Windows 8.1 Crash

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zombiechoc.4036


I recently installed windows 8.1 and i noticed that my game keeps crashing after a while.
I tried going on cmd and doing the repair thing multiple times.

Is there a particular reason why it’s doing this?
Here are the last error messages :

—> Error Logs <—
ding ‘0’ texture failed
Mem Arena ‘Transient’ capacity exceeded. Attempted alloc category: ‘Uncategorized’ Size: 49960
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: -1, Position: (33544.699219, -33231.199219, -1740.130005), Completion: 0.000000
Texture missing mip chain: 0×00e689
TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(65460) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristr’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristl’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Mem Arena ‘Character’ capacity exceeded. Attempted alloc category: ‘Composite Packfile’ Size: 127044
TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Character Packfile) size(17624) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
Texture missing mip chain: 0×09a02a
Material ‘0×034fc5’ is missing textures.
Material ‘0×034fc5’ is missing textures.
Material ‘0×034fc5’ is missing textures.
Material ‘0×034fc5’ is missing textures.
TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(79176) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Character Packfile) size(29252) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Character Packfile) size(33224) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Character Packfile) size(136232) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristr’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristl’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×09a02a
Mem Arena ‘Default’ capacity exceeded. Attempted alloc category: ‘Gr Img’ Size: 8389088

—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×1200
Version = 9.18.0013.3182
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
Compat = 0×00100000
VidMem = 2745 MB

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

Hi Zombiechoc – 8.1 isn’t really supported yet as it hasn’t been fully tested, though I do know that with Windows 8.1 you MUST use approved 8.1 drivers and so I’d start there if you haven’t already.

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


Hi Zombiechoc,

Can you upload a copy of your dxdiag to Pastebin and link it here so I can take a look? I can tell you right now that the latest released drivers from Nvidia are not 100% Win8.1 compatible, but there are some workarounds you can try.

Source: I do graphics driver Q&A as a profession.


Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeden.5896


Hi Zombiechoc – 8.1 isn’t really supported yet as it hasn’t been fully tested, though I do know that with Windows 8.1 you MUST use approved 8.1 drivers and so I’d start there if you haven’t already.

I don’t mean to be the typical grumpy customer, but it’s very disappointing that a world class software company with a history in Windows development and a well engineered patching system doesn’t “officially support” the current operation system release.

Windows 8.1 was released a month ago and there were preview builds widely available for months before that.

It seems like there have more crashes since I upgraded to 8.1 (from very rarely to a few times a week which still isn’t that bad) and send crash dumps every time and I hope they are treated with the same priority as Windows 7/8 crashes.

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


Hi Aeden,

This is not the fault of ANet. As I stated above, my job involves a lot of driver Q&A for multiple companies (NVidia, AMD, Intel). I can confirm that both NVidia and AMD have not provided completely compatible drivers for Windows 8.1 – and that is why your game is often crashing or your system is experiencing other issues.

If you are having issues with this, such as the OP – please provide a copy of your dxdiag, as well as the listed driver version showing in your Device Manager → Display Adapters.

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Snowshadow.3105


I want to note that I’m constantly getting a very similar error using a supported configuration. There seems to be something wrong with some specific configurations.

Here’s my error message:

  • Error Logs <—*
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(75832) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(87252) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(88112) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(81516) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(84928) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(119108) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(104184) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(78860) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(76376) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(103820) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(70524) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(88340) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(73640) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
    TRY_ALLOC failure on arena(Character) category(Composite Packfile) size(82660) whiteBox(false). Evicting unused model files and attempting again
  • DirectX Device Info <—*
    VendorId = 0×1002
    DeviceId = 0×679a
    Version = 8.17.0010.1247
    Description = AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
    Compat = 0×00000000
    VidMem = 4095 MB

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


What OS are you running Snowshadow?

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

I went from Win 7 64-bit to Win 8.1 and..

1. got 2-3x increase in frame rates (dual 770 gtx’s, but it was a completely underwhelming upgrade when I was still using Win 7)

2. never a crash since, whereas I used to turn off all graphics and pray at every character intensive event.

I guess we have a big hit-or-miss here… for me, it’s a huge + hit. I’m sorry for those who are finding it a miss and hope you get the same experience as me soon enough.

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: blutstein.2468


Running Windows 8.1 pro without any problems on mediocre hardware (460GTX)

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Snowshadow.3105


Sry, I forgot to mention I’m using Windows 7 with the latest updates installed. Aditionally I’m only expericencing these crashes in WvW, independend from the used character. Earlier, I had the crash after only 3min of WvW whereas I was able to play nearly 10hours PvE at Sunday.

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

Is there a correlation with the number of people nearby and the stability of your system? Does the stability improve when you turn your graphics letting to their minimums?

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Snowshadow.3105


I just want to mention that my system has never caused a single problem in any other game except Guild Wars 2. I’m still experiencing these errors frequently and I’m going to search for a right topic or open a new one because it’s obviously not a Windows 8 related problem.

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: vimoq.1274


I too am using Win 8.1 and the game crashes constantly. I’ve updated to the latest amd drivers, still no go. I’ve given up on playing gw2, though hopefully one day it’ll work again.

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wilhemmina.1054


Hi everyone! I’ve been playing GW2 in my old computer and I have never had problems until I bought my new gamer PC. It works with Windows 8.1. The only thing I have not changed is my nvidia GTX 660. GW2 is constantly crashing. Specially when I go in WvW. I’ve been investigating and the last post has been written 5 months ago. I have installed every driver, I have uploaded the nvidia drivers and I still have problems. The components of my pc are fully compatible and I don’t understand why the game keeps crashing. Windows 8.1 is sold everywhere and the game should be compatible with it. What can I do? I need help, please!

Windows 8.1 Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kohlteth.3715


Hi everyone! I’ve been playing GW2 in my old computer and I have never had problems until I bought my new gamer PC. It works with Windows 8.1. The only thing I have not changed is my nvidia GTX 660. GW2 is constantly crashing. Specially when I go in WvW. I’ve been investigating and the last post has been written 5 months ago. I have installed every driver, I have uploaded the nvidia drivers and I still have problems. The components of my pc are fully compatible and I don’t understand why the game keeps crashing. Windows 8.1 is sold everywhere and the game should be compatible with it. What can I do? I need help, please!

I would check your PC specs, I have been playing GW2 on Win 8.1 since February, I have a GTX 650 myself, a lesser card, so cant be that. Check drivers, and check memory oh and whatever you do, set power settings on your dektop to “High performance” Win 8 has a bug where ’Balanced" will make your HD hang and slow right down !!