Requesting Ticket Support

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436


hello dear GW2 community and GW2 staff

a friend of mine wich is playing this game since its release back last year recently came back to the game

what he found was a hacked account with all informations from e-mail to password changed

he then contacted the support and restored his account changing his e-mail back and resetting its password
aswell as restoring lost characters/items

till this point everything went perfectly smoth and everything

but then one day later the account got banned due to some strange activitys on the account
he contacted the support again and unlocked the account

went smoth and fast like before

now comes the bad part
a few hours later around 3 am in the morning he got disconnected
his e-mail got changed again aswell as his password

ALL this happened btw. while the other ticket to restore the account was still open!

SIDE NOTE: e-mail adress can ONLY be changed by a SUPPORT member… not by a player !!!

so he contacted the support again in the same ticket as before
he provided everything from CD key over informations of the account like when wich character got created… were he bought the game.. how much it did cost… what version it was

and even a screenshot of his ID !

note that he provided this stuff before allready to restore the account!

the answer from the support took a few hours
the answer was short and simple ticket has been moved to account administration blabla contact shortly bla

he then wrote into the ticket that all he wants is:

1. restore the e-mail adress
2. reset the password
3. punish that guy
4. compensate for the loss of playtime/failure of the support
5. explain how this could happen

he provided the e-mail adress once again
and note that every other detail was still provided in the ticket form

about 24 hours later (thats shortly huh ?) an answer came from the account administration that he should reset his password and check his computer

now might someone tell me how he can change his e-mail adress whitout the support restoring it ? as he requested in the ticket ?

so hes sitting here since 3 days now unable to play cause the support changed the account information for someone who is NOT the owner of the account !
and the support isnt even responding or atleast takin the time to fix this problem wich THEY created

so i ask you guys how can this happen ?
how can the support change the account information of an account for someone who is not the owner and cant provide stuff like a ID screenshot ?

how can a support be that ignorant ?
how can a support threat a cusomer this way ?

did this happen to anyone before and maybe someone knows how to handle this situation ?

ticket number:

have a nice weekend

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gassy.8975


Did he buy, sell, or trade that account at any time?

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436


no he never did anything like that

his account including the original e-mail adress (aswell as some other accounts linked to that e-mail adress) got hacked

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I can understand some frustration in this situation but IMO going to a forum asking for support with a thread title, “worst support in the gaming industry” is probably not the best way to ask for help. I clicked the thread because I thought it was going to be another, “I got banned wrongfully and all I did was say, kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten, you kitten, kitten, kitten in chat. That’s what the language filter is for.” Sorry those types pop up regularly.

The Burninator

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436


I can understand some frustration in this situation but IMO going to a forum asking for support with a thread title, “worst support in the gaming industry” is probably not the best way to ask for help. I clicked the thread because I thought it was going to be another, “I got banned wrongfully and all I did was say, kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten, you kitten, kitten, kitten in chat. That’s what the language filter is for.” Sorry those types pop up regularly.

i agree with you but it is getting more attention then a title requesting ticket suport and reaching a larger amount of ppl

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


i agree with you but it is getting more attention then a title requesting ticket suport and reaching a larger amount of ppl

True but ultimately the only people it needs to reach is Anet staff. We are just the peanut gallery.

The Burninator

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436


i agree with you but it is getting more attention then a title requesting ticket suport and reaching a larger amount of ppl

True but ultimately the only people it needs to reach is Anet staff. We are just the peanut gallery.

true :P

lets hope this reaches someone from anet staff and this gets solved quickly

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

It’s late in the day for them. Close to 5pm PT. Gaile will most likely be back on the forum in the afternoon tomorrow (her time).

By the way, the title of your thread is unlikely to give a favorable impression to someone you are asking to help you.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fantasticz.1528


wow sounds like a lot of trouble !!!! hope this gets fixed soon…..

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Your friend is getting hacked, repeatedly. This is not an issue with our security, nor an issue with the quality of our support (hence, I changed your insulting thread title).

