Extremely slow patching

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qoltera.3042


Hi, I just started to download the patch, and the speed is extremely slow. Usually, patches take me maybe 5-10 minutes AT MOST, with some of the quicker ones in a few seconds. This patch has been going for an hour with 0.00-15kb/sec. It periodically stops at 0.00kb/sec for a few seconds and resumes, going as high as 15 and then slowly dwindling down. I already checked my ethernet, and its fine since I am experiencing no lag or slow connection other than the patcher. Does anyone happen to know why this is happening?

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: darkzealot.1572


same… im recieving this. Did you fix it yet?

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eeephreakeee.2315


I am also experiencing this issue.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qoltera.3042


No I haven’t I restarted my computed and did everything but it still hovers at 0.01 or 0.00kb/sec. Could someone please address this? It’s really frustrating.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: weed.8723


Having same problem,been patching for 30 min most of the time its at 0KB/sec

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qoltera.3042


I tried deleting the Local.dat file and retrying, and it’s still stuck at 0.00kb/sec with occasional fluctuations to 15ish.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raza.3796


I’m going through the same thing… its going little by little… and its really frustrating. I’m just glad I’m not the only having this problem. They better fix it soon.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679


same here, should i delete the game and reinstall?

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CAA.9653


Don’t uninstall. I did, and now it won’t even re install since for whatever reason I am still connected to client and can’t have 2 games open. This is messed up and I don’t know what to do. I may have to reboot my computer…..

Guardian – Cameid, but my friends call me Cam

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shinovihna.1526


I’m having this problem as well

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GuildWarWanderer.1238


i feel sad cuz i have the same problem. =(

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saruon.4085


0kb/sec OP

hopefully they will fix this soon…

[Aggression] -Relentless by Nature-
We <3 Haters
The Prophet of Aggression

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GuildWarWanderer.1238


its even sad that i’m gonna miss today’s daily archievement because of this.. =(

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: weed.8723


Got to 2168 KB ranging 0-15KB took over an hour then….connection lost retrying……

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: blz.5260


do NOT uninstall… i was able to download the patch.. then i crashed so i decided i would do the fresh install that i have been lagging on for months… bad idea.. Now i’m stuck on 150~ kb .. hope this thread gets more attention

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: darkzealot.1572


my highest was 1768 KB. In the meantime of waiting, state your highest KB. It’s a challenge!

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PreImmortal.4708


I just finished the pre-patch screen you guys are stuck on. I think the total was a little over 5000 kb (I had to restart the pre-patching multiple times). This process took 3 hours so far. Will update when it goes further.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ryhundley.7813


I’m having this problem as well. Anet – Are you you going to respond? – Seems to be more than a few people experiencing this issue…

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TIESTO.9058


Please respond ANET!!!!!!! ive been trying to download the patch for 3 hours now

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PreImmortal.4708


Finished “Checking for Update”
I think it was about 300 kb.
I can confirm that is it very slow for the actual patch as well (200+ mb according to reddit)

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qoltera.3042


Wow. I left it on for 2 1/2 hours on the “checking for update” and it just gave me a connection error when I came back. Now I’m not even downloading the patch since I deleted the Local.dat file. Now, I’m just “checking for updates”. ANet please give us some sort of update! Half the players are stuck outside the game unable to even download it! Bump this thread if you agree!

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragoo.8541


Connection Error lost…retrying. Been downloading for 2 hours or so. New patch always has delays

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kdose.5309


Me too. Tried everything. Every other internet app works – Spotify, RIFT, everything running fast as usual…

But my GW2 downloader has been stuck at between 0 to 100 KB/sec for about 5 hours…

Right now I’m at zero. I’ve checked EVERYTHING. I reset my modem, connected directly to the modem with my PC, turned off firewall and anti-virus, and ran GW2 as an Admin…still no change.

this has never happened before – looking forward to a response from ANet soon

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Been happening to me as well. My friend and guildies were able to get in fine. I googled around abit and there was a similar problem in march where the problem was because a recently installed video driver did not completely delete the old driver files and that was somehow interferring….however I tried the solution didn’t work. Just out of curiosity, how many of you having this problem recently installed a video driver?

