Unplayable instance lag
Yeah I have really bad lag too in instances. No idea why as I’m using Verizon Fios. Also lately I’ve been getting bad lag in Orr and all the meta events.
bumping this again. I tried to play the game again last night. By doing pvp daily to get my laurel.
0 lag in heart of mists but 2/3 games i had 10sec+ laspikes as soon as enter and massive skill lag.
Person on enemy team complained of me warping around. Upon game ending and going back to heart of mists suddenly i am perfect smooth attacks and no lag/movement problems.
i really hope this can be fixed soon as the game is UNPLAYABLE for me since start of month.
Yeah, I agree. I port forwarded and it really did some improvement, but the lag in WvW makes quite impossible do play. In PvP me and my friend were playing on the basis that we would warp around the clock tower everytime.
Of course, playing in prime time will always enable lag, but only recently that it became unbearable.
In WvW I experienced huge lags in recent weeks. I also play since beta and never felt it to be as decisive as now. Often in these lags everything is stopped or running in same diraction until at some point the last 30 seconds pass in 5 and invariably it ends with me downed or dead. Likewise, skills don’t respond or respond with a very high time.
Same this evening, been playing since release, no lag issues at all cept in large scale world boss fights and even then I can still play.
Entered a CoF pug tonight and supper lag, everyone running on spot, cant swap skills or use attacks. Perfectly fine up till attacking mobs in the dungeon then lagathon begins.
Oddly enough party chat has zero lag and others said they had no issue what so ever so obviously something going wrong.
I still randomly experience the very same problem, that the original poster describes. Are there any new updates on this?
I’m having the same problem as the topic creator. I can run with champ trains, for example, with over 20 other players out on the world map with no problems, but when I go into a fractal, I get frequent lag spikes and disconnected to the character select screen a few times throughout the run.
This doesn’t happen every time I run in a fractal instance group, but I don’t think it’s just a coincidence that I run into the same issue that others are having every now and then.