalling all AV and turning off all firewalls even going further such as flushdns didn’t work , and since i saw lots of peeps having troubles too, oh well it kinda calmed me down from nearly throwing my pc out of window

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Omega Mayhem.7163

Omega Mayhem.7163

Yep, ever since last night when they said they would be working on stuff and we might experience connection issues, i have been disconnecting regularly… and never had a problem before.

I guess they are still ‘working’ on it.

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rattlehead.3857


I’m using a wireless network, and I occasionally get DCs. I think this is because of the lag spikes. It happens like this:

Everything seems normal, I’m in game. Then I notice the NPCs are not moving. The skill button I use keep flashing and cannot execute. Then I know I have to close and relog.

When I was playing lotro, lag spikes were delays, the game could resume after like say a 5-10-20 second lag. IMHO it is just GW2 non-resumably disconnects on lag spikes.

I tried everything. I bought a better and more expensive wireless adapter. I am even using another modem for WLan, unfortunately the disconnects still exist.