Still not working after rollback
Some seem to have success running as Administrator.
Good luck.
Same thing, i get error code: 1083:5:7:1595:101 log into character screen and then it crashes. My character is at pvp lobby..
Ditto for me. I just tried a couple minutes ago.
Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood
I run as the admin. It’s my computer. First time to log in since before patch/update, no access to game trying to log character into Rata Sum. Error message 1083:5:7:1595:101
Same issue here.
I am also not able to get past the character screen, gives me a network error, even though I am connected and working fine. This just started after the fix from the patch yesterday. Help!
I’m play GW2 64 bit on Windows 10 and the -repair & -diag target commands do not work. Dunno if its a 64 bit thing.
I had the same login issues earlier but I can get into the game without a repair now, BUT I keep getting disconnect errors after just a few minutes of playing. And when I log back I find that everything I did, like running from Ebonhawke to just before the Blazeridge Steps entrance and all the WPs I grabbed in between, were undone…as if the server received no data from my character, despite the map opening, monsters dying, skills firing and WP animations playing as I grab them.
I run as the admin. It’s my computer. First time to log in since before patch/update, no access to game trying to log character into Rata Sum. Error message 1083:5:7:1595:101
But apps default to system right click and choos the compatibility tab and set it to run as administrator.
I was having this same issues this morning, after about the 4th or 5th try it did finally let me into the game . some of my guild had the same problem as well but just kept trying to log on until it let them.
Same issue here….
Win 10 64 bit
same specs, same error
Is the maintenance over? The main forum page seems to indicate there is still issues being attended to.
I have exactly the same login issue when trying to connect. 1083:5:7:1595:101
I was doing PVE events when I got disconnected, then the rollback.
have the same problem.
A dev should make a note on this topic,
But taken from another topic
Solved. Apparently you have to start “manually”, i.e. double clicking gw2 source file in app folder. It all works again.
This worked for me, don’t use the shortcut to get into game, use the source exe to launch for the first time.
(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)
i have the same problem guys …. i play for 5 to 10 min then get 7:11:3:191:101 error
never happened before update
Same problem here….
EDIT: the repair option worked….
- Locate your Gw2.exe file.
- Right-click on the file and select Create shortcut.
- Rename this new shortcut to Guild Wars 2 Repair.
- Right-click on Guild Wars 2 Repair and select Properties.
- Locate the Target line and add –repair to the end. …
- Click OK.
(edited by danizmax.4329)
Same problem here.
i just performed a repair but apparentaly it didnt work .. i got the same error
I’m getting the same error, anyway to fix it so I can get my daily log-in reward? I don’t want to miss a day.
it seems that i get this error only when i move from the map i am in into another map …. for example i log in lion’s arch and i can move and do whatever but when i tp into fractals i encounter the problem … this means it’s not my router’s problem
For those who did read what I quoted, here is the link with the FIX that works, I had the same problem and this FIX worked, its worked for friends also.
still nothing works for me after repair and admin
At least you managed to reach the character screen.
It won’t let me log in at all, citing firewall ad hoc, none of which are valid concerns.
Sent a ticket.
Whose idea was it to time the game update with return to school panic?
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai
Login successful…err… until I reach that wee screen you just showed me.
Still, progress, compared to not being able to log in at all.
If the glitch is because people are all trying to relog back in to check on their characters, then this brings me to a classical MMO gripe:
Don’t sell more accounts than you can handle.
If you can’t have them running normally all online at once, you will have trouble!
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai