Fix the graph. engine please its awful slow!
I run almost the same setup except i7-920 @ 4.0 and a 7970.
Monitor is at 1920×1200 and wow.. awesome looking game with 60FPS (Vsync) constantly. I’m not complaining.
I run almost the same setup except i7-920 @ 4.0 and a 7970.
Monitor is at 1920×1200 and wow.. awesome looking game with 60FPS (Vsync) constantly. I’m not complaining.
Yes people who got no issues aren’t complaining usually.
But I saw some similar videos on youtube, so there must be some optimisation issue. Mouse movement is really laggish/slow, fps spikes all around, on big turns, screen jittering.
Other games on my system goes fine, BF3, Diablo 3 (now after some fixes, had similar issues too though at the beginning), WoW (smooth like crazy, constant 60fps and looks great too, even though outdated engine a bit, but still can be very demanding in pvp and raid and still runs smooth).
There’s a million people playing who aren’t having problems. It’s quite likely it’s not a problem with the quality of the engine.
blocked ports, antivirus, firewall, router issues, overheating, bad drivers
You haven’t listed any of the troubleshooting steps you’ve taken.
Turn on VSync and see if it helps also while I don’t know if they had an issue with ATI cards factory Overclocked Nvidia cards had issues in the beta events that non factory overclocked cards did not have. Reducing the clock rate to the Nvidia specified default rate made the factory OC cards not have the problems so might try that.
There’s a million people playing who aren’t having problems. It’s quite likely it’s not a problem with the quality of the engine.
blocked ports, antivirus, firewall, router issues, overheating, bad drivers
You haven’t listed any of the troubleshooting steps you’ve taken.
If that would be the case I would have SOME kind of issues with other games. Which I don’t have. So its the game.
If you would have played Battlefield 2 at the start or Diablo 3 at the first month you would understand this. These are the closest example I can give you with some kind of graphical/driver LIKE issue, but it was the game all along. Many people experienced it, of course not the majority.
I’m telling you the engine got issues, and I’m telling you with more than 15 years of gaming experience behind my back. If that doesn’t prove anything for you than nothing.
I sent countless of bug reports to Blizzard too with issues, I know how to find issues.
However I’m not going to do what you suggest: Reinstall game, reinstall driver, etc. Because its mindless and from your point of you and logic its the first step. But the most stupid thing to start with,
I don’t use firewall software other than Microsoft security essential. So that cant be the issue either.
Turn on VSync and see if it helps also while I don’t know if they had an issue with ATI cards factory Overclocked Nvidia cards had issues in the beta events that non factory overclocked cards did not have. Reducing the clock rate to the Nvidia specified default rate made the factory OC cards not have the problems so might try that.
Tried that too. Not really a solution for fps spikes, the control then would get really lagish.
Fix the graph. engine please its awful slow!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: shastawong.3486
make sure your pcie 2.0 16x slot isnt busted mine was and it was running at 2x
I had similar fluctuations on my tri-fire setup and the latest CAP stabilized performance for me.
I remember BF3 and D3 having graphics performance issues post release and my fix was also CAP and Driver updates. I’m sure there were client updates as well but the CAP and Drivers offered the most noticeable improvements.
I had similar fluctuations on my tri-fire setup and the latest CAP stabilized performance for me.
I remember BF3 and D3 having graphics performance issues post release and my fix was also CAP and Driver updates. I’m sure there were client updates as well but the CAP and Drivers offered the most noticeable improvements.
Detto… something just happened yesterday and I was surprised that the turning gut WAY MORE SMOOTHER now! Well done guys, keep it coming, I might have to try and turn on some ultra lods and shadows too
I got very good hardware, BF3 on ultra constantly gives 50-80fps. And thats an insane demanding engine I hope you agree!
This game however, constantly drops down to 15-20 and goes up to 100+. I was fiddling with settings, turned down AA, and LOD view distance too, that didn’t help either, so I have to say that the engine BADLY need a fix.
My Spec: Intel i920 @ 3.7Ghz, Ati HD6990 (O’clocked), 6GB 1866Mhz DDR3 Ram, SB Xfi surround Pro 5.1, 24" Dell HD tft 1920*1200… So no my pc is (still) high-end.
