Skill delay since patch

Skill delay since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: davidhoughton.2104


Ever since the patch skills and interactions with npc’s have a big delay, sometimes up to 10 seconds. I’m quite certain its not my internet as other games are working as usual. Also, players seem to go invisible and jump around from lag spikes, other than that I’m maintaining a high fps and my own character moves as normal. I’m pretty sure others are experiencing this after going through forums.

Skill delay since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


check your ping times to the server ( See Part 7.9 )
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

Skill delay since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: davidhoughton.2104


check your ping times to the server ( See Part 7.9 )

I’m not really too sure what to do with the instructions.