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kdose.5309


i’ve been running a stable video driver since last year without changing it…

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: trauma.2710


Can someone tell me how many files remaining this patch should be?

Im at 4% with 236k files remaining, it doesn’t sound right at all

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kdose.5309


1,395 files remaining

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: trauma.2710


wh in the world am I downloading 250k worth of files all of a sudden?

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: trauma.2710


this is ridiculous

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kdose.5309


created a ticket – i’m feeling a bit sad about this

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SFX.3687


I’m having the same problem – all day!! Hovers around 0 kb/s and goes up occasionally. It’s not my internet connection because I have great internet. This has never been a problem in the past either!

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raven.3521


1 file remaining 0.00% kb/sec

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


I’m having the same problem as well. Downloading 0KB/sec sucks.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SSGroguey.5841


I have been having this issue all day. The download starts at 15 kb/s and then gradually drops to 0 kb/s. Tried closing the client and reopening, have restarted the computer a couple times. I even let it sit and do its thing for about 2-3 hours while I went to get groceries, only to come back with 600kb downloaded in total, again stuck at 0 kb/s.

All my guildies seem to have had no problems downloading the patch and they’ve been playing since this morning. I ended up giving up with the patch until there’s more word on what is going on.

[[I update my nvidia drivers about 2 weeks ago in regards to an above comment.]]

(edited by SSGroguey.5841)

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jericho.3682


not sure if this is the right place to post this but i cant even get to the login screen. i keep getting a Connection Errors Detected Retrying message

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shinovihna.1526


I was able to get into game earlier, but I am experiencing the same thing again with the new build.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saruon.4085


just wondering what isp does everyone have who is having the problem?

[Aggression] -Relentless by Nature-
We <3 Haters
The Prophet of Aggression

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tgieph.8310


AT&T U-Verse, southern California here.

April Ludgate Dwyer. Warrior.
They’re the Black Eyed Peas. And I finally killed them.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kai.4629


u-verse, nor cal

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PreImmortal.4708


AT&T U-Verse, Bay Area California

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Slampoodle.4972


Guys, I was having this problem since 11am PST and it’s close to being 7pm now. I got fed up with it and connected to my phone’s wifi tether, and it’s now speeding through the patch process. Not sure if the issue is corrected or if it’s an ISP issue but using different means of connecting to the internet worked for me.

EDIT: I’m on ATT U-Verse as well! ISP issue.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saruon.4085


Looks like AT&T U-Verse is broken :<

[Aggression] -Relentless by Nature-
We <3 Haters
The Prophet of Aggression

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


just wondering what isp does everyone have who is having the problem?

u verse, socal

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: blz.5260


just wondering what isp does everyone have who is having the problem?

U-verse, southern california as well

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xKoreaNx.9365


Can anyone actually get to the login screen, or is it just me that’s stuck at this screen?

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wolfram.8291


same problem. at&t/u-verse norcal. tried restarting and -repair.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kai.4629


Can anyone actually get to the login screen, or is it just me that’s stuck at this screen?

stuck at this screen too

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tgieph.8310


Can anyone actually get to the login screen, or is it just me that’s stuck at this screen?

I managed to get past that screen at a crawling pace, but once I got to the actual patch download it was still a slow download (maxing out at 5 kb/s), but it was the login screen.

April Ludgate Dwyer. Warrior.
They’re the Black Eyed Peas. And I finally killed them.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


definitely isp problem. My wifi ethernet/phone port is in the other room so I just turned on my phone’s wifi hotspot…

Works like a charm.

If you have AT&T u verse try connecting to the internet via another means. That seems to be the solution.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xKoreaNx.9365


Holy kitten it started working now.
Edit: I don’t know what I just did, same boat as everyone else though, same isp and geographical location.