Suspended for disruptive behavior

Suspended for disruptive behavior

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: General.6254


My account was suspended on 72 hours for disruptive behavior. While i’m waiting answer from support (and i think it take longer than 72 hours), can someone describe me possible reasons of this kind of ban?
- I did not use profanity.
- May be my character nickname “Gorynych” is “disruptive” ?

Or may be you autoban people, if someone does not like my nickname and send you report?

I already played with that nick in Aion and no have problems.

(edited by General.6254)

Suspended for disruptive behavior

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freyar.3254


I don’t recognize the name as anything that I’d be concerned with. A lot of people in your situation just don’t remember a slip-up though.

Suspended for disruptive behavior

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: General.6254


Not in my case.