Cannot login to characters in LA

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CharlieBear.2741


The title says it all, I can’t load LA whatsoever.
I’ve tried repairing and it didn’t work.

[TA] necro

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rapheal Degas.8692

Rapheal Degas.8692

same here, no issues before but now I cant access any characters in LA and cant move between maps without a loading time of 30 minutes.

Not too impressed to be honest, makes the game unplayable.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zato.8245


I have exactly the same problem.

Just to explain fully. I can login and load the client and get to the character selection screen but when I try to log-in to my character who was last in LA I will hit an endless loading screen.

So far the things I have done in an attempt to fix this with no results are:

  1. Verified/Repaired files a dozen times
  2. Error-corrected hard drive
  3. Deleted local.dat in AppData folder
  4. Ran complete system virus scan
  5. Forwarded all the recommended ports on my router/firewall

My main drive is an SSD so I’m used to zones loading within 5-10seconds.

I will note that there are two ways in which I can currently log-in with the character:

  1. Guesting on a different (low-population) server
  2. Logging on during morning/early afternoon when my home server is less busy

However, these aren’t really satisfactory ‘fixes’ because I want to play on my home server.

The endless loading screen also appears when I try to join my home borderland rendering it completely unplayable.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rynier.3629


Where are you based. We have spent a good 3 hours now helping a friend who has been struggling to get into LA. had to GUEST to a low pop server to open it up. HE has loads of lag in the game especially when bosses hits and 5-10 min loading times on maps.

We have checked almost everything computer wise even REDOWNLOADED Gw2 .

He is on the UK East coast side . and BT as an ISP

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rapheal Degas.8692

Rapheal Degas.8692

Im on the UK east coast but its not an ISP/BT issue as Ive had it this week when Ive been down south using a hotels connection.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zato.8245


I’m based in N.Ireland so not that far off the UK’s west side and I’m also BT as an ISP.

I really don’t think BT is the issue though as this problem only start occurring after the EoTM update and I have no lag (or no more than usual) in any other game like Guild Wars 1.

As I already said I also forwarded all ports for GW2 on my BT Home Hub.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Unhinged Carrot.3849

Unhinged Carrot.3849

Whenever I try and log into a character, it takes a very long time. If they’re in Lion’s Arch, it eventually ends in me being returned to character select with some variant of a connection error. If they’re not in Lion’s Arch, I can get on and play eventually, but leaving the zone I’m in results in another endless loading screen.

This has only started happening this evening, however while playing this morning I had horrendous ping and lag spikes, etc. I had other online games open at the same time with no lag at all, and a speedtest revealed nothing wrong with my connection.

Zobb – Asura Engineer – Seafarer’s Rest

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steakpuncher.1603


I’m based in N.Ireland so not that far off the UK’s west side and I’m also BT as an ISP.

I really don’t think BT is the issue though as this problem only start occurring after the EoTM update and I have no lag (or no more than usual) in any other game like Guild Wars 1.

As I already said I also forwarded all ports for GW2 on my BT Home Hub.

Northern Ireland here (BT as ISP) as well. Only started with the EoTM patch and was fine beforehand.

Traceroutes, pings, speedtests all perfectly fine. All other online games are perfectly fine. It isn’t the BT Home Hub because I’m using my own home router.

Most maps are fine, but occasionally I will lag out for no reason. Lions Arch and WvW maps are pretty much unplayable however I have occasionally been fine in them.

I doubt it’s an ISP issue because I cannot see how BT would have the ability to limit my access to certain maps within a game…

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xanzaki.8402


UK as well with BT as ISP, the BT thing must be a red herring though surely as the game worked fine prior to tuesdays patch. Since Tuesday the game has been pretty much unplayable, even loading characters in LA, let alone the paralysing lag when you actually get in game and see a champ in the distance… All other games and speed tests confirm my connection is fine.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zen Zual.2674

Zen Zual.2674

Been logged into LA earlier today (06/02/14) but can’t get in now 22:54 GMT

Zen Zual – The Vestil Virgins – Recruiting
We play just for fun.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zen Zual.2674

Zen Zual.2674

Just got in, with BT as my phone line and Orange as ISP

Zen Zual – The Vestil Virgins – Recruiting
We play just for fun.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Taniki.3014


Yes well BT were known to have issues across England and Wales, so it was a thought but I think you could very well be right as most people experiencing problems can play anything else without issues.

