strange lines on floors
Black lines in caves, catacombs, etc. Radeon 7850 2gb, using the 12.11 Beta 11 drivers from AMD, this also occurred in all of the previous drivers I have used as well.
DXDIAG attached.
Same here, HD7850 – screen filckering (white textures) and floor lines. So kitten annoying..
Anyone found a fix for this ? Im still getting thoes on my 7850 on newest drivers. I already checked gw2 with same settings with my integrated hd4000 and there is no lines on it. I will need to rma my card cuz of ratling fan anyway just want to know if i should point them into bad card direction as well.
I have the same issue,…
Did you guys ever for kicks and giggle mess with the graphic options to see if one of the options is causing it?
Sometimes you get graphical errors for more reason than just drivers (even though that’s a #1 culprit).
Sometimes it can just be a bug in the level design like textures not properly lined, meshes through walls/floors, or even HOM anomalies due to improper aligned polygons(allot of level design is process of subtracting material rather than adding kind of like carving it out of a large block of wood)
][ 16GB G.Skill @1866Mhz Unganged ][
][ HD Radeon 5970 & 5870 (Tri-Fire) ][ X-FI Titanium Fatal1ty Pro ][
There are new WHQL drivers out for ATI.
The 13.1 and even a leaked 13.2 beta, has anybody tried them already?
Please tell us your OS and which card.
While you may have the most up to date drivers, the problem becomes with most drivers is residueles left over from previous driver versions.
Best way to go about it is uninstall the old ones reboot , then go into device manager look under display adapters uninstall make sure to check “Delete current Driver” as well reboot, then use a 3rd party application like “Driver Sweeper” to yank any left over files and registry entries reboot.
Then install the new drivers and you guessed it “Reboot” lol isn’t windows great =P
(If you keep your system pretty tidy you can most likely get away with just using something like Driver Sweeper, however the process I just illustrated is pretty much the only way to get it back to a fresh install environment)
As far as the 13.2 Drivers I’m using them right now so far so good for me. I know later in the month there will be another version of these drivers if not the full version which will have the memory fixes in them.
][ 16GB G.Skill @1866Mhz Unganged ][
][ HD Radeon 5970 & 5870 (Tri-Fire) ][ X-FI Titanium Fatal1ty Pro ][
I’ve got this problem since Beta (Using HD78xx) Tried really everything! incl. cc-cleaner etc etc, never changed a bit… i guess the problem can only be fixed by radeon or arenanet. And until i don’t read that someone solved the problem on his PC, i won’t believe the solutions of someone that never hat this problem.
sorry for bad English, I’m German
Im always reinstaling my whole system when changing drivers (i have backups of all data so it takes 1 h at most). And yeah i tried messing with all the options, I even instaled thoes withtout the ccc at all and it was the same. It seems only 7xxx series get thoes eh…. I so wish i had gone with nvidia thoes 7xxx series are such a mess all thoes flicerking artifacts and stuff…. they said something about memmory rewrite in the 13.2 but hell if it took them a year just to notice the problem i dont want to know how much will it take them to fix it. My card went to rma anyway so i just hope new drivers fixes it or someone from ebay will have a good deal.
Tried 13.2 but geuss what did not work
They are really doing a good job with this topic….. people having this problem for like half an year now. And not even a fix yet!
Really crappy!
Well its more likely buged amd 7xxx series. It seems nobody else have thoes lines now. I know they were present on almost all cards when the game started but they kinda fixed it and now its just th e amd piece of crap cards ):
I’ve also been seeing this issue for months now. Tried various in-game and driver settings to no avail. This looks like a driver problem, so please everybody, submit an issue report to AMD here (for 13.1 WHQL driver):
Also, can we have an official ANet response on this? It sucks that this beautiful game has been plagued with this problem since launch (or earlier according to some reports) on AMD 7xxx cards. Even if it’s not ANet’s fault, I’m eager to hear an update or something! It’d be especially great if ANet could raise the issue with AMD driver team directly…
I have an IceQ X2 7970 and I’m not experiencing this problem yet (that I know of). My version is 13.1. Has ANet even looked into this problem for you guys? :/
Really love the fact that like someone of ANet is helping us here… problem is known for a while now and like nobody ever replied!
