(edited by Moderator)
Verify account
I have one of those ncsoft usernames and have my own email that was before launch attached to the account. I get emails and have no problems but with all the security chatter I worried about new security measures and verifying email. So I tried to verify my actual email but because my username is not an actual email and thus wont work, the interface wants to me to change it. I tried to change it to my actual email but as its already attached to my account internally, it just tells me that I cant validate that email as its already in use [by me] .
Way back there was a twitter post telling people with this problem they can just ignore the request the launcher makes to verify email so I have but like I said with potential newer security measures, I worry I may fall though a crack in the system and get stuck.
It also does not seem to work properly. I am allowed to sign into my account then kicked out the second I click my character. Ive verified my account.. (through much difficulty as that doesnt work properly either). Ive turned off the option of having to verify every time and now I cant play at all! I switch IP’s as I travel to 2 different houses a lot through out the day.. and I seem to get more problems in the 2nd home rather than the first… maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong?
The Email verify is NOT working as advertised. I didnt sign up to have to verify thru an email link EACH and EVERY time I log in to the game, the website, the forums etc ad nausium. The following is a copy of the email I receive (asterisks added to protect my security in place of true IP address and email link)
A log-in attempt from the following location is currently awaiting your authorization.
Address: **********
City: *********
Region: *
Country: *
This location is approximated based on information provided by your Internet Service Provider. If in doubt, deny the request and try again.
If you are certain this log-in attempt was not made by you, then someone else knows your log-in credentials and you should change your password immediately via Account Management.
For security purposes, we alert you each time your account is accessed from an unrecognized location. To authenticate this log-in attempt, please click the link below:
Need help or have questions about your Guild Wars account? Visit our support site: http://en.support.guildwars2.com/
—The ArenaNet Team
This is my current and ONLY IP address I use. I have a cable connection and a static IP address. Your whole premise for email verification is in the event of a login attempt from a different IP. When I first verified my email you should have stored my IP address as approved and ONLY required email verifications on IP addresses not matching the original. If you can’t fix this issue then I want the verification disabled on my account until such time as it works as advertised. I am SICK of jumping through hoops and opening my browser to access my email EVERY SINGLE TIME I log in to the game or website.
Announcement about today’s security tweak: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/E-Mail-Authentication-Tweaks-to-Increase-Security/first#post241425
I am having similar problems, however, I was able to see another side of an issue.
My husband and I take turns playing. I play at night, and he gets the day shift. Last night I barely did a thing because of the verification issue. I spent the night verifying back and forth. I was worried someone had hacked my account.
I go to bed in frustration and when my spouse is ready to play, I warn him about the verification mess I had.
The fact he didn’t have to verify worries me even more. When he logs in, I ask him to check who is on in our Guild, and it shows me logged in…
I was livid.
We soon did a little research about my activity and it at least shows my last activity 7 hours prior, roughly the time I logged out. I have access to the Guild Bank, and it shows all the items I swapped out. I also had a chance to recall another Guild Member logged in twice. The doubles were unique in that the .#### was different on each login.
The whole security process is new to most people and I commend Arenanet for the measures it has taken to keep our accounts safe, but there are some bugs in it I hope get resolved soon.
(edited by Sankofa Jimiyu.1567)
Got an email saying that my email had been changed, but I seem to be able to log in just fine. I changed my password again for funsies (I have not used this, or my original, email/PW combo anywhere else FOR anything else) but this is still a little worrisome.
Any insight why I’d be getting this mail?
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)
If I were you, I’d also start running some virus and malware scans. Also, make sure that the new password is something complex and strong.
It may be nothing but I wouldn’t take any chances…
I also just received one of these e-mails, and so did a friend of mine. I also received one yesterday at 3:39PM EST, but then went ahead and changed my password, as well as set up e-mail verification.
System is not compromised, nor is my password (it is unique to GW2).
What is going on?
I received one of those yesterday, and I just got another today. Got a useless message pointing me to the “account security” post from support when I entered a ticket regarding this.
