Serious crashes

Serious crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Corvus.4085


I’ve experienced very bad crashes from since I started playing GW2 properly. The crashes are frequent but irregular – at one point I went an entire night without crashes, and at worst GW2 crashes every hour.

The crashes can be so bad that Windows can’t boot and GW2 can’t even run the repair function. Every time the screen goes black first. I have music playing while I play, and the music keeps going for about three seconds before beginning to loop in approximately 0.1 second loops. Then the computer resets, and on some occasions Windows couldn’t start up at all afterwards – it complains something about the disk from which it’s booting. I didn’t save the error message.

This is very serious stuff, clearly, and I’ll be forced to quit if I can’t find a solution. I quit City of Heroes due to the same issue. Only NCSoft games have had this issue (but not original Guild Wars, just GW2 and City of Heroes). After crashes that even screw up Windows, I must be crazy for even running the game anymore. I’m somewhat addicted, but I’ll rather quit than risk anything.

My computer specs:
ATI Radeon HD 4800 with the latest ATI drivers
Inter Core i7 920
Samsung HD103UJ ATA 1TB

I’m running Windows 7 with foobar2000 in the background. I’ve tried shutting down pretty much every other program, but the game may still crash rather quickly.

I realise I don’t really have enough memory for gaming on Windows 7, but there aren’t problems indicating lack of memory in the game performance. I thought maybe the game is using the disk as memory, and when the game crashes, it becomes corrupted? But then, shouldn’t the game be running really poorly if it’s using memory on the hard drive? And why does it crash, when games like Age of Conan and Skyrim run just fine.

Serious crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xispeo.1706


Don’t feel alone, you aren’t.
GW2 gets corrupted quite often on my machine, I now run gw2 with the extension “-repair” before every session.
Many players crash as much as you, since a long.

Vizunah – Zorèy/Crystalizer

Serious crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Corvus.4085


That’s reassuring, and yet depressing.

If all this is because of poor memory safety in the program, well, gosh darn.

(edited by Corvus.4085)

Serious crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xispeo.1706


That’s reassuring, and yet depressing.

That’s the problem with gw2, I am a calm person but am getting very bored of all these crashes, especially since I know that if I run another major mmo I won’t have any crash at all, which was the case with the mmos I played before gw2…

Vizunah – Zorèy/Crystalizer

Serious crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xispeo.1706


…If all this is because of poor memory safety in the program, well, gosh darn.

You can try the usual stuff : run memtest the whole night long, start to replace some parts of your computer, start with memory, try to find a friend who can borrow you his PSU, DDR, GPU. Also that may come from your harddrive. But i am very skeptic about hardware issues since my computer runs like a charm except gw2. I also suspect gw2 to have a problem with the older ATI graphics cards combined with the series drivers ^^

Vizunah – Zorèy/Crystalizer

Serious crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Corvus.4085


So a downgrade in drivers might actually help?

Serious crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xispeo.1706


So a downgrade in drivers might actually help?

Or not…
Some reported that downgrading to 12.10 resolved their problems, especially with older ATI cards.
I tried on my machine but my system bugs when I go back to 12.10, and I don’t want to reinstall windows.

Vizunah – Zorèy/Crystalizer