CPU bottlenecking GPU???
A Phenom II 555 is a dual core model if I remember correctly. This means it’s pretty much expected that you’ll be heavily CPU bottlenecked and your CPU will be pushing 100% load a lot (or even all) of the time – a max of 30fps sounds about right to me, since that’s very similar to what most core2duo users cap out at (unless they’re running high overclocks).
Your options to improve performance basically come down to:
1. overclocking, provided your cooling is sufficient or you are able to replace it
2. upgrading to a Phenom II X4 or a Phenom II X6, provided your motherboard supports any of these
3. going the whole nine yards and upgrading to an i5 sandy/ivy bridge with a new motherboard (and possibly RAM)
With these choices 1 is the cheapest and 3 the most expensive (although getting a hold of an X4/X6 processor may not be cheap either since they’re out of production), but the amount of improvement you’d see in terms of minimum framerates would also be the best with 3 and the least with option 1.
If you don’t want to spend too much money, but at least get above 30 fps most of the time then the Phenom X4 might be the best compromise, especially if you can get one cheaply somewhere. You might also want to get a decent aftermarket cooler with it so that you can overclock it to squeeze out some extra performance.
Just bear in mind when deciding what to go for that this game doesn’t perform flawlessly in WvW or really busy dynamic event even with an overclocked i5 like I have (I get as low as 15-25fps at worst) – a better processor does reduce the severity of those FPS drops, but it doesn’t eliminate them completely. The Phenom X4 or X6 will net you decent performance for the most part and should give far better results than your current X2, but for the best results when it comes to absolute minimum fps an i5/i7 sandy/ivy bridge is recommended.
I am just here to troll a link
i5 2500k $100
I wonder if I should make a thread
I am just here to troll a link
i5 2500k $100
I wonder if I should make a thread
Wow, that’s a great deal. If I lived in the US and didn’t already have one I’d be on my way to a microcenter right now.
yea and that 2500k deal went OOS in minutes everywhere. If only i had a microcenter in my state.
Read Q5-9, to learn how to verify your own bottleneck.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Thanks for the help. Im going to just have to git a new cpu its time for a upgrade anyways espically for upcoming games I want to git into. Hopefully I can git a good deal on a i5 and motherboard on blackfriday.
GW2 is one of the most CPU-intensive games I’ve ever seen. I actually have the same processor you do, but I have a 550 Ti and 8GB of RAM in it. When I was running stock, it was very bad as well, experiencing similar frame issues. Even OC’ing wasn’t doing much (although it was very little OC). As soon as I used my mobo’s Core Unlocker functionality, however, my performance increased 10-fold. I went from medium settings @ 30 fps to high @ 50 fps with much more efficiency as well.
The 555 can be turned into a quad core provided you have a motherboard capable, but it will not be as effective as a 9-series Phenom II X4, being that X2’s are failed quad cores. Check your BIOS to see if there’s any way to unlock cores, and if you can, there you go. Try that, make sure you have decent cooling in there (stock is fine, just make sure wires are managed), and you may not need to spend much more.
All of this said, a new build isn’t a bad idea, either.
Don’t listen to the advices of replacing your hardware soulcrusher. I’ve overclocked my CPU to 4.0+ghz with an i5. along with 2 560ti OCs.
Here are some true facts:
if you have any one of these, you will suffer with this game.
quad core users: yes the game uses all 4 cores but the last 2/4 cores are just mirroring the processes on the first 2 cores. Meaning it’s actually running like a 2 and a half core system.
Keep threads like these bumped tho so they do something about it.
Here is another one that has been out for months
You’re only got the first “fact” right.
YES THERE IS QUAD CORE SUPPORT. It uses all 4 cores, just not as evenly as you’d like.
YES THERE IS NVIDIA GPU SUPPORT. Honestly there’s nothing else to support to make the game smoother, cos it’s a CPU issue.
YES THERE IS AMD GPU SUPPORT. Honestly there’s nothing else to support to make the game smoother, cos it’s a CPU issue.
So your little disclaimer at the bottom of your post does not discount the fact you’re spouting nonsense IN ALL CAPS.
Sea of Sorrows
while phenom is superior to bulldozer in most aspects
its still half the performance of a similarly clocked intel processor in games that abuse the cpu.
I have tried to overclock before but my CPU wouldn’t run stable and kept crashing in game. I heard some of the CPUs would overclock and some wouldn’t. And i used my motherboards overclocking switch at lowest setting and still crashes.