Really poor tech support section.
In other post 1 guy claimed that he dosent have thoes lines on his 7970 vapor x…. kitten now im starting to think that thoes might be just a large batch of buged 7xxx cards(crapy memmory or smtn) but on the other hand there should be simmilar problems with other games textures not only with low level flat ground in gw2.
Ps. Is 7970,7870 based on diffrent chip (tahit or what its called) then 7850/7950? It seems that most ppl with this prob own either 7850 or 7950 cards.
I have AMD7870 and having these weird lines.
Every other game I play is perfect.
Could somebody of AREnet like every reply?
If they are doing something about this isseu? maybe also contact AMD?
If not they can most likely just close the support forum as they never give any SUPPORT!!!!! (on questions in this section)
for me 12.11b11 dosnt have this issue on my 7870 dual-x sapphire cards, not sure why it dosnt effect me other then the fact I use RadeonPro profiles for my games and knowing that gw2 dosnt support AA I leave it disabled and just use SMAA….
I could see about posting some images of my RP settings so others could try them……
mind you I also have 12.11cap2 installed…..
gonna test the 13.2’stonight I think, I got beta3 on my system just waiting to be installed….
also DO NOT USE DRIVER SWEEPER, if your on 7 or vista use amd’s own unstall tool(new) or revo to cleanup driver leftovers, driver sweeper can bork your windows install……I have seen it many times, not as many as klite killing a system but…..
if you need specific help with amd/ati cards
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
I just instaled 13.2 and it seems my long had flicerkign problem is gone but the lines are still there. I tried messing with profiles seting aa off/on and all other options and its always there. Ill try radeon pro tommorow. If this wont help ( mind this is my firends card im borrowing from his sli setup) i doubt its hardware cuz i had the same thing happening on mine card as well( which is currently under rma).
sli? then its nvidia?
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
Nah my mistake i mean the one from amd :P crossfire or so. Its just that im borrowing his 7850 gigabate card which he uses in his crossfire cuz my sapphire 7850 is currently under rma. And both of em have the same problem with thoes lines where the 670gtx i borrowed the other day is fine same as my hd 4000 integrated graphic. I wonder if there might be compability issue with my other compontents but then there should be more issues not just that grind on flat ground.
i think its probably something to do with profiles for games and drivers, that for some reason dosnt effect everybody, could be how we updated our drivers or the fact I run radeon pro with a custom profile or dozens of other things.
Once had a major issue with an nVidia card, turned out it was the nvidia drivers interacting with a life malware scaner…….pain in the kitten only found what it was because i disabled the malware program because it was blocking a website I knew was safe……
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
Well at least im not alone with that problem. I just hope this is not some kind of broken memmory or other thing in thoes 7xxx cards but i should know when i get my rmaed card back (that will be a third one….). I can live with thoes lines since ill be getting smtn stronger soon for my 3 monitor setup. I just hope its not the card that is causing random game freezes when using chat (one patch fixed it and now its back again after update yay :P!).
sounds more like a poorly tested tweak or change to the client, alot of people are having connection related issues from what i been seeing.
if you get frustrated with gw2, you can always take a few months off, and play something else, come back and see if they fixed anything, thats the nice thing about it being buy to play……anet is the only one suffering if they dont fix their kitten, whos gonna put money into gems for a game they cant play properly?
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
Well yeah but im not realy playing much and there is no other good mmo around (plus its fun to play with guild i have here). I just tested radeonpro. It makes gw2 look a tad better without drop in performance but the lines are still there on all possible settings :P. Well ill just wait if someone find a fix for it but im sure ill never buy amd card again. Its my third amd card and they always have some kind of problem with them.
tera is going f2p next month, you may wana try that, in some ways I like its combat system better then gw2’s, wish we could get a hybrid system…..
tera may not run great but, it runs better then gw2, and the whole problem with tera is that the orignal korean company used a very old cracked copy of the flash development tool to make the hud/ui……if they would stop being so cheap and buy the current one, it would take a couple days to fix the problems the game has…..