Your friend needs to secure his computer, as our agent has told him. He needs to scan for malware (like a keylogger) on his computer following instructions sent over on July 25th. He probably needs to set up a completely NEW e-mail account, since his e-mail may have been compromised. And he needs to stop making new tickets! If he has new information he needs to update his first ticket rather than making a new one.

We want to help, but we’re unable to do so right now, because we may be exposing the account’s information to the hacker (through an insecure communication chain). And your friend is refusing to provide other information that we need to prove that he is the account owner, when multiple people have the serial code.

Answer me this: How did that other person (the hacker) get the serial code? How was he able to get in the middle of this conversation? Probably (I am speculating) because the e-mail is hacked. Definitely he did not get the code info from us! Your friend needs to provide information that the hacker does not have. We are willing to work with him, but he needs to do his part!

My associate is sending a response. Have your friend respond, but have him consider the idea of a new e-mail address to keep the conversation private because we really believe that e-mail is compromised and that’s how someone is hacking him.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436




read this carefully please and then atleast give me the chance to ANSWER !!

wait wait wait

explain me this please:

my friend made a ticket INCLUDING the following:

-CD key
-order in wich characters got created
-screen of the ID including visible full name(same one as registered in the account)
-were/when he bought the game

and MANY more things

the hacker has NO ACCESS to the ID screen or other things besides the CD key

he got the CD key from the e-mail adress he hacked ( wich was the first e-mail adress registered to the account

the game was bought via wich send you a CD key
the e-mail was saved on the e-mail account
therefor he had access to that key

well now explain me why the support is changing the e-mail adress AGAIN to that french hacker guy who can ONLY provide a CD key while the original owner provides EVEN a screen of his ID
aswell as his mobile phone number and a number of account informations only he can have ?

explain me this please

the account IS save you guys just have to make sure that french guy cant change the e-mail via support with that CD key anymore

and he wrote EXACTLY that MANY times in the tickets

its a pure insult to the customer to give an answer like change the password while the e-mail adress is still changed to the one of that french hacker guy

this stuff has NOTHING to do with an insecure connection or anything
the only thing happened was that the e-mail adress got changed AGAIn to a guy not owning the account by the support

nothing else
no hacking going on right now

just a e-mail change by someone who previously hacked an e-mail adress and now has access to the CD key

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I understand you want to help your friend. As I said, we are actively looking at this!

I will merge this post into your other thread, but please just wait while an agent figures this out.

One thing we noted was that this account was purchased from an unauthorized third-party and that can sometimes pose issues in verification. We also suspect that the hacker closed the ticket when your friend wrote us.

We will continue to address this, but we may need to wait until a couple of other people are back on duty before we can finally resolve this. In the meantime, be assured that the account is locked to everyone and it is going to be kept that way until we have more information.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436



what does the ticket status critical mean ?
and if a ticket gets flagged as critical and you post in it it goes back to updated… does the support still see its marked as critical ?

also my friend got promised to get an answer monday morning
since tuesday morning is almost over and he still didnt get an answer could any forum mod look into this please ?


the ticket is not at the normal support anymore it got moved to account administration
also we know that the support has alot of stuff to do
but since he got promised to get an answer monday morning and the ticket is opened a total of 6 days today without it getting solved it might be time to get an answer :(

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hey Viper. An agent is in the process of reviewing this right now. (He was doing that when I asked him about it, so we’re good.) Two things happened:

  1. An agent clicked the wrong thing. Ignore the flags or the designations — they were simply done it error.
  2. You submitted a duplicate ticket, and as I have said many times, duplicate tickets slow your response! Here is a perfect example of that, so everyone should keep this in mind: If you want an update, update your existing ticket and do not create a new one.