Can we please get an official response regarding this?
That email needs an option to prevent the change request for ones the account owner did not authroize or make.
so awhile back a lot of us made unique emails for gw2 exclusively and got messages to verify email on log in. it was broke back then and we could still play. this morning it MADE me verify. OK so I did-what i did not want is to have to go to my friggin email account everytime i want to log in. I DID NOT sign up for that particular service and do not want it at this point. My kids play the game sometimes and I do not want them in my email having to verify every time they log in. I DID NOT sign up for this and want it removed!
Krusty, you verified your location, right? So you should not have to do that again. It’s just setting that you’re you, and you’re at XX location. Once that’s approved, I don’t see why you or your children would be required to authenticate every time, unless you choose that option. (Some players want to authenticate every time; it’s an option, not a requirement.)
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
It also does not seem to work properly. I am allowed to sign into my account then kicked out the second I click my character. Ive verified my account.. (through much difficulty as that doesnt work properly either). Ive turned off the option of having to verify every time and now I cant play at all! I switch IP’s as I travel to 2 different houses a lot through out the day.. and I seem to get more problems in the 2nd home rather than the first… maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong?
You should be able to authenticate/verify both locations. Can you let me know after you’ve tried a few times at both locations if that is not the case? Thanks.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
The Email verify is NOT working as advertised. I didnt sign up to have to verify thru an email link EACH and EVERY time I log in to the game, the website, the forums etc ad nausium. The following is a copy of the email I receive (asterisks added to protect my security in place of true IP address and email link)
A log-in attempt from the following location is currently awaiting your authorization.
Address: **********
City: *********
Region: *
Country: *This location is approximated based on information provided by your Internet Service Provider. If in doubt, deny the request and try again.
If you are certain this log-in attempt was not made by you, then someone else knows your log-in credentials and you should change your password immediately via Account Management.
For security purposes, we alert you each time your account is accessed from an unrecognized location. To authenticate this log-in attempt, please click the link below:
Need help or have questions about your Guild Wars account? Visit our support site: http://en.support.guildwars2.com/
—The ArenaNet TeamThis is my current and ONLY IP address I use. I have a cable connection and a static IP address. Your whole premise for email verification is in the event of a login attempt from a different IP. When I first verified my email you should have stored my IP address as approved and ONLY required email verifications on IP addresses not matching the original. If you can’t fix this issue then I want the verification disabled on my account until such time as it works as advertised. I am SICK of jumping through hoops and opening my browser to access my email EVERY SINGLE TIME I log in to the game or website.
You are correct — that is not working as intended. I’ll pass this along to the devs.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
If your email still works to log in, that would suggest that it has not been changed. I’d check to see if you received a second email yesterday from ANet explaining “….. As a result of this, most of you will have received an automatic email saying that your account email was changed……..Unfortunately the email is sent on the back-end of our system, and was not anticipated”.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
Ditto. 3 between yesterday and today. The thing is they’re going straight to my main email. I use a separate email address and password just for GuildWars2. Just double the forums (/looks up, yep) and the support site. Neither have ever used that email address.
The only link I see is to support.guildwars2.com. It looks hokey and as usual the details are odd. For one it references “Guild Wars,” but the domains it uses are actually guildwars2.com.
What gets me is it appears to actually point at guildwars2.com which is legit. I almost wish it were actually pointing to an obvious phishing site.
From: ArenaNet <noreply@guildwars2.com>
Subject: The e-mail address for your Guild Wars account has been changed
Someone -hopefully you!- has requested to change the email address associated with your Guild Wars account.Need help or have questions about your Guild Wars account? Visit our support site: http://support.guildwars2.com/.
-The ArenaNet Team
I have a similar problem this morning and posted concerns about this possibility earlier. I have an @ncsoft email user name. Its not a real email addy, but I cant change it cause my actual email addy is already in use by my same and only account , its just not the user name. [already in use error]
Please guys before forcing email validation of username emails make sure you deal with this. The only way I can see to fix this is to go to my ISP and request an entirely new email address. If what others are saying about changing emails not working properly then that wont work ether.
