Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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The prices you can select (‘Meet highest buyer’ and ‘Match lowest seller’ and ‘Add to my lowest listing’) are now on two lines, making it very annoying to read it. It puts the gold and silver on the top, and the copper on the bottom. This is a recent bug… started on the tuesday update.
Confirmed on my girlfriends MacBook Pro running Guild Wars.
I believe it may be happening with Mac version of the game. For me it looks normal and I’m on Windows.
@Mystic: are you also using a Mac version of the game?
It’s only bugged on the mac version!?!?
suffering succotash!
well… it is a game bug and can’t be fixed via tech support, so this section is where it belongs.
yes, mac here.
(edited by Mystic.5934)
… They moved it.
(edited by Mystic.5934)
Yep – Mac here too and getting it – weird thing was I thought it was because I changed from Normal to Small interface size until you mentioned it!
It does make it a little more difficult to read what you’re selling your items for, but I think they probably know about it and will fix it quite soon (I hope!)
Suffering Succotash indeed!
In my case, the entire UI is slightly “off” leading to this two line issue and some overlap of the “Prev Next” and the Gold Total in bottom right.
No idea what’s really the case; but if this were a word processor or web publishing app, I’d say somewhere there’s a misplaced newline in the UI layout.
This is not happening in Linux. Dunno about Windows… don’t have a Windows box to test.
Yes the pointer is a bit out of alignment with the tp now I find, is a little hard to click at the very last digit of the copper price box at least for me, I tried changing res and interface size to no avail, at first I thought the error was from minimise and remaximising the client (for an older mmo changing sizes can affect the GUI at least before a relog) but nope no joy. At least Living story is over I hope Anet will use this time to fix many issues, at the very least the Lion’s Arch events on the whole ran better than Scarlet’s marionette for me.
In my case, the entire UI is slightly “off” leading to this two line issue and some overlap of the “Prev Next” and the Gold Total in bottom right.
No idea what’s really the case; but if this were a word processor or web publishing app, I’d say somewhere there’s a misplaced newline in the UI layout.
This is not happening in Linux. Dunno about Windows… don’t have a Windows box to test.
I lied accidentally. this DOES sometimes happen under Wine in Linux, but it’s intermittent. Relog fixes in Linux, usually.
In my case, the entire UI is slightly “off” leading to this two line issue and some overlap of the “Prev Next” and the Gold Total in bottom right.
No idea what’s really the case; but if this were a word processor or web publishing app, I’d say somewhere there’s a misplaced newline in the UI layout.
This is not happening in Linux. Dunno about Windows… don’t have a Windows box to test.
I lied accidentally. this DOES sometimes happen under Wine in Linux, but it’s intermittent. Relog fixes in Linux, usually.
I was having the same “off” / overlapping issue in Linux. I fixed it by installing the Microsoft Core Fonts (Arial and such) from my package manager and restarting Xorg. Mac OS should have those already, so I’m not sure what would cause it there. /shrug
The prices being on multiple lines in the sell interface is still a constant for me. It’s only mildly annoying though, and is totally deal-with-able.
Just tossing this out there, for any Linux users that stumble across this thread.
I like how the forum team took the time to move this thread to the Mac beta forum but they would not take the time to respond or help us out. lol.
OP, you should probably just roll the dice and submit a support ticket. If you get someone that says, "This client is in “beta” so there will be problems" or “We cannot help you. Post on the forums” etc. simply say thank you, close your ticket, and open a new one with the exact same information but a different title. You should get someone willing to help you in 1-3 tickets.
In my case, the entire UI is slightly “off” leading to this two line issue and some overlap of the “Prev Next” and the Gold Total in bottom right.
No idea what’s really the case; but if this were a word processor or web publishing app, I’d say somewhere there’s a misplaced newline in the UI layout.
This is not happening in Linux. Dunno about Windows… don’t have a Windows box to test.
I lied accidentally. this DOES sometimes happen under Wine in Linux, but it’s intermittent. Relog fixes in Linux, usually.
I was having the same “off” / overlapping issue in Linux. I fixed it by installing the Microsoft Core Fonts (Arial and such) from my package manager and restarting Xorg. Mac OS should have those already, so I’m not sure what would cause it there. /shrug
The prices being on multiple lines in the sell interface is still a constant for me. It’s only mildly annoying though, and is totally deal-with-able.
Just tossing this out there, for any Linux users that stumble across this thread.
Huh, I’ll check it… I coulda sworn I installed the corefonts.
This irritant problem is now minuscule seeing as we can’t even use the tp now as of last night! As we are reminded often with life, if we think things are bad they can always get worse ‘/\’. Perhaps merge this with the BLTP issues thread
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.