You’ll have an answer today.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436



i guess some of you have allready read some of my threads

today im back with yet another unbelievable thing from this so called support

so a week ago a friend of mine came back to the game
he noticed his account got hacked so he made a ticket about it to restore it

he got it restored within a few hours
the next day it got banned

he wrote again to the support and they lifted the bann
a few hours later he got DCd and his e-mail got changed

so he contacted the support cause they are the only ppl that CAN change the e-mail adress and asked them why they changed it

the ticket got moved over to the account administration section
it took 24 hours to get an answer for that

the answer was just change your password but they didnt restore the e-mail or anything

he then wrote he cant cause they forgott to change the e-mail adress

they stated that they have to verify the real owner
please note that he has provided a screen of his ID in this ticket…

all this stuff took almost a week
giving him the final answer yesterday that he had to buy a new copy of the game and they would change his CD-key to the new one

allright so he bought a new copy of the game and gave the code to the support
they changed everything a day later and told him he could play again

when he tryed to login he got a message that he entered a wrong username/password

so he tryed to reset the password
the site stated that instructions how to reset the password have been sent to his e-mail adress

but nothing ever arrived
he tryed it with chrome aswell as firefox and also deleted cookies for both
nothing helped he never recieved any e-mail

he ofc. also checked spam folder

anyways so he made a new quick ticket to restore his password
he included once again everything needed

the first answer took 20 minutes and they asked for a few more informations about the account
he provided them

then several hours later another replay arrived stating once again the have to verify he is the owner of the account and he should provide a whole list of answers to verify hes the owner

now let me make this clear:
there is a ticket on his account with like 80 posts allready to verify hes the owner and restoring his account

those ppl just simply forgott to reset his password (wich he requested in his ticket btw. but seems like they dont ever read tickets)

he even stated in his new ticket that there is a huge ticket on the support account to verify him beeing the owner and all he needed was jsut a quick password reset

its been 7 days now since all this stuff started
it started with a mistake you guys made

and ended with him beeing forced to buy a complete new copie of the game

now why he has to verify himself once again wich will take several days AGAIN to just reset his password ?

i once again say this:
this is by FAR the worst support in the whole gaming industrie!
there is nothing comparable to how bad this support is and how bad they communicate with eachother !

last but not least the ticket IDs:

original ticket to restore the account:

—-> here you can find the new CD-key and the final answer of the support that everything is allright and has been changed

the first reset password ticket:

—-> everything provided in this ticket and the answers of the support are in here.. he closed this ticket because well… you can imagine how angry he is right ?

the ticket wich is open right now:
—> once again everything provided… even his ID once again

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aycee.9162


It seems really strange that support would force him to buy a new account to restore his account. It’s kind of like paying for his ban to be lifted, if anything they should have provided him a new account free of charge.

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436


It seems really strange that support would force him to buy a new account to restore his account. It’s kind of like paying for his ban to be lifted, if anything they should have provided him a new account free of charge.

check this its the official replay he recieved:

*Hi xxxx,

I apologize for the delays in getting back to you. Sadly, I was not able to obtain a new serial code for your account. Because the game was purchased from an unauthorized retailer, we are not able to support the account.

Let me be very, very clear here. You are in this situation because unauthorized retailers are in the business of defrauding players: selling bad codes, selling codes more than once, and other sorts of unsavory activities. I did the best I could to find a way to help you, but the bottom line is that you were mislead by the retailer from which you purchased your code. We highly recommend pursuing any and all action required to obtain a refund from them for your purchase of Guild Wars 2.

There is no doubt you have been a dedicated player since launch, and because of this we are willing to make an exception for you. Normally even if you purchased a new, legitimate code, you would still be required to start over with a new account. However, in your case, if you purchase a new copy of Guild Wars 2 from an authorized retailer, and provide us with the new serial code, we will apply this code to your existing account so that you may continue playing on your account.

Please let us know when you have obtained a new code from an authorized retailer and we will re-activate your account.

Regards, Peter*

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aycee.9162


Oh wow, that’s interesting. Any idea where he bought it from?

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Well there’s your problem. I mean seriously, it’s right there in the email. Your friend bought a code from some third-party that’s probably not legit or was used for more than one account.

Did he buy the second account from the same retailer, or did he download it direct from the site here?