So yea as of today can not log in because of email verify blocking it.
I’m having similar issues to the OP. I’m working away from home and playing over 3G and I’m having to re-authorise at least once per day and often more if I lose signal during the evening. I’ve checked “Remember this network” but it doesn’t help, possibly because the City and Region fields are blank.
I’m on the Three network in the UK.
I am unable to verify my e-mail account because when I follow the links, i get an error dialog box stating that the e-mail address is already in use. Well that would be me. I am the only one using this e-mail address and account. Please advise.
Gaile, why was the topic regarding “your email address has been changed by someone” merged with this one? They’re clearly different issues. This isn’t about email verification; it’s about (hopefully) spurious messages coming from Arenanet indicating that our accounts may be compromised.
Grey, check to make sure you didn’t receive another email yesterday explaining the issue.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
The Email verify is NOT working as advertised. I didnt sign up to have to verify thru an email link EACH and EVERY time I log in to the game, the website, the forums etc ad nausium. The following is a copy of the email I receive (asterisks added to protect my security in place of true IP address and email link)
A log-in attempt from the following location is currently awaiting your authorization.
Address: **********
City: *********
Region: *
Country: *This location is approximated based on information provided by your Internet Service Provider. If in doubt, deny the request and try again.
If you are certain this log-in attempt was not made by you, then someone else knows your log-in credentials and you should change your password immediately via Account Management.
For security purposes, we alert you each time your account is accessed from an unrecognized location. To authenticate this log-in attempt, please click the link below:
Need help or have questions about your Guild Wars account? Visit our support site: http://en.support.guildwars2.com/
—The ArenaNet TeamThis is my current and ONLY IP address I use. I have a cable connection and a static IP address. Your whole premise for email verification is in the event of a login attempt from a different IP. When I first verified my email you should have stored my IP address as approved and ONLY required email verifications on IP addresses not matching the original. If you can’t fix this issue then I want the verification disabled on my account until such time as it works as advertised. I am SICK of jumping through hoops and opening my browser to access my email EVERY SINGLE TIME I log in to the game or website.
You are correct — that is not working as intended. I’ll pass this along to the devs.
Thanks to one of the other links in this thread I was able to correct this issue. I was not aware of the “Remember this Network” checkbox as it was below the deny and approve access buttons and didn’t show when I followed the link to the page. So basically it does work now, but I would say that a more clear explanation on that link page concerning the available options would have been helpful and would have entirely eliminated my source of frustration.
I haven’t received any emails from Arenanet regarding this issue. And I’ve received two emails now saying my account email address has been changed. This does not promote much confidence in the back-end security.
(edited by GreyMouser.1235)
It also does not seem to work properly. I am allowed to sign into my account then kicked out the second I click my character. Ive verified my account.. (through much difficulty as that doesnt work properly either). Ive turned off the option of having to verify every time and now I cant play at all! I switch IP’s as I travel to 2 different houses a lot through out the day.. and I seem to get more problems in the 2nd home rather than the first… maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong?
When you say you are “kicked out” can you provide some details? Do you land on the log-in screen? Do you get a specific error message? These details will help the team resolve any issues, so thank you for the additional info.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I have the same sort of problem. I use @plaync for GW1, GW2. I DO NOT use an email address to log in, the @plaync is more secure (imo, because its not an email address flying around the Internet).
Previously I have ignored the verification and just clicked play, but as of now the play button is grayed out… I imagine this is to do with some security changes or some other ‘barrier’ between the players and the game being created in the name of security.
So can we please verify with our plaync names. Until then I am unable to log in.
@ Gaile
The situation for static IP addresses is certainly a bit flaky at the moment:
posted a couple of days ago
Dear ANET Tech Folks,
Can you please have a look at your login script programs.
I have a static WAN address issued by my ISP. I live in Swansea.
When I first registered on this forum and GW2 I had to authorise my IP address… You thought I was in Bridgend, but I could live with that as it’s only a few miles down the road.
