Sudden Lag Issues
I can assure you that you are not the only one. I’m usually at 60-70ms and now I’m lucky if I get 250ms.
I’ve been lagging a ton for weeks now, even when I use WTFast, and its ONLY gw2. it might have something to do with the new 64 bit client stuff? but even when I force the game into the 32 bit the lag and disconnects still happen. Enough people have been having this problem lately, you would think Anet would say something…
I am having similar issues, gw has been roughing up my computer lately. I am getting lag spikes constantly, my ping bounces from 70-5k, and my fps drops to 1 lol around large groups. I dont know what is going on. Rubberbanding, dc’s, freezes, lag its becoming unplayable.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
Yep me and my wife are having the same issues. The game has become unplayable.
Terrible lag today in wvw, I had to give up playing. My baseline ping is around 200ms (yes I’m OCX) but the rubberbanding and skill lag was unplayable at 1600ms and up to 4500ms. Its clearly evident to all my guildies in game as I just can’t do anything. A couple of other people were complaining in game about the same happening to them…
No problems showing on pingplotter or my traceroute- connection is fine so it must be happening within game. I have filed a support ticket with Anet.
If you read this info I have in this post you can learn a bit more about how the Internet works and how to test if it’s Anet or not. I see some responses here that show ping plotter shows no issues. It could be several issues at that point but filing a ticket with support is not a bad idea.
If you read this info I have in this post you can learn a bit more about how the Internet works and how to test if it’s Anet or not. I see some responses here that show ping plotter shows no issues. It could be several issues at that point but filing a ticket with support is not a bad idea.
Thanks I am using it now, it looks like the ncsoft servers are indeed the issue
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
Just tried karka queen, 3500 ping the entire time, dc’ed in the middle of the event, everything was basically frozen, game was stuttering and lagging while just running around on the map before the event started my fps was dropping to 3. Pingplotter shows a massive packet loss right before and right after it started.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
(edited by X T D.6458)
The problem is, it’s their server side problem. Not ours to begin with. And this lagfest has been going on for a while but no fixes to it.
If ping plotter shows it their side you should open a ticket and attach a screen shot.
same problems here. PVP simply unplayable, ragequit when ping reached something like 4800, goes like this for past 2-3 days
DSL speed locked at 16Mbs, only GW2 has lag issues
I have lag issues too. 1700ms ping and so on.
I did a ping/packetloss traceroute to the IP address of the GW server, and it appears that their Telia upstream link (Telia is one of ncsoft’s upstream providers) is having terrible packet loss and high ping issues. Usually a data center has multiple upstream links to the internet, which is why only some people are experiencing the issue. If you’re unfortunate enough that your ISP has preferred upstream whose upstream has a preferred upstream whose upstream goes via that telia link to NCSoft, you’re out of luck until anet fix it, or anet get telia to fix it (depending on whose fault it is).
This isn’t the first time this has happened, if you google Telia and GW2 (or even just Telia and lag) you will find this has frequently happened for GW2, LoL, WoW, HearthStone, etc for years. And yes, it’s something anet can fix – by getting rid of Telia as one of their upstream providers, or properly fixing the issue (depending on the cause of the broken link).
(edited by wheezycheezel.8697)
I am basically unable to do anything in game, Ive just been standing around in Divinity’s Reach going through my bank, even then my ping is bouncing and fps is dropping, opening windows or loading text produces lag. Please anet look into this, it keeps getting worse each day and I don’t know what else to do.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
The thing is, they should have monitoring software that monitors the state of all of their upstream links. So they either know about it already, or they don’t monitor the link or don’t monitor it properly.
I’m tethering to my mobile phone to get around the bad route issue at the moment. is another option to get around the issue.
(edited by wheezycheezel.8697)
Yeah it’s been like that for 2 months now, especially in wvw and during some big pve events. I’ve tried everything there was to do and i’m pretty sure that the problem is not on our side.
I only got it in WvW, and the Borderlands only. In EBG its no problem at all…
While i play with 100mbps down/up i cannot get below 2000 ping when an enemy blob appears.
It used to be like a ping of 150 maybe in blob fights, but 2000 is crazy. At one point it even spiked to 5k+, causing extremely much delay and unplayable situations. Hope this gets fixed soon!
In comparison, PvE i play 20 ping max
Fak Everything And Run
Just logged in, and already I am getting massive lag, fps drops, and ping spikes. My ping spiked to 3600 just turning around my toon, I haven’t moved a step and already the game is unplayable. Anet please do something about your servers or whatever the problem with Telia is.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
1 fps and up to 3k ping in wvw…
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
Just logged in, and already I am getting massive lag, fps drops, and ping spikes. My ping spiked to 3600 just turning around my toon, I haven’t moved a step and already the game is unplayable. Anet please do something about your servers or whatever the problem with Telia is.
