Constant Crashing Even While Doing Nothing
Same happens to me this is my log…
GW2.exe issue
Gandarlf.3524 -
You only have 3 Gig of RAM – it looks like you are running out of memory. In your case, the only real options are to lower your graphics settings or get more RAM and install a 64 bit OS.
Katsu.1708 -
If you are just crashing “out of the blue” (does your PC do the same when not in game?); you should run a test on your memory with Memtest86:
Gandarlf.3524 -
You only have 3 Gig of RAM – it looks like you are running out of memory. In your case, the only real options are to lower your graphics settings or get more RAM and install a 64 bit OS.
I actually have 8GB of RAM, I’m not sure why it’d be showing anything less. I saw someone with a similar issue (same error) and as you see there it’s saying it’s having trouble loading certain textures and a problem with the size of certain textures.
Because of this, I tried to run on my necro for a couple hours and have not encountered the same problem. This may be occurring only on my guardian (asura, mix of cultural armor), but I need to run through it a little more.
As well, this occurs when nothing else is running (only Guild Wars) and when I’ve no other characters around – like in Ebonhawke. I’ve turned some of the options down from the ‘detect my graphics’ mode, but it hasn’t seemed to effect anything. The game runs exactly the same in either case until it crashes outright.
Gandarlf.3524 has 3 Gig, yours is correctly showing 8.
Gandarlf.3524 has 3 Gig, yours is correctly showing 8.
Ah, sorry about the misunderstanding.
And no, the PC has not crashed on anything else.
I tried the fix that I saw the admins stating – reinstall my video drivers, but no luck.
Either way, I appreciate you trying to help!
So, I reinstalled from scratch and I’m still getting that SAME error. 000000ec
I get it quite a lot on my guardian and I’ve received it once (out of hours of play each) on my guardian and necro.
I’ve crashed 4 times in the past 20 minutes with the same error. No matter what character I’m using. I’ve crashed at least 2 of those times on minimum (full minimum) graphics. 1 of those 4 times I was doing absolutely nothing – waiting on a wall with other people.