

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

I can’t even log in from new patch stuck on loading screen to LA, even worse than me disconnecting a lot from before, anyone having same problem?

(edited by Black Dragon.3784)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

apparently it’s just loading to LA because I have managed to log in on another character, not in LA


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CyrusRiffs.4376


I’m still getting this error. Wasn’t able to log in at all last night, despite trying for 3 hours, and still can’t get in today. All my chars are in LA (They never will be again after this)

Never had any troubles like this before without there being a server problem.

EDIT: Just got in after an age of loading. Moved my char to Rata Sum, can now get in on him but can’t use any skills and I dc every time after 3 minutes or so.

Bloody Pirates [YARR]
Gandara [EU]

(edited by CyrusRiffs.4376)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eraser.8031


I also have this problem have got in to map but try to change maps and wait wait wait wait and wait again either loads or disconnects.

Average load time for maps is 10-15 mins this started after last nights update.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steakpuncher.1603


Had these issues before and they cleared up for a while. Like others, they are back with the patch and now much much worse.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Holden.9273


I have basically the same problem – it started today with huge lag in eotm, then Elona Reach borderlands. Iv restarted the game and i cant log to any character who is in LA. I can log to my mesmer who is in Snowden Drifts, but when i enter www with him – im getting huge lag and disconnect.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steakpuncher.1603


I have basically the same problem – it started today with huge lag in eotm, then Elona Reach borderlands. Iv restarted the game and i cant log to any character who is in LA. I can log to my mesmer who is in Snowden Drifts, but when i enter www with him – im getting huge lag and disconnect.

This is what is happening to me. I’ve been advised it is an ISP issue. I however find it odd that my ISP would go out of their way to deny me access to certain maps while letting me play others just fine…

I was lagging really badly in Kessex Hills, but loaded into Queensdale just fine. All WvW maps are toast and unplayable. Lions arch is off limits, and others are hit and miss.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Holden.9273


LA and www maps are working normally for me now but i cant enter eotm…

Edit: LA is not working again.

(edited by Holden.9273)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I’ve been having this problem on and off since last Friday. It seems to be linked to the number of players in your immediate vicinity. For example, this morning I zoned into Lornar’s Pass to wait for the Marionette. During this time, I ran around near the lake getting kills for Bloodlust. No lag whatsoever.

Then, I head to the lanes to prepare, and as soon as I reach the area where other players start to be displayed, the lag starts (and I should point out that it’s not a FPS drop. Players are rubberbanding all over the place, there’s 5s+ skill lag, etc.) It gets progressively worse as more and more people zone in, until you get to the stage where you’re just praying you don’t get disconnected.

Then, once the event is over and people start to leave, the problem once again alleviates until it’s gone.

This same issue happens in any map with a large amount of players, including LA, EotM, activities etc. It’s like the servers are getting choked with too much data transfer or something.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aggiemt.1305


I was in WvW last night and could not stay connected for more than 2-3 minutes. Today I can’t even get past the loading screen. I’m glad I’m not the only one, but this is ridiculous because at this point ANet should be able to account for player increase after an update.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arcens.5019


I have the same issue while in Lions Arch. I’ve run the Repair and Port Test options, checked my firewall and router. I also uninstalled GW2, and after re-installing the issue remains. I’m at a loss for what to do next.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xyxspliffy.2657


the game is unplayable with constant DC every 30 sec – 1minute because of this error
:( i have no idea what causes it. please fix this, it’s been happening to be for a long time now, not just since the new update. I’ve been disconnecting every 10 minutes or so before but after the new update, it’s every 2 minutes or less


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PacoXI.7690


I’ve been getting it too, its pretty ridiculous.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Holden.9273


In my case issue resolve itself this morning, i woke up and everything is working fine. Ive contacted support yesterday and they send me this solution, try it – maybe it will work for you:

Thank you for getting back to me on this issue. I would like you to try a command line argument we have seen resolve this type of issue.

Please go to your shortcut for Guild Wars 2 and right click it and choose properties.

In the line that says Target, add a space at the end of whats there and then -prefreset

It should look something like this: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -prefreset

Click apply and then ok.

Once the above is done, try launching the game and logging into the character you are having issues with. If this resolves the issue, go back into your shortcut again and remove the -prefreset line.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xyxspliffy.2657


^ i tried that and it didn’t work :/ I’m still getting the same error every 2 minutes.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Slupdog.5062


I’m getting bombarded with this issue on all my characters. It has come out of nowhere, never had this issue before


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I’ve still been getting this issue intermittently over the weekend, although yesterday the game was mostly playable. The one exception was when I tried to do a Mari fight, and many, MANY people in the district were getting crazy lag and constant disconnects. It’s definitely something to do with network traffic; perhaps there’s a faulty or failing server somewhere.

I suggest that when people experience this lag again, do a /ip in the chat window and record the IP address, then post it here. Maybe we can narrow it down to a particular server or servers that’s the problem?


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jayvux.4128


Le sigh, been a year now with these reoccurring error 7s every 2 to 10 minutes. An anet techie told me it is due to “server hopping” which isn’t a problem on anet’s or the player’s side, then how do we go about fixing this?

GM of Leaders [LEAD]
Server: Darkhaven (


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nindigo.1920


I suggest that when people experience this lag again, do a /ip in the chat window and record the IP address, then post it here. Maybe we can narrow it down to a particular server or servers that’s the problem?

Well, I was on


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


same issue, ever since patch

origionally i couldnt log into LA had to wait till it was quieter and run my level 80’s out but in the pve map i experience unbearable skill lag, i often crash within 5 mins, and i crash if i go into wvw

i have the same error code

the /ip gave

very near same as nindigo? is this just a coincidence ??

Edit: tried the fix recomended of add -prefreset at the end of the shortcut location, and it now works fine

Edit2: ignore the last edit, as soon as i tried logging in again at nearer a peak time im back to not being able to even log in LA, anet… please give us a fix… im starting to have withdrawl issues :’(

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

(edited by Akkarrin.3406)