If it’s with Telia, Anet can’t do anything. YOU need to report it to your ISP and tell them to contact Telia.
Impossible to play at the moment. Ping is going up from 160 to 600 or 2000 in wvw and pvp.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
I ran a pingplotter along side me playing in WvW.
IP is
I had some small packetloss on the amsterdam hop but not a lot.
While my pingplotter showed no issues besides the occasional spike to around 100-120 ms on the last ncsoft hop I was having SERIOUS lag in the game itself.
Lag upwards of 3000 ms.
Added screenshot of pingplotter.
Been getting this too for about a week now. Also several DCs each night, which did not use to happen before.
I guess it’s because the servers have been downgraded or removed to cut costs. Happens with all games that are bleeding customers.
~ There is no balance team. ~
Again huge lag in a fractal.
800 ms spikes.
In-game average ping 800 ms.
Pingplotter average ping 28 highest on any hop.
This lag ONLY takes place when im in the game connecting to a-net servers.
Tried ANOTHER data repair and this seemed to help I thought. But it has not in the end.
Lag does not seem to be present on all the servers.
(edited by Shoarmapapa.6480)
Again huge lag in a fractal.
800 ms spikes.IP.
In-game average ping 800 ms.
Pingplotter average ping 28 highest on any hop.This lag ONLY takes place when im in the game connecting to a-net servers.
Tried ANOTHER data repair and this seemed to help I thought. But it has not in the end.Lag does not seem to be present on all the servers.
Your packet loss starts at Hop 7 (Amsterdam Level 3).
Again huge lag in a fractal.
800 ms spikes.IP.
In-game average ping 800 ms.
Pingplotter average ping 28 highest on any hop.This lag ONLY takes place when im in the game connecting to a-net servers.
Tried ANOTHER data repair and this seemed to help I thought. But it has not in the end.Lag does not seem to be present on all the servers.
Your packet loss starts at Hop 7 (Amsterdam Level 3).
Yes, 2% packet loss, which is basically NOTHING and still I have a 28 ping average to a-net servers through pingplotter but in the game itself it goes as far as past 4000ms.
Yeah it’s basically unplayable. You just start to have some fun then the lag/ping spikes kick in and you may as well be an NPC for all the responsiveness your character has.
I’m very surprised there have been this many reports and no response at all though. Surprised and disappointed.
EDIT TO ADD: I only recently returned and was starting to enjoy GW2 again but these issues have repeatedly made me close the game in disgust. It’s too frustrating. It’s also frustrating seeing so few anet posts in tech support (if you exclude “I cannot buy gems for money” of course).
Perish [FLEE]
(edited by Luranni.9470)
WvW has had skill lag since the beginning, nothing has really changed with that, maybe a few tweaks and there. Playing a ‘twitch’ class like Thief, it’s difficult, but even when playing a more tanky class, weapon swaps take 3-5s or even more.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
Again huge lag in a fractal.
800 ms spikes.IP.
In-game average ping 800 ms.
Pingplotter average ping 28 highest on any hop.This lag ONLY takes place when im in the game connecting to a-net servers.
Tried ANOTHER data repair and this seemed to help I thought. But it has not in the end.Lag does not seem to be present on all the servers.
Can you take a picture of when the lag is happening? Was the lag happening when you took this picture…. I’m assuming not but if it was then idk what’s going on
Again huge lag in a fractal.
800 ms spikes.IP.
In-game average ping 800 ms.
Pingplotter average ping 28 highest on any hop.This lag ONLY takes place when im in the game connecting to a-net servers.
Tried ANOTHER data repair and this seemed to help I thought. But it has not in the end.Lag does not seem to be present on all the servers.
Your packet loss starts at Hop 7 (Amsterdam Level 3).
Yes, 2% packet loss, which is basically NOTHING and still I have a 28 ping average to a-net servers through pingplotter but in the game itself it goes as far as past 4000ms.
It is NOT nothing. Your packet loss IS the problem here.
I have no packet loss to the game servers and therefore, the game runs perfectly for me. Your problem lies with Level 3 (as was stated), not the game servers. A-net cannot fix this because they don’t own the faulty node.
That’s a fact, Jack.
Yeah I figured it was a node Anet has no control over as this is rarely an issue for me but has been persistent for the past few days.
They (not Anet) need to fix it because it’s frustrating as hell and I have no one to yell at about it
I main an ele but playeth all the things
Ope I lied – my connection issue is very much so the cause of an NCSoft server. Rip.
I main an ele but playeth all the things
Again huge lag in a fractal.
800 ms spikes.IP.
In-game average ping 800 ms.
Pingplotter average ping 28 highest on any hop.This lag ONLY takes place when im in the game connecting to a-net servers.
Tried ANOTHER data repair and this seemed to help I thought. But it has not in the end.Lag does not seem to be present on all the servers.
