When can we expect a Security Key Generator?

When can we expect a Security Key Generator?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeremo.2491



I’m wondering when we might expect a security key, I haven’t seeen a post on this yet maybe i just missed it….

A security key is just that, a key that randomly generates an X-digit code when you want to play the game. Usually this is done through an app for your smartphone or through an actual device you purchase that you attach to a keyring or something of the sorts. Most of you are familiar with these from World of Warcraft. But there are quite a few MMO’s that use these.

I used it on SWTOR and absolutely loved it, because no matter what even if someone had my username/password or even a keylogger on my system, they had a harder time trying to get access to my account. Because the key was completely random based on the time of day etc…

Now it’s not foolproof but neither are most security systems, if someone wants to hack you bad enough, they will succeed in a matter of time. It just weeds out the bulk hacks arena net is getting and bring it down to a lot less.

It doesn’t have to be required for everyone, but those of us that want added security should have access to something like this.

When can we expect a Security Key Generator?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: goldenhornet.1205




If you read Mike O’Brien’s blog post on security he says they are working on integrating Google Authenticator into the login in the next couple of weeks.

We know customers also want a native implementation of two-factor authentication, and we want it too. This is an area where we should act faster as a company, and we’re going to. We had our own homegrown implementation of smartphone two-factor authenticator in testing, but we’re going to pull it back and instead integrate Guild Wars 2 with Google Authenticator, which already has robust authenticator implementations on most major smartphone platforms. We expect to roll this out in the next two weeks.

When can we expect a Security Key Generator?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Artkil.8093


I can’t wait for this.. all games should have 2 factor out of the box.. disappointed that security is always an after thought…

When can we expect a Security Key Generator?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeremo.2491


Thanks for your response goldenhornet, I didn’t even notice that part of the account security post. Dang skim reading that i do

When can we expect a Security Key Generator?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cilph.6758


Email Authentication is a form of two-factor security.