Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agien.9834


Hello I have been playing and loving the game since the early release. Well loving the game – the random crashing that is happening.

It seems to happen more often in pvp but I have had it happen when just standing in a town or in the middle of a story quest or just running around.

I have crashed quite a few times but its never 1 after the other and they are very random…

I really want this fixed it is keeping me from doing some things people would be relying on me heavily in and I could crash during.

side note I had uninstalled this game and my OS from my HDD installed the OS this game and updated drivers on my SSD then wiped out the HDD to turn it into storage. My drivers SHOULD be up to date as I updated them after the OS install.

O and I don’t know if it is related but some times my music freezes kind of holding a note as if I am going to crash but it kicks back into gear and starts going again. When this happens nothing ells freezes or stalls but the music.

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Welcome to the world of GW2 where everything is crashable even the client itself. Jump on the bandwagon and take a look around in other 9999999999 topics saying theyre game is randomly crashing, including mine. There is no help whatsoever my friend…

Here’s mine:

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agien.9834


I am crossing my fingers that I can get some help but only time will tell.

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Domestique de Gaia.3681

Domestique de Gaia.3681

Welcome to the world of GW2 where everything is crashable even the client itself. Jump on the bandwagon and take a look around in other 9999999999 topics saying theyre game is randomly crashing, including mine. There is no help whatsoever my friend…

Calm down man, NONE of my other friends and guildies have this problem. I am the only one among like 50 people that I know are playing the game. The percentage of people with this problem is still low. It’s frustrating, but not the end of the world.

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agien.9834


Indeed my GF is not having this isue at all and the game is still very playable just the random closing is a problem…

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rynzo.9738


Game randomly crashes to desktop for me as well. It is not my system, as everything is up to date and my computer exceeds the recommended specs. I crash mostly during rpvp games where it will just crash to desktop and I am usually unable to submit a crash report because even that is froze. I have to cntrl/alt/delete and close the GW2 manually.

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zeae.2170


game crashing for me too,
AMD Phenom II 1100T x6 Black Edition, 8gb ram, 2gb 5750 radeon HD, onboard sound, win 7 64 bit premium
crashes to blue screen and forces comp restart, happens randomly as far as I can tell.
seeming like a common problem? possibly related to server overload?

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agien.9834


Now and then my error report will totally freeze my computer and force me to restart to get out as well Rynzo.

I have never gotten a blue screen from the game it just closes to desktop with a message something like a chain of errors has caused the program to close if I remember right.

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agien.9834


Kind of wish they had actual GMs to talk to voice or chat would make it actually feel like we are being heard

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dyngrin.5738


Hello I have been playing and loving the game since the early release. Well loving the game – the random crashing that is happening.

It seems to happen more often in pvp but I have had it happen when just standing in a town or in the middle of a story quest or just running around.

I have crashed quite a few times but its never 1 after the other and they are very random…

I really want this fixed it is keeping me from doing some things people would be relying on me heavily in and I could crash during.

side note I had uninstalled this game and my OS from my HDD installed the OS this game and updated drivers on my SSD then wiped out the HDD to turn it into storage. My drivers SHOULD be up to date as I updated them after the OS install.

O and I don’t know if it is related but some times my music freezes kind of holding a note as if I am going to crash but it kicks back into gear and starts going again. When this happens nothing ells freezes or stalls but the music.

I noticed in your ArenaNet log that you are getting Assertion errors which may mean a corrupted file in the game’s archive. Have you run the game with the -repair switch?


Scout Dyn, Engineer, Furious Pantaloons, Jade Quarry

aka Friar/Baronet/Disciple/Warlord Dyn

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agien.9834


Thought I should update.

It was working as it should for a few days but the game did close out on me this morning again. So it seems the repair tool was not the needed fix..

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agien.9834


This last update 9/18/12 has really messed me up… My game keeps crashing! I have crashed about 5x in a row playing spvp..

And my repair tool is not working so I can not run that. It skips right to the log in says 1 file remaining and when I close it I get an error.

(edited by Agien.9834)

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: losturtle.3867


Just throwing my hat in here too, game crashing constantly since the last update. Same symptoms as above.

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PeteBoxes.2486


I’m also having “random crashing” since the last update. I was able to play during beta and up until last patch without a single crash or any problem. I also updated my Nvidia driver to 306.23 on the same day. I’m not sure if the problem is from GW2 or Nvidia’s update since I update both at the same time. By the way… before I updated my Nividia driver, GW2 kept warning me that my driver was not up to date. I was so happy when Nvidia updated their driver. I logged on and GW2’s warning was no longer there. Played for about 30 mins than first crash came and follow by other random crashes 10-45mins apart. Crashes usually start by a display of blue pixel boxes, which appears for about 3 sec. Then my computer freezes, and restart about 20 secs later. This is really annoying!