Can you take a picture of when the lag is happening? Was the lag happening when you took this picture…. I’m assuming not but if it was then idk what’s going on
Yes mate, as I started lagging I had the ping plotter run at the same time.
In-game like 800-2000 ms.
Pingplotter 28ms.
Again huge lag in a fractal.
800 ms spikes.IP.
In-game average ping 800 ms.
Pingplotter average ping 28 highest on any hop.This lag ONLY takes place when im in the game connecting to a-net servers.
Tried ANOTHER data repair and this seemed to help I thought. But it has not in the end.Lag does not seem to be present on all the servers.
Your packet loss starts at Hop 7 (Amsterdam Level 3).
Yes, 2% packet loss, which is basically NOTHING and still I have a 28 ping average to a-net servers through pingplotter but in the game itself it goes as far as past 4000ms.
It is NOT nothing. Your packet loss IS the problem here.
I have no packet loss to the game servers and therefore, the game runs perfectly for me. Your problem lies with Level 3 (as was stated), not the game servers. A-net cannot fix this because they don’t own the faulty node.
That’s a fact, Jack.
That is mighty strange then, because ALL my internet traffic runs through the node in amsterdam first. Also other mmo’s, even Guildwars 1. Yet NONE of these programs or games have ANY issues, except for Guildwars 2.
Hi Chaps,
Regarding 2% packet loss – it is categorically NOT the cause of your lag problem.
First you need to take into context your average response time, which is absolutely excellent (anything below 100 ms within a continent is considered great).
Next, you need to know that the GW2 traffic relating to your play session is carried by TCP packets, which include automatic resending of lost packets and automatic re-ordering of out of sequence packets.
You can see from my attached Wireshark trace screenshot that such a retransmit can occur very quickly (~ 28 ms). However, the retransmit time will most definitely be variable, following a normal distribution or bell curve). Unfortunately, I lack sufficient data to provide an estimated mean.
The rule of thumb in Wide Area Networking would be to ignore packet loss of less than 5% for most (error correcting) protocols, such as TCP.
Casting my expert eye over your pingplots, I would say that your lag problems are most likely caused by a processing bottleneck on either the server, or the client.
You could use a (free) tool such as Paessler’s PRTG to monitor your client side system and application performance.
However, my guess would be that it is a Server side business, since so many people experience the issue, and it seems worse for many at busy times.
I am on the JQ server and live on the east coast. I cant even get past the character screen. I was DC when I was playing but my internet is fine. Runs everything beside the game.
Durps, I didn’t see this thread. Yeap! Connection issues, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America.
I also was on the JQ server and got kicked out, cant get back in.
Thank you for your Response Pookie.
I made a ticket about my lag isues and finally got a response from ncsoft.
They made me run a tool called Gameadvisor, which showed packet loss to the servers.
Now they are making me run a program called WinMTR to pathping the server ip im playing on atm.
Ill keep you updated on what the result will be.
Hi Shoarmapappa,
Back in the ‘Good Old Days’ of Mainframe computing, it was much easier to perform end to end Network Performance Monitoring (which includes both network and server response time) in order to diagnose such problems.
Also, I could race Fred Flintstone to work on my souped-up Brontosaurus.
Glad to know that I’m not the only one. Hehehehe
i`m having lag spikes since friday~
Same, ever since some server went down thursday evening my game on EU and NA is skipping frames and dropping to 20fps every few seconds and then goes back to 60, and ping also peaks up to 500+ at those moments
Ran pingplotter for both, though it doesnt show me that there is packet loss anywhere.
Neither are my graphics the issue, i clean installed new updates so i have no idea what to do to atleast make the game a bit more playable again.
Since the 20th march the server stability is extremly bad. Lags alle the time and disconnects every 30 min. Upgrade your server pls!
Since the 20th march the server stability is extremly bad. Lags alle the time and disconnects every 30 min. Upgrade your server pls!
1 — you may want this in the tech support forum, or the bugs forum.
2 — NA or EU? Support can figure things out but not for some random user somewhere in the world having connectivity issues. It may be worth a ticket so they can get precise data.
3 — it could be on your end. I certainly haven’t experienced the problem you describe.
I’m experiencing massive ping spikes (from 70-80 to 2-3k) and lots of random DCs since tuesday’s patch. I’ve never had those before. It’s simply unplaylable for most of the time. Any ideas?
(edited by Nafets.1238)
I’ve had the same problem. And only in GW2. The only “idea” I have is that Anet screwed up somewhere and they need to fix it.
The only “idea” I have is that Anet screwed up somewhere and they need to fix it.
Or, more than likely, one of the nodes you connection goes through is having problems. Run pingplotter and it will tell you where the problem is.
Yep two people have issues. Super likely it’s Anet messing up.