Server change started my fan
I would look for another cause other than changing servers for any change to CPU load and RAM usage.
Your computer shouldn’t be in any danger as long as the cooling is good enough. If you didn’t build the computer yourself, then you may want to install something like HWmonitor (free and easy to use, monitors pretty much all temperatures, just leave it running in the background and it will track current, as well as min/max temperatures) to make sure your CPU and graphics card aren’t overheating (or getting close to).
The reason you’re suddenly hearing you CPU fan might be due to higher population density, which can increase the load on the CPU, thus making it run hotter and need more cooling.
A well-built and well-maintained gaming PC shouldn’t have any problem running at 100% useage for long periods of time though – if you do have any problems you might want to look at ways to improve your PC’s cooling (adding extra fans, cleaning, reapplying thermal paste on the CPU, etc) to avoid overheating problems. Also buy a can of compressed air and cleaning out the dust every few months can help a great deal (make sure the PC is fully powered off and let it rest for about 20 minutes after cleaning before powering it back on).
First of all Server has nothing to do with your fan kicking in etc etc. But if you just had noticed that all 4 cores are working harder than before then its because the latest 2 patchs are working to push those that have better processors with 4cores. Before even if we had 4 cores only like 2 would be pushed and stressed. now with the last 2 patches it seems to smooth out and all 4 cores seem to work. But if you worried about dmging your pc, I run something like Amarinth said HWmonitor and see what your temps are like when playing GW2. I myself run the I7 960 at 3.2ghz unclocked and Gw2 gives me a good 60-72C on my cores. Sure I would love it to be cooler but its no worries at those temps until I hit 90s. Then there is really something wrong.
thanks for the info
Its deff the population density that has created the stress. now i just need to see about coolin this baby down