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
For the people that have same problem,
Tried a different AMD 7870 (sapphire)
Had the same problems.
I’m using
8 gig 1600 ram
i7 3770
AMD radeon 7870
Windows 8 64 bit
Maybe it has to do something with windows 8?
At least i know that my card aint broken, card that i used to try it with was brand new one from the shop.
Brought that one back gladly got my money back.
Im pretty sure its not win 8 problem as i use win 7 64 bit. There is still a possibility that ALOT of thoes cards are just broken from the begining.
Broken cause I have a problem with just one game?
Starcraft 2 no problems
Far cry 3 no problems
Battlefield 3 no problems
Tera no problems
Card is not broken, if it was broken you would have had a lot more locations having problems in guild wars 2.
Just some things are not good in the AMD Drivers or in the game code of guild wars for the Radeon 7xxx cards.
But probably will never find it out as none of the TECH SUPPORT of Guild Wars even tries to help. Or at least give an reaction that they read this and maybe look into it what could have been the problem.
New card same problem, people from RMA same problem again.
The card is not broken just doesn’t work for 100% with this game.
Gonna give it up and just play the game and enjoy it, hopefully some day it will be gone
Btw one more thing. I found a strange bug in game. When you turn shadows off and skip the loading screen (the one with flag etc) by pressing fast enter i can get around 10 extra fps . If i turn shadows at leat on medium then and then off again i lose thoes fps. My few firends found the same thing. After switching zones around (instancfes etc) im lossing around 5 of thoes 10 fps but its still higher then not skiping the menu. Could anyone check if they have the same thing? I think it might skip some filtering or smtn by skiping menu. I checked this with diffrent drivers and unlocked,clocked cpu,ram and gpu and its always the same. The funny part is that it gives at least 5 fps more in all areas (including wvw) which is quite good in thoes huge zergs.
I have the lines, 7870 with AMD Catalyst 13.2 Beta 3.
I have this problem too.
7970 lightining with CCC 13.1 & 13.2 Beta5 all have the line.
Hey guys this does appear to be a known issue with HD 7000 series cards that is currently being looked into. At this time there is no workaround currently available. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Hey guys this does appear to be a known issue with HD 7000 series cards that is currently being looked into. At this time there is no workaround currently available. Sorry for any inconvenience!
I’m also seeing lines, but I use a Radeon HD 6770 (Catalyst 13.2 Beta 5), so I think it also affects the HD 6000 series. I haven’t tried it on any HD 5000 cards, but since my HD 6770 is only slightly different from an HD 5770, it may affect some of those as well.
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
I had those same weird lines once too while I was playing minecraft.
Nvidia video card: Nvidia control panel -> 3D settings -> Adjust image settings with preview -> Let the application decide.
Amd video card: Set anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering to “Application managed”.
Not sure if it works on Guild Wars 2 but you could try those.
Still reading this? You know there is something better to be done for sure. -.-’’
(edited by Timze.7980)
Not working. Thoes settings are the ones that are normaly on.
Hey guys this does appear to be a known issue with HD 7000 series cards that is currently being looked into. At this time there is no workaround currently available. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Well, thanks for confirming it. I have a Radeon 7870 and have been noticing lines and other weird issues (not game breaking, but annoying).
Hey guys this does appear to be a known issue with HD 7000 series cards that is currently being looked into. At this time there is no workaround currently available. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Hi Ashley, just wanted to inform you its not JUST HD 7xxx cards having these problems with “lines”.
I myself have an older 3 series card ( HD3870) and I am also suffering the problem of lines as shown by others in this thread. However I am also getting bright lines in towns such as Rata Sum at night.
I had a look at the issue in the game in close up, and the lines appear to be a lighting problem. When these lines appear they are displayed on top of the player character when I move through them. My issue with the older model combined with 7 series would suggest to me that its not a hardware or driver problem. This indicates its an issues with the lighting effect (imo) and not just these cards.
