Unscheduled Maintainence??

Unscheduled Maintainence??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kirito.4158


I know you guys are busy but i was wondering in a nutshell, what happened?

Also i was wondering if you could answer a question. In Catacombs level 30 dungeon story mode, the boss with the two lovers, is blocking one in the hallway and leaving the other in the main room an intended way of beating them?

Unscheduled Maintainence??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JonSP.1940


Well, I’m not an ANet employee, but it’s late, and I’m tired and caffeinated, so I’ll just pretend I know the answers to your questions.

In a nutshell, something went boom. :-)

As to your second question, I actually saw what you’re talking about in one of the press beta videos on YouTube. There were a couple developers along with the commentators, and the comentators used that trick to separate the lovers. The devs said they hadn’t realized the encounter could work that way—they hadn’t really designed it that way—but they liked the cleverness of the solution. Sounds like they liked it enough to leave it in the game.

Unscheduled Maintainence??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kirito.4158


could you please link the title of that video so i can show it to someone please =D will help win an argument that i was saying if they didn’t want it in the game they would have taken it out