Can I play with 5G surfing stick connection?

Can I play with 5G surfing stick connection?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dantert.1803


I’m not sure that this is the right place to ask for it but…
I’m moving to Germany soon and I will not be able for some months to use a cable line for internet. I will be using an internet stick with a 5.000 MB cap per month ..Do I have to get over it and say goodbye to the fun days of GW2 or can I still play it with minimum quality and maybe some lagg, without using all my 5g in 5 minutes? I love to play Gw2 with my friends on free time….
’am so scared guys….so effing scared…

Can I play with 5G surfing stick connection?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


Yes, that shouldn’t be a problem. I think GW2 uses about 60Kb/second.

That’s roughly about 23 hours of play time. So yeah, you’ll be a bit limited, but it will work.

(edited by abomally.2694)

Can I play with 5G surfing stick connection?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Patches would be the only problem but playing, the bandwidth needed is quite low with boss events and WvW zerging being the highest. Hanging around the TP/Bank in DR for instance is only 3KB/s

Edit: Checked during Maw and got around 30KB/s.

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(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Can I play with 5G surfing stick connection?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dodgycookies.4562


Lag will depend on your carrier and your devices, but typically a mobile connection tends to have more lag than a landline wifi connection.

at 60 KB/s comes out to about 200MB per hour of game play for a worst case scenario

[ICoa] Blackgate

Can I play with 5G surfing stick connection?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Opc.4718


I’ve played through my 3G phone connection before, and while it had minor lag issues, it worked fine. You shouldn’t have any problems with 5G.

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Can I play with 5G surfing stick connection?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BongoFury.4102


5G is still in research stage and will probably not be in commercial devices for another bunch of years. I’m guessing you meant 4G ;-)

From a quality standpoint, you should be just fine. You might get some minor hiccups if you’re in an area with weak signal, or in a busy area, or moving around, but other than that it should work fine. I’ve experienced cruddy old ADSL connections that perform far worse than 4G.

Can I play with 5G surfing stick connection?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CptTrips.6512


5G is still in research stage and will probably not be in commercial devices for another bunch of years. I’m guessing you meant 4G ;-)

From a quality standpoint, you should be just fine. You might get some minor hiccups if you’re in an area with weak signal, or in a busy area, or moving around, but other than that it should work fine. I’ve experienced cruddy old ADSL connections that perform far worse than 4G.

With 5 G he meant 5 GB

… I will be using an internet stick with a 5.000 MB cap per month ….

Can I play with 5G surfing stick connection?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BongoFury.4102


With 5 G he meant 5 GB

Ahh right, I see that now… I got it mixed up due to the post right before mine.
In any case, it’s not unlikely that the surfing stick he gets will be 4G (with a monthly limit of 5 GB…), so what I posted is still at least somewhat relevant. I was basically trying to say that under normal circumstances, there shouldn’t be any need to be too worried about connection quality.