Server Disconnects

Server Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darkelf.3290


Hey guys,

Been playing tonight on Gandara – almost always Heavily Populated…

I have had 3 or 4 disconnects from server quoting error code 7:11:3:191:101

Seem to be every 10 – 15 minutes.

The disconnect is related to GW2 as I have been playing SWTOR without incident for 2 hours before this and was downloading on Steam an hour before that…

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


Server Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shuggie.7184


The same thing has been happening to me for 2 days on Fort Aspenwood. Definitely not on my end as many other games are working fine.

Disconnect happens every 10-15 minutes

Thank you