About a week ago, I had to re-authorise my login as I was apparently logging-in from Dundee (which is in a different country). After a quick panic, I checked the IP address, which was my correct address.
Today, I have had to re-authorise again, as you think I have moved to Stowmarket in England, (yet kept the same WAN address.)
I realise that this isn’t a gamebreaking issue, but it is incredibly annoying, so if you could spare someone for a few minutes to have a peek at the code…
This is still happening.
… again
I have the same issue with the play button today. When I try the email verification it says my email is being use… well of course it is, it’s being used by me lol
Ralistu (Mesmer)/Ikotag (Thief)/Shonek Alcazia (Ele)
I had already brought this up through customer support before it became mandatory but got only blanket copy/paste reply forms returned, so I thought of it no more, since it wasn’t a forced functionality. Now however, I’m just as stuck as everybody else here…
I have the same issue as Ralistu.1965
@ Gaile
The situation for static IP addresses is certainly a bit flaky at the moment:
posted a couple of days ago
Dear ANET Tech Folks,
Can you please have a look at your login script programs.
I have a static WAN address issued by my ISP. I live in Swansea.
When I first registered on this forum and GW2 I had to authorise my IP address… You thought I was in Bridgend, but I could live with that as it’s only a few miles down the road.
About a week ago, I had to re-authorise my login as I was apparently logging-in from Dundee (which is in a different country). After a quick panic, I checked the IP address, which was my correct address.
Today, I have had to re-authorise again, as you think I have moved to Stowmarket in England, (yet kept the same WAN address.)
I realise that this isn’t a gamebreaking issue, but it is incredibly annoying, so if you could spare someone for a few minutes to have a peek at the code…
This is still happening.
Oh that is interesting. As you said, Swansea and Dundee are not very closeby!
Will pass it along. Thank you.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I have the same issue and suspect that the new security improvements might have something to do with this:
I’d prefer to keep my account name and attached email separate pieces of information.
I’d prefer to keep my account name and attached email separate pieces of information.
Likewise. Combining them (which also then affects GW1 as well) makes the account less secure.
It’s fine for WoW and Battle.net because they have a lot of behind the scenes security and Authenticators, so you are more secure even though you use an email address.
Just wanted to +1 this, I cannot login anymore, my normal email address is ‘in use’, even though it was already linked to the @ncsoft one. So far I skipped the ‘validate’ thing because it worked without validation, but not anymore. Cannot play until this is resolved. (Darn, I knew this stupid issue will haunt me once again, I have stopped asking support for this after a while..)
Wanted to add my 2 cents. Every time I log in, either to the forum or Guild Wars 2, I have to verify that I have authorization for my location/IP address. My Ip address has not changed since I logged in this morning. This has happened 6 times today.
(edited by Missy.3854)
I have the same issue with getting past the e-mail validation part of the launcher myself. I’m half tempted to change my e-mail to my other e-mail account then back again and see if it helps. Though I did open a ticket a couple hours ago and am afraid I’ll mess something up by trying to trick my way around it. Guess we just gotta wait it out while they figure things out. I can’t even begin to imagine what kinda stuff they gotta go through juggling their staff with trying to help us. Poor Anet. xD
We’re rootin’ for ya though!
(edited by Ulfgahrd.3724)
I think this is a bug, or I hope it is. Every time I try to log in to game, or the forum I have to go to my email to confirm it. Says it a new ip address but the funny thing is I have checked, and its the same ip address number each time. No one else is using my account have check these are all my pc trying to log on to my account, but I keep having to confirm it. This was not happening till you change the setting on the security. It says the same location, and same ip does not make since that to get on the forum or game I have to confirm the same info a bunch of times?
(edited by saber.8416)
Got an email saying that my email had been changed, but I seem to be able to log in just fine. I changed my password again for funsies (I have not used this, or my original, email/PW combo anywhere else FOR anything else) but this is still a little worrisome.
Any insight why I’d be getting this mail?