Please see attached screenshot of the issue. As you can see in the picure I am positioned directly along the axis of the “line” issue. Its clear in the picture that the “line” is drawn on top of the player characer model.
My system is fully updated and maintained with every possible update be it driver or OS or BIOS. I have re-installed graphics drivers cleanly many times and done two repair commands on the gw2 client. The lines issue still remains.
No other title has displayed this kind of lighting error, it is unique to GW2.
Lexandro.1456 try its a modified driver pack by the person who made that thread, its using far more up-to-date files then whats in the official legacy drivers, and reports are good from everybody I have had try it(got a good number of friends on 3k and 4k cards at the moment)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
I run a AMD Radeaon HD7770 card and do not have any of the issues reported here. I do not use the Catalyst 3D game settings, found them to be buggy, using defaults in Catalyst and application settings works the best for me. Also after resetting Catalyst to default using GW2 in game AutoDetect graphic setting should resolve issues, I had some problems prior as well, updated driver and catalyst defaulted all and resolved issues i was having.
EDIT: I noticed something in all screen shots, it looks like most of the people reporting lines are using the “small user-interface” setting, I have had issues with text rendering in small ui setting switch to normal and issues might clear up…idk just trying to help out.
(edited by HellionOfEvil.7963)
I noticed something in all screen shots, it looks like most of the people reporting lines are using the “small user-interface” setting, I have had issues with text rendering in small ui setting switch to normal and issues might clear up…idk just trying to help out.
I have the line problem on “Normal” UI size with my HD 6770. The only text rendering problems I’ve seen were on the “Large” UI setting, which is disappointing to me because for my monitor setup, “Large” would otherwise be perfect. For some reason, it makes the “-” character display as something like “É.”
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
well a image is better than a 1000 words
it only happens in the floor
i’m running gw2 on a phenom X4 with a radeon 7850and i dint got those when i was running the beta on a geforce 250gts
I think the tile guy didn’t do a good job a left grout visible after the job completed.
Just installed the game yesterday after reading it is the best MMO for people who hate MMOs;)
Anyway, I just put a brand new Samsung 840 Pro SSD with my new Sapphire HD 7850 OC Crossfire setup. Pretty much noting else is on this new SSD except GW2. I run Win7 Pro from a separate SSD which is dedicated to the OS.
With the latest Catalyst drivers13.2 I am getting those lines in the floor and across my character as well:( Ashley Segovia suggests that this is an issue with 7xxx series, but people with 3xxx are reporting the issue as well.
Also, I output my video to a 50" Plasma so I use the “Larger” UI setting and I played with all the different UI settings and the “floor lines” are there regardless of that setting…
Such a phenomenal looking game to be marred by an issue like this:(
Just wanted to chip in.
I have a 7870 GHz edition and getting these lines with the Catalyst 3.2 Beta 6 drivers. When I first started playing this game in August, I had a 5870 and if I had the lines then, I didn’t notice them. I upgraded to the 7870 in October and it wasn’t until this month that I noticed the lines, so I don’t know what’s up with that. I probably just wasn’t paying attention (it’s a pretty game!).
Still have thoes lines. After last patch i can see them in cof as well (less visible then ac)….
This seems to be an issue with all Radeon HD cards, I even got this when I tried out tiled terrains with OpenGL on a Radeon HD 4870 last year. The texture filtering appears to be weird sometimes when clamp to border is used.
I only get these lines in certain locations in the game and on rare occasions at that such as the first graveling defense with Hodgins in AC.
I’m running an nVidia Geforce GTX 650M.
are there any news concerning this problem? (flackering and lines on the floor)
you need to contact amd or nvidia or intel, this has to be a problem with video card drivers, this games coding is flawless, so say the gods of this realm.
please stop implying anet is in any way to blame, you will upset ashley.
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
I just change my graphic cards for a Radeon 7870 and I also have these strange line in the floor. I formatted about three times and install a dozen different drivers from WHQL or Beta and nothing work. At least, the frame rate is smoother since 13.2 beta 7.
I hope Anet and / or AMD will find a fix soon.