change the default screenshot path?
Depending on your version of Windows, you can use the mklink command, which basically creates a shortcut, effectively redirecting where the screenshots are actually stored. You’ll need to first move the Screens folder to a desired location (D:\… in the example below).
Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator and enter the following command, substituting your own paths:
mklink /J "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Guild Wars 2\Screens" "D:\Guild Wars 2\Screens"
I wish we could change the screenshot format… the JPGs are horribly compressed.
And yeah, otherwise for the folder, you can use the “trick” Healix recommends.
I wish we could change the screenshot format… the JPGs are horribly compressed.
-bmp may be of interest.
Depending on your version of Windows, you can use the mklink command, which basically creates a shortcut, effectively redirecting where the screenshots are actually stored. You’ll need to first move the Screens folder to a desired location (D:\… in the example below).
Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator and enter the following command, substituting your own paths:
mklink /J "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Guild Wars 2\Screens" "D:\Guild Wars 2\Screens"
This did the trick, thanks
Would definitely appreciate an in-game menu option for it though, especially as more and more people now are running multiple drives.
Healix.5819, that command does not change the path it makes a link to it in drive D.
Files are still saved in drive C and occupy space in there. It becomes a problem when you have a document folder that is specific for your office work and suddenly game stuff appears in it!
Files are still saved in drive C and occupy space in there. It becomes a problem when you have a document folder that is specific for your office work and suddenly game stuff appears in it!
When using the mklink command, a new virtual folder is created for the first path (C:) and linked to the second (D:). Although it looks like files are stored in the first path (C:), they’re actually not; that folder is only a view of the second path (D:).
If you don’t want others to see the Documents/Guild Wars 2 folder, simply hide it.
If you don’t want it to appear under your user account at all, you could hide it under a different user. Like this:
net user tmpusr pass /add
runas /user:tmpusr Gw2.exe
If you’re porting GW2 around, you can make simple bat files to automate the commands and clean up after yourself.