World Transfer Mistake

World Transfer Mistake

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raim.6123


I recently came back to GW2 with an account that has no characters. As I was browsing the world list, I had selected one without noticing that it has a 7 day lockout period. As this is the server that I did not really intent to play on, would it be too much trouble to change the account’s home world to another (Blackgate) considering it has no characters on it? I have placed a support ticket, but it is taking a long time.

World Transfer Mistake

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

Just to warn you – you probably won’t get moved. They might, but not sure how much they can do.

What I’d recommend is starting a character or two in the meantime to get backinto the game – don’t go too far so you can delete them but it will also let you join in what’s going on now. And the bank is an account feature, so anything you want to keep that isn’t soulbound can go in there (like the new quartz).

Also, the forums are only for assisting in tickets taking an unusual amount of time – 3 days or more since the last exchange between you and support – and in the thread sticked above. If the ticket is that old, post in there with your ticket number (12 digit number).