Swampland Fractal Save Spot bannable?

Swampland Fractal Save Spot bannable?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tomok.6780


So during my fractal run today, another player stated that one of his guildies got banned for using the safe spot in the swampland fractal.
It’s kind of hard to believe, since you don’t bug out of the map or anything, you get there just by jumping twice.

Any other confirmation whether this is allowed or not (and bannable)?

Swampland Fractal Save Spot bannable?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tattyana.2356


I certainly hope not if so they will be banning a lot if not half there player base I personally see nothing wrong with safe spot.

Swampland Fractal Save Spot bannable?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Healix.5819


In the past they really haven’t cared. The most they’ve done about things like that is fix them months/years later. It is considered an exploit however and ArenaNet can ban an account for any reason they want.

The player most likely lied because they didn’t want to use the exploit themselves. Even if ArenaNet had banned them, it would have only been for like 72 hours as a warning.

Swampland Fractal Save Spot bannable?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrFayth.3546


I’m learning towards Healix’s suggestion.

If Anet banned people who stacked on the pole they’d also have to ban everyone who stacked in a corner on dungeons or used the terrain to easily kill the Champion Risen Gladiator(before the fix).

Can they ban someone for it? Sure. Have they? Never that I’ve heard of.

Person most likely lied because they didn’t want to cheese the fractal too much.

i5 4690k @4.1ghz, r7 260x 1180/1680,8Gb G.skill Ripjaw 2133, 120gb ssd Gw2+OS