My issue has nothing to do with verifying my location. Why was this merged? I’d appreciate this issue being addressed as the other topic was addressed in this thread. Otherwise I’ll just make a fresh thread about it.
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)
It also does not seem to work properly. I am allowed to sign into my account then kicked out the second I click my character. Ive verified my account.. (through much difficulty as that doesnt work properly either). Ive turned off the option of having to verify every time and now I cant play at all! I switch IP’s as I travel to 2 different houses a lot through out the day.. and I seem to get more problems in the 2nd home rather than the first… maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong?
You should be able to authenticate/verify both locations. Can you let me know after you’ve tried a few times at both locations if that is not the case? Thanks.
I’m good now-thank you
I’m having precisely the same problem, support ticket Incident: 120901-014256 – As of today I was unable to play because my account name was still the @ncsoft one.
I went around it by changing to an alternate email account, but I do not WANT that email account. I want my main email account. The alternate account is for other purposes. It also keeps telling me that my main email account is already in use. Yes, it is, by ME.
I suspect that the problem lies in having used my main email address for the closed beta event, prior to the pre-purchase being live. I think that the system has my email address stuck as an account somewhere in the system, even though I’m able to log into the forums with it. All I’ve gotten so far from support are form letters that haven’t remotely addressed my problem, which is very frustrating.
Quick question. Can I turn it off?
- dynamic IP user.
Personally, the current security system is WAY to strict and is getting VERY annoying!
To point out the major issue that’s causing problems, if you’ve already verified your current IP address, it shouldn’t be sending out any more verification emails unless your IP has changed, not every single time you log in to the site/forums/games!
Fix this issue ArenaNet ASAP!!!
Can we get any response regarding the @ncsoft account problem? Should we just write a ticket indivually, or you have a solution in the works, or something else? We cannot play without this at the moment..
Since the thread about email verification problems concerning @ncsoft accounts was megred with this thread, can we get a reply adressing that issue please?
- Are users required to use an email address as account name (which for merged accounts would mean, for both GW1 and GW2)?
- Is this email address required to be the same email that is listed in account information under email?
- WHY can’t the client email authentication use the “inherited” email from the GW1 account, which is already verified?
I’ve had no problem recieving emails from Arenanet, its just that the client email verification is refusing to use the existing email, since this is not currently the account name.
With all the problems the past weeks with account name change issues/hacking I’ve been happy that account name and email is separate for my account(s). I’ve not seen any issues until now. I’m sorry, but I don’t feel confident that all issues in the account system have been worked out, and I don’t feel confident changing the account name to an email now. And thus, I can’t play.
to the devs: please get rid of this lousy e-mail verification system, it’s ludicrous! Give us physical identification keys, like they have with WoW and SWTOR….
Eileen Masters
I am having the same issue. I started the email authentication process in beta, but never finished it. I did not choose to have in after launch. However, after the last security patch, I have had to verify login from the same IP address every time I enter Guild Wars 2. I do not want this service.
To express some personal feeling about this: I am very bothered when things like this disrupt the play of the majority of upstanding players, just because a minority chooses to give their account information out (to gold sellers, family, friends, etc.) while faking like somehow their account was hacked. I know hacking is trackable on servers. Why accept their bogus claims? Why not cancel their accounts instead, or let them face the trouble they made for themselves? Maybe they will learn with their second $60. Seriously, this is wrong business.
Any updates on the issues with no longer being able to play on an account that still uses and @ncsoft account name?
What is disheartening is that the issue is not even officially recognized as one, I can wait a week if needed, if I’d know that it is being worked on..
Agreed, so I guess we’ll keep on asking
(edited by Oxymo.1976)
I have written a ticket about it, so far only a useless faq copypaste answer, but that was expected. What is disheartening is that the issue is not even officially recognized as one, I can wait a week if needed, if I’d know that it is being worked on..
I’m having the same problem. In every login-attempt email I’ve gotten, the IP listed as a different IP are all the same, and my IP address. Every time I want to log on to Guild Wars 2 or even just the website, I have to log on to my email to confirm a new location again.