a Serious error has occured

a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: thesnowman.5471


has anyone experienced this problem?
any help would be greatly appreciated.

—> Crash <—
Assertion: fileId != FILE_ID_UNUSED
File: ..\..\..\Services\Archive3\Archive.cpp(1458)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 4696
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 26780
When: 2013-11-26T20:56:39Z 2013-11-27T06:56:39+10:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:00:48
Flags: 0

a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mogwia.6198


same problem diferent file

a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: thesnowman.5471


well at least im not alone
does anyone have any suggestions at all?

a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xystus.3241


Please attach a full Error log.

Xyssi – Asura Guardian
Xystus Furtim – Human Theif
Server: Stormbluff Ilse

a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mogwia.6198


that was the full log I got
ive opted to uninstall and reinstall
ill let you know if it works

a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support


Hi thesnowman,

A full crash report might be a bit more helpful in determining the cause here. You can find the crash report by doing the following:

1. Hold down the Windows button on the keyboard and hit the R key.
2. Paste in the following line and then click OK.

C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2

Once here, locate the ArenaNet.log file and attach it to the thread by clicking “More posting & formatting options…”

a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mogwia.6198


Well that fixed it, really long download though

a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: thesnowman.5471


glad to hear that mogwai and thanks for your response ashley.

i have also re downloaded and installed the game while i was at work. still no luck though. attached is the full crash report as requested



a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: StinVec.3621


  • Close your game completely.
  • Ensure your game is set to Run As Administrator in the shortcut’s Properties > Compatibility tab.
  • Ensure the ‘Read Only’ attribute is not set in the right-click > Properties for Gw2.exe, Gw2.tmp and Gw2.dat files in the installation directory.
  • Then re-launch and see if the issue persists.

You may also consider running a repair on your client if you continue to encoutner the issue.

Check the game for errors and repair it

  • Close your game completely.
  • Next, make a copy of your Gw2 game shortcut and rename it “GW2 Repair” or to something that you will recognize it for being only for running a repair on your GW2 installation.
  • Now, right-click this “Gw2 Repair” shortcut and click on “Properties”.
  • On the “Shortcut” tab look in the “Target:” field, you should see:
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2” or wherever you have Guild Wars 2 installed.
  • After the closing quotation marks in this line put a space and then add -repair
    It will look like this but with your GW2 install location:
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2” -repair
  • Hit OK after making this change.
  • Run this repair shortcut. Your game will run through a repair cycle and fix any damaged files it finds.
  • After it runs through, start the game using the normal GW2 game shortcut (not the repair shortcut) and see if your game can start up properly.
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a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: thesnowman.5471


Hi StinVec,

thanks for your help

however i am still experiencing the issue after completing both of those tasks

a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Hi StinVec,

thanks for your help

however i am still experiencing the issue after completing both of those tasks

Alright. I wanted to make sure that those two areas of interest were covered ahead of Ashley’s return tomorrow so they could be out of the way in the event that they did not fix the issue.

As a heads up, she may ask for DirectX Diagnostics information, or cleaning and re-installing graphics drivers if you’ve not done that yet, or also checking your RAM to see if there are any issues with a stick going bad and causing memory errors. If you haven’t yet, you may want to consider (re-)installing the latest DirectX as well as your drivers for your graphics card to see if those help fix the issue and to have them out of the way for her to proceed to another step in assisting tomorrow.

Also, I don’t know if it may be attributable to causing this sort of issue, but the local.dat file has been known to be related to several other issues to where deleting it and letting it get recreated has helped resolve them.

If you want to give it a try then it is in the same folder that the ArenaNet.log file was:
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2

Be aware, though, that deleting this file will also cause you to lose your saved game settings (graphics, stored login data, etc.). If you rely on your stored login info to log in, make sure you can recall what your login info is as the stored login info is also cleared.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

a Serious error has occured

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276


Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

Hi thesnowman,

I would definitely try out the steps provided by StinVec. If those don’t work out for you, you can either post a Game Advisor or DxDiag report to the thread, or you can create a support ticket so that we can assist you one on one. It’s possible we may need to request some more info from you of which you may not want to post on the boards.