Severe Server Lag

Severe Server Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remix.2086


As of 10 Feb 2015, I’ve been experiencing severe server lag.

The most lag is during WvW on any map. I get it occasionally outside of WvW. I haven’t dared trying to pvp with it, seeing as I can’t fight a trash mob, let alone another player in this lag.

I’m on Fort Aspenwood server, and majority of the players are experiencing the same lag. It very unplayable. I’ve asked friends on other servers and they don’t seem to be experiencing it.

But looking at this forum, a few others are experience random crashing due to the server lag. I know this isn’t on my end, because I’m hardwired into my net and have tested my download speeds. everything is normal.

Any information on this?

[MR] Mist Raiders
Sucks to Suck

(edited by Remix.2086)

Severe Server Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: doodrun.4823


Gonna bump this for a signal boost. Myself, and a few other guildmates are having this issue. Since WoW is having issues with Comcast, and since one of my guildmates is NOT having this issue (she’s in Nevada), maybe it’s location-based or ISP-based?

Severe Server Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: waSte.8640


I am also experiencing the same issue. I’ve never had lag issues except for WvW skill lag in large fights. This is different and everywhere (rubber banding, skills not hitting then all hitting at once, disconnects). It is this hop that is dropping the packets (50%) and adding about 100ms latency. seems to be the last hop before getting to ANET.

I am on Fort Aspenwood server, located in East Coast USA. I’m hearing the same thing from alot of players. PVP, WVW, PVE- The lag is real.

Severe Server Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: waSte.8640


I should have also said, this problem has started since around Feb. 12th. Just got lagged and DC out of PvP. Sorry team :/

Severe Server Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xandror.2356


I am having the same problem, for around a week i have been experiencing 1 to 10 second lag spikes, its most noticeable in dungeons. I am on blackgate server, live in Massachusetts and use Verizon Fios internet.

I had this problem about a year ago, I tried playing World of Tanks to see if it was my ISP causing the issue, wound up getting hooked on WoT and didn’t play Gw2 for 6 months. When I got back the lag was gone.

Severe Server Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: QQing.3089


There are other threads on this topic, but mostly its Verizon users. I just got off the phone with support and shared screens with them while running a tracert. They can see where the tie-up in the network is and where the data packets get ping-ponged around until eventually getting to NCsoft’s servers, they just cant do anything about it. I don’t know who to contact about a core networking problem on their network because their regular customer care reps cant do anything about it.

Severe Server Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wwwes.1398


Same problem, usually in PvP, but that’s just because it’s my main activity lately, it’s actually been happening jsut about everywhere. Live in Florida and have Verizon FIOS.

Severe Server Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dermal.8647


I have been getting the same problem on Jade Quarry and my brother as well on Devonas Rest are having severe lag issues. Our connection to our internet is on all bars we also have Verizon Fios.

Jade Quarry – [IG] Instagram United – Officer

Severe Server Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: grendelnaut.7685


Past 2 days been experiencing log in issues. Will not allow any character to log in. If they ever do get logged in I can not travel the maps. What gives?

(edited by grendelnaut.7685)