Also I found in game I can use the chat long after the character has gone out of control. I found so far dungeons, areas with many people or mobs in them are the main causes for problems. Once hitting Lion’s Arch and Divinity’s Reach, it kicks and becomes nigh on unloggable.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zen Zual.2674

Zen Zual.2674

Again can’t get in. Suspect EU servers

Zen Zual – The Vestil Virgins – Recruiting
We play just for fun.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Joe.5069


I am having the same problem but have now managed to get my characters out of LA by guessing on another sever, the game runs fine until i then go near some form of combat and then i completely lag out, whether its the frostgorge cham train or a wvw zerg. Its really starting to be annoying now as the game is unplayable.
And the funny part is that i am also with BT and it only started after the patch, seems odd to me.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steakpuncher.1603


UK as well with BT as ISP, the BT thing must be a red herring though surely as the game worked fine prior to tuesdays patch. Since Tuesday the game has been pretty much unplayable, even loading characters in LA, let alone the paralysing lag when you actually get in game and see a champ in the distance… All other games and speed tests confirm my connection is fine.

Same for me on all honesty, however around 11pm tonight my connection suddenly seemed to be perfectly fine. I’ve contacted BT to ask if they are doing any traffic shaping / traffic management. Still waiting for a reply. I do know that almost all BT traffic is no longer shaped, however some packages pre Feb 2013 are still shaped/managed.

Yes well BT were known to have issues across England and Wales, so it was a thought but I think you could very well be right as most people experiencing problems can play anything else without issues.

Also I found in game I can use the chat long after the character has gone out of control. I found so far dungeons, areas with many people or mobs in them are the main causes for problems. Once hitting Lion’s Arch and Divinity’s Reach, it kicks and becomes nigh on unloggable.

Yeah, I can be rubber-banding like a cat on an acid trip, but the chat is still perfectly fine. In fact I can stuck in one place in WvW, while chatting to my fianceƩ who is perfectly fine on a separate map. The best part is her computer is pretty much right next to mine.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Taniki.3014


While I was swayed away from it being BT. It stabilised last night around midnight. Allowed me to play in less populated areas through til 5am. I came on around 4pm with no problems, by 5pm its gradually got worse and worse. At an ingame event and its rubber banding and do all crazy stuff. Then lost connection to server.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neomir.7493


Also having these exact same problems; Time of day login, LA/WvW unplayable due to the lag/skill lag. Chat remains fine during these issues.

Also BT is my ISP.

Other games are fine.

While I ofcourse understand it can’t be magicly fixed, I would like AN to at least acknowledge this issue as existing as in its current form, as they have done with the Mac fps issues. I cannot play the game at all and it seems a fair few other people have this.

Very strange.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astro.7318


Another user here been having same issue since last patch, was able to play perfectly fine today 7/2/14 up until about 3.45 came back at 7pm (gmt times) and cannot do or go anywhere. Also getting the error message trying to load into a map but im just getting disconnected

Im also on BT but LoL, WoW and my xbox 360 and Xbox One connections are fine and running without any problems

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Taniki.3014


I found this and while its not a solution about half way down that page explains some hopefully.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dozzer.1750


I am having the exact same issues since the last patch and I also have BT as my ISP. The view from support is that its an issue of serious packet loss at some of the internal network nodes in BT, leading to the server request timing out. I downloaded a new client which seemed to help for a bit, but now the same issues have resurfaced.

The bit I don’t understand is why none of my other online games have the same issue. Either they are more forgiving with packet loss or something about the new patch has made GW2 a lot more restrictive in its time outs.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Flaming.4250


I am also having problems loading my charters that are in LA (all of them :-( ). I get the loading screen and I can hear the back ground effects and music but after about 8 minuets I just get a disconnect error. I am on the East coast of England with BT as my ISP. The rest of the internet is fine it is just GW2 that is not connecting.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leon Master.2589

Leon Master.2589

Also totally unable to log in to my characters in any of the main towns or WvW maps. My others characters are still however able to be logged into and played without too much lag. Ever since the EotM patch everyday from around 7pm GMT my account gets disconnected and am unable to log into my characters in LA etc, usually able to log in again by about 1 in the morning, but I’m not about to stay up all morning to play. I am however not with BT, I’m with Orange so it’s not just BT customers having issues.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neomir.7493


Thanks for the post Taniki, informative.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


BT issues in the UK here too, over the last week.

Furious Scumbag, Raging Scumbag & Geologist Greywind
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: chronometria.3708


Add me to the list of people on BT with terrible evening guildwars connection issues.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: scanz.4536


Also having the same issues and on BT.

Can’t even use any skills on my character at the moment and loading anything takes an age, when it usually takes seconds. Also can’t join any WvW map.

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yvelle.9536


Hey, I’m also having this problem.
I logged in earlier, around 5-6pm or so, no problems. Now I can’t log in anymore. I log into the client, then it’s an endless loading screen.

I’m with BT, and situated in Scotland.

Any news on how to handle this?

Cannot login to characters in LA

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: scanz.4536


Hey, I’m also having this problem.
I logged in earlier, around 5-6pm or so, no problems. Now I can’t log in anymore. I log into the client, then it’s an endless loading screen.

I’m with BT, and situated in Scotland.

Any news on how to handle this?

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