Terrible FPS issues.

Terrible FPS issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vees.7816


Ever since the update, I have been getting terrible FPS issues. On a recent patch, it said you cleared up performance issues but in fact you made it worse. Nothing good came from the update.

I’m using a Mac client. I’m posting here becuase i know no one pays attention to the Mac forum. if someone is, please at least reply so we know you can hear us. I have to set all of my graphical settings to low and i get about 14 fps. I am really getting upset because I was forced out of a dungeon group because of it.

Fix now. It’s upsetting that a game is supposed to be praised for it’s graphics but I have to switch everything to low.

Terrible FPS issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

Mac sucks for anything not related to photo/video editing. Sorry but it is a known fact that gaming sucks hardcore on Mac.

i7-3770K (Delidded) @ 4.6GHz | nVidia GTX TITAN X@ 1468/7800
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64

Terrible FPS issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


It’s not just mac, I have a high end PC and posted thread already about severe lag issues and fps drops since last patch. Same with friends in vent and other players in area complaining also.

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

Terrible FPS issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arienne Di Savorie.7468

Arienne Di Savorie.7468

I have the same problems as well… I do have PC. Before I had very little or not at all issues (zergs on wvw were annoying, but almost everyone have problem with that) and know I can’t take part in dragon events due to horrible lag.

Terrible FPS issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Naberio.7859


yeah, not only Mac-users has that problem.
The lags made me insane today.. I will take a break untill A-net will do smth with the issue

Terrible FPS issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sightblinder.4273


I can confirm this too.

The Satz – Elementalist/Warrior/Thief

Terrible FPS issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

I am using an i7-3770K (delidded and overclocked to 4.8GHz) and an MSI Twin Frozr III R6950 (overclocked to 980/1450) and my FPS on ultra is always between 50 and 120.

If anything, I have seen an FPS boost as of late.

i7-3770K (Delidded) @ 4.6GHz | nVidia GTX TITAN X@ 1468/7800
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64

Terrible FPS issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Genevra.6318


We had this problem too. Last night my husband, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and myself were exploring the Iron Marches (Yak’s Bend server), and we all were experiencing occasional lag and were even disconnected from the game client a couple of times. We also tried one of the dragon events the night before and experienced a crazy amount of lag, to the point where I couldn’t tell which if any of my attacks were actually going off. I have a fairly new gaming laptop and have not had these kinds of problems before last week’s update.