Real Hard to be a player

Real Hard to be a player

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jiasi.9543


I think there are many people have been noticed “you have been suspended?”with just few words. And you even have no idea WHY?
Because I was feed my dog went doing an Event in the game?

Still there are many people which have been no word suspended, clutch at straws by the official supports.
After that you will get a Check Email Times.
Every day I check my Email several times. I will get crazy as a “Check Email guy”.

At last, sorry for these words.
But please give my account back or sent me the Email as soon as possible. I have wait three days.
My account still been suspended with the same words “Please contact for information”…and my empty Email inbox.

Real Hard to be a player

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Sorry, but figuring out what you have or haven’t done via reading your post is kind of difficult.

Have you:

1) Sent in a support ticket?

2) If you have, has it been 3 days since you’ve had any reply?

3) If so, have you posted here with the number of said ticket?

Real Hard to be a player

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moderator.9672



Endlessdreamer suggested exactly the steps you should follow to have your issue resolved.

I will only add this: please have a look at the thread How to submit a ticket before submitting it.

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