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436


Well there’s your problem. I mean seriously, it’s right there in the email. Your friend bought a code from some third-party that’s probably not legit or was used for more than one account.

Did he buy the second account from the same retailer, or did he download it direct from the site here?

the site he bought it from is one of the largest sellers in germany (were he is from btw.)
there is no way anyone would have noticed its not legit even if you google the site or anything no one ever states its not a legit seller or anything

the only thing is its not stated under the official trader list
wich btw. for sure isnt up to date because i know hundreds of huge markets wich sell GW2 nearby and they all are not on the list

anyways the new code is purchased right from the website
he included the paypal transactions ID and everything

the thing isnt that the key is changed or anything we can live with that aslong as he can play again

the thing is AFTER all this got solved they forgott to reset the password
and for him its not working on the website

and now the support wants a full verify of the account once again

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


So what you’re saying is that because your friend purchased an illegal key, ArenaNet is responsible for issuing a legal key to your friend at their expense?

If you buy a used car from the shady guy on the corner and the car turns out to be stolen, do you expect Ford to send you a new car when the police confiscate the one you purchase? No.

Although the game is only 39 dollars, it is the same principle. Unfortunately, there are “shady dealers on the corner,” stealing keys through various nefarious means and selling them. Given that ArenaNet sells the product directly and there are many authorized retailers, the buyer who goes elsewhere falls victim to the old adage “Caveat emptor”, “Let the buyer beware.”

That ArenaNet is willing to let your friend keep their current account, characters, etc. seems more than reasonable to me.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436



So what you’re saying is that because your friend purchased an illegal key, ArenaNet is responsible for issuing a legal key to your friend at their expense?

If you buy a used car from the shady guy on the corner and the car turns out to be stolen, do you expect Ford to send you a new car when the police confiscate the one you purchase? No.

Although the game is only 39 dollars, it is the same principle. Unfortunately, there are “shady dealers on the corner,” stealing keys through various nefarious means and selling them. Given that ArenaNet sells the product directly and there are many authorized retailers, the buyer who goes elsewhere falls victim to the old adage “Caveat emptor”, “Let the buyer beware.”

That ArenaNet is willing to let your friend keep their current account, characters, etc. seems more than reasonable to me.

Just my two coppers worth,

no wait

the original reason the ticket was created was because his e-mail adress were the key was stored got hacked months ago !
and they kept on changing the e-mail adress for that hacker guy

even after my friend told them that another dude has the key and provided his ID so that doesnt happen again

and even while exactly that ticket was still open

the original issue isnt about the key
its about the account getting hacked

like i said he is OK with that buy a new CD-key
but now AFTER he DID buy a new CD key and everything has been solved except for the password

they start that verify process wich took 7 days all over again
AFTER everything in the original ticket got solved AND he bought a new game

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viper.2436


they stop to work in about 1 hour right… ?
still no answer or anything to reset the password…

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Well there’s your problem. I mean seriously, it’s right there in the email. Your friend bought a code from some third-party that’s probably not legit or was used for more than one account.

Did he buy the second account from the same retailer, or did he download it direct from the site here?

bluestocking is correct. It’s not fair to blame ArenaNet or NCSOFT for the shoddy practices of an unauthorized seller.

Viper — Please stop posting about this. The issue is NOT ours to resolve, and I think the team has been extraordinarily kind to allow the player to re-enable his account rather than saying “Nope, start over.”

Considering the circumstances you are wrong to be upset; rather, I feel, you should recognize that we got not a single penny of that shady seller’s money, and cannot be held responsible for his/her actions!

If your friend needs help with his password, have him update his existing ticket. Tell him to not create new tickets. Doing that provably slows the process and wastes his time and ours. We want to help, but can only do so in a reasonable flow of time, without incessant new tickets and forum posts on the same subject.

And quite honestly, if he again purchase from an unauthorized reseller — and I don’t care how big that company is — the issue may be that again he’s gotten a fraudulent serial code. Only a discussion with the agent can resolve this, so please have him continue that talk.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)