constantly get can not login in a popup...

constantly get can not login in a popup...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ballitar Stryker.2109

Ballitar Stryker.2109

Ever since your log in crash you had a couple of weeks ago and I had to have the authenticator removed. I get constant random popups saying the game could not connect to login server which it is, and I am playing, but at some point after that I get crazy high pings and dc’s like crazy, this is getting extremely annoying. Nothing else on my system has any net or any other issues at all. Only your stuff and it has always been your stuff. Firewall and antivirus are not to blame that has been checked repeatedly. Router has been rebooted more than enough to know that makes no difference. I have run the games built in diagnostic and repair to no avail at all. So what what gives? other than my patience!

The weirdest part of all is I can watch the game when it goes out for me, all my skills will be flashing but every chat, fight and movement by other players goes on unaffected so I am assuming this all ties in to an upload issue some where in your system.

(edited by Ballitar Stryker.2109)

constantly get can not login in a popup...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ListenSlowly.5126


I’m having the same issue you are. Did you ever hear anything from them or did they just say screw it?

constantly get can not login in a popup...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ballitar Stryker.2109

Ballitar Stryker.2109

I’m having the same issue you are. Did you ever hear anything from them or did they just say screw it?

we posted about the same time LS, so, no I haven’t heard anything, if they had that would be so non-anet I would have died from shock anyway. But the reason for this post is to tell you 64 bit won’t help you with this as that is what I am running and have been for a while. Now it did help with the complete crashes in the 32 bit, now it just freezes where it would have crashed on the 32 bit, but can recover from the freezes on occasion. so in one sense 64 bit did help there somewhat.

P.S. I am in the U.S. so it has nothing to do with the oversea problems that some of the others are having.

(edited by Ballitar Stryker.2109)

constantly get can not login in a popup...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shin.2019


Anet can we get a reply on this please, this had been happening since like 1 week ago. Initially I thought that it was just the asian region issue now I realised it only happens in game. My network is perfectly fine.

You guys cannot just keep totally silent over this issue. It’s happening on and off for me and I am totally not enjoying it. I come home after work everyday to pray hard that the lag doesn’t that day. Please give us some reply if not patch this issue you are having.

constantly get can not login in a popup...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nicro.8270


I am a SEA Region Player and started to play the game about 3 months ago as a free player, and started to love the game and finally decided to buy HoT expansion. At that time I almost had never had a single lag at all, I could play smoothly everyday. But since about a week ago I had my first high ping like 1K to 4K every single day, and I couldn’t play fractal, raids with my guild again. And it still happening to this day.

I even got mad at my ISP, thought it was them that cause it. I called them almost everyday and they said my connection was okay, but I didn’t believe them and they even send their technician to my house and even top up my speed to prove that my connection was okay. But still the game can’t be played. So the problem it’s not on the ISP.

Then I tried installing WTFast like someone suggested it in the forum. It did work I can play again with ping around 200 – 300 ms. But another problem came in. Started yesterday game has been kicking me out from the game, error, freeze at loading screen, can’t access TP and so on.

Hope Anet could give a word or two about this matter.

(edited by Nicro.8270)