Will the mac client always be Cider wrapped?

Will the mac client always be Cider wrapped?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Muns.7850


Hi, firstly apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere, but I failed to find it.

I just got the game about a week ago, play it on a mid-2010 MBP and on the whole enjoying it, even if all the graphics setting are turned right down. I am wondering if the Mac Client will always be wrapped up in Cider, or are there any plans for a proper port?

Will the mac client always be Cider wrapped?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lwio.7942


Most probably Yes, apparently it uses directx so unless there is a complete rewrite it’s always bootcamp or emulated.

Will the mac client always be Cider wrapped?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Muns.7850


Ok, thanks. Think I might Bootcamp it to see if I get any noticeable improvement. Do you know if it is highly likely to give significant improvement?

Will the mac client always be Cider wrapped?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: elithrar.7143


As said, it’s highly likely it will be Cider wrapped forever.

Bootcamp performance is better, but not hugely so. Being able to run updated drivers is likely what gives the boost; I see a 10-15% increase (at best) when I run it in Windows.

[TKG] Mollify

Will the mac client always be Cider wrapped?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: washac.2897


I hope not as a native client would be so much better, I suppose the argument these days could be, well you can run Bootcamp, Cider and Wine why should we spend more money on another client.

Will the mac client always be Cider wrapped?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


I notice significant framerate improvement between OSX and Bootcamped Windows. I play at relatively high graphics settings (“High” shader is harsh on the eyes). On the Mac side, I get around 30 FPS (Medium graphics, of course).On the Bootcamp side, I get near 50. This has had a significant impact on my gameplay during dungeons.

I hope the Mac client receives vast improvements. Currently, I cannot even play on the Mac side due to the client not launching.

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast

Will the mac client always be Cider wrapped?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mikegwald.2809


my 2012 macbook with intel HD4000 in windows 8 got so hot it almost hit 91c
i was so scared i went back to mac version

Will the mac client always be Cider wrapped?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Muns.7850


Thanks for the responses, this certainly helps make a decision. The only reason I procrastinate over Bootcamping is due to the fact I don’t have enough defragged space to do it despite having 140GB of free space. I think I shall stick to the Mac Beta until it is no longer Beta and see what we are left with. Great game for me so far and I am finding it a very warm community

Will the mac client always be Cider wrapped?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rie.6789


I imagine it will always be in WINE or whatever. But I find the performance is pretty decent, I DO have Bootcamp partition, it runs a bit better, but not so much that I’d have used it if the Mac client had been out earlier. I’m not sure why it’s still considered beta after all this time though.

(or why they insist on OSX 10.7 when I use 10.6.8 and seem to have fewer problems than most)