game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: control.4562


i found a similar topic just before but i cant find it anymore, so sorry guys for posting again..

but ive noticed when doing dragon events the games sound eventually crashes.. meaning the sound effects mute.. and then u just hear a warning siren sound keep spamming, only way to stop it is to restart the game! if im playing normally for like 5 hours straight in pve its fine..

i tried playing on the lowest graphic settings and it still does it..
any update on this

i have a Asus maximus v-gene motherboard and use the sound off that

game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Volatile.1934


This happens to me, as well. It even happens if I have the master volume turned completely down.

game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stenia.9623


same here always happens have to restart client and it sucks when I get into WvW after waiting 2hours+ in a queue

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game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Taragashi.6174


Is there any new Information from the developers about this Issue?


game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tindahbawx.5317


Did we ever get a solution for this?

game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kris.3741


I experienced this same issue for the first time today.
All game sounds mute and a siren like noise begins. The master volume and all other volume controls in the options menu do nothing the stop the highly irritating noise so I must either mute my speakers or restart the game.

Like I said, nether had this issue before but Now I have just had it happen twice within a quarter hour and it completely ruins the game experience.

Has anyone please got a solution to this problem?

game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Witch Moon.8701

Witch Moon.8701

I got this twice now and I really gotta say it sucks. The only solution – though not really convenient – is under Win7 to disable GW2 sound completely in the mixer for sounds. Else you need to restart the game and this is really annoying. Could it have something to do with sound or mainboard drivers? Afaik all my drivers are up to date, but I’m going to recheck on those; maybe an update in the near future will eliminate this problem.

game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kietna QuTak.6204

Kietna QuTak.6204

I’m experiencing similar sound issue expect that in my case game doesn’t mute, the siren noise is very laud but I can still hear all other sounds from the game. I’m using Creative X-Fi Titanium, but I doubt that’s the problem of the card since siren noise happens after one of winter updates of GW2.

Instead of restarting game for me it helps to minimize game and restore it. This method gives some time of normal sound but not much – mostly siren noise is back after few minutes or even less than a minute.


game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mashable.5403


I experienced this issue before. I read once that it helps when you lower your sound quality below half, and it worked like a charm.

War does not determine who is right – only who is left. — Bertrand Russell

game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Witch Moon.8701

Witch Moon.8701

Today I tried lowering the quality, but that didn’t help either. Updated all drivers too, no change. Still annoying, grr.

game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HighCAT.5924


I expierenced the “air raid” siren 2 times since I started playing this game about 2 months ago. Both are very recent (within last 4-5 days). I cannot recall what I was doing the 1st time it happened. The 2nd time it occured I was in full group running HOTW exploration mode. The funny thing is another team-member just had the issue during that instance and had to restart game. 1 min later – it was my turn.

game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Racerwolf.2670


yeah i get this too,,, have to reach over and shut my speakers off..pain in the kitten . while in a battle or a zerg with karma farm

game sound mutes, then a siren noise spams

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WelshCat.1306


Dungeons, dragons, Wvw and worst of all, fractles. My master volume is 0% always. Please find a way to fix this. I can run this game on full everything, so am sure it’s not me. This is getting annoying~ Fix it!