Unable to gain access to Login Server

Unable to gain access to Login Server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: illutian.7630


Yep…getting this lovely error now that I’ve come back to login and gain access to the new content.. Joy to see the game’s now broken.

I say game, because I’ve not had this issue on this game at all…since I installed it on my Windows 7 rig, Windows 8, or on Windows 8.1.

I connect just fine to the Character Selection screen. Go to connect to the world/realm and…‘nope’ failed to connect.

And, no, turning off Windows Firewall doesn’t fix it. And no Windows Defender isn’t the issue.

And no, “/clientport 80” didn’t work either.

…and now I’m in the process of downloading the game again. Because apparently the uninstall decides to delete the enter kittening folder, WITHOUT PROMPTING IF YOU WANT TO ‘REMOVE ALL COMPONENTS’

Anet, do you like not want me to play your game and maybe buy gems? Because I’m fine with that….

EDIT: Wait, no…GW2 is sitting at 14% CPU usage and only Downloaded 17k (0 KB/s).

F this.

Main: illutian Kade
Server: Borlis Pass
Guild: Midgard Protectorate

(edited by illutian.7630)