People need to stop comparing BF3 with this game,BF3 is NOT an mmo,Different engine,and FPS.Seriously people need to stop saying this,its irrelevant.IF you want to compare then start comparing other mmo´s like FF or Tera or whatever.
There´s nothing wrong with the engine at all.
I have a 450 gts and in really big fights my fps drops down to 30-35. you just have to tweak it some
There´s nothing wrong with the engine at all.
I have a 450 gts and in really big fights my fps drops down to 30-35. you just have to tweak it some
I dont have to tweak it some,i buy a highend system to play games on max settings,end of story.SLi is not working,the game is to cpu limited,etc etc etc go read through the forum instead of saying theres nothing wrong with the engine,because there is,you’re just not seeing it.
Highend or not… think its only the hardware that matters? if you have kitten something up in your system or its not running optimal, then it doesnt matter if you have the best pc money can buy. Im saying that on my pc it´s running perfect. and mine aint high end at all. Even on my lousy laptop I have 20-25 fps. So you do the math lol
Fix the graph. engine please its awful slow!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: sandvich.8259
There’s something wrong with how the game runs on some hardware. I have a i5 2500k , GTX560ti , 8 gigs of ddr3 and suffer some seriously poor frame rates at times. The prominent indicator is when turning graphical settings down it has no effect on the FPS whatsoever. So to me, it seems the game is offloading lots of the work to the CPU instead of utilizing the graphics card to the full potential.
(edited by sandvich.8259)
Fix the graph. engine please its awful slow!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kurokaze.1407
Lots of people, havok physics and such… It’s more of a CPU thing…
Oh and the GPU is being used to his full potential… If you check the GPU load through GPU-Z you’ll notice it.
Also the more memory you got does not mean it will go faster. And more mhz does not imply it’s faster, latencies may be higher and such ends up the same.
Oh, and if using AMD; be sure to try out different Catalyst drivers. I had an issue with a specific game back on 12.6 (or was it 12.4?).. Sometimes they kinda screw it up.
Highend or not… think its only the hardware that matters? if you have kitten something up in your system or its not running optimal, then it doesnt matter if you have the best pc money can buy. Im saying that on my pc it´s running perfect. and mine aint high end at all. Even on my lousy laptop I have 20-25 fps. So you do the math lol
Your Definition of perfect differs from mine obviously,when you actually spend some money on a pc you know what i mean.And no,there’s nothing wrong with my system,optimized to the bone.Its a fact that the engine runs slower on systems that should be able to run it flawlessly,plus sli not working ,something you dont know since you have a laptop with no sli.I average around 50 – 110,but still thats not perfect for me,i know it can do better.
Fix the graph. engine please its awful slow!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: IPunchedyour family.7294
The bickering is getting quite ridiculous and its not helpful.
Most people who are having a hard time with this game have older model CPUs, this seems to be the common denominator.
I know its bad to generalise but most people who come out and say ‘OMFG Old computer is old… whiner noob’ seem to be packing 3770ks or something equivalent. Many of us do not have the luxury of a shiny new rig, and based on the minimum specs of this game we certainly shouldnt have been expected to have rushed out to buy one for this game.
I’m still running a Phenom II and I think in all likelihood this is where my poor performance is coming from. It certainly shouldnt be my 6970 or my 8gb of ram. Im dumbfounded as to why this game is bound to my Phenom when my HD GPU could eat it for breakfast.
People have a right to be very disappointed. I have tried all the optimisation profiles, drivers etc and my game experience at best could be described as variable. On average my FPS is 13, and I can forget about doing anything other than PvE. In any PvP environment or WvW my FPS is around 8. I’ve had the game sit stable on 30fps a couple of times in certain areas and I’ve been able to have a great game experience. Stability is what most of us really want. I don’t expect the game to run on full spec at 110FPS on an old AMD Dual Core, I just want a fair go and a working game as per the game specifications provided by ArenaNet.
(edited by IPunchedyour family.7294)
Highend or not… think its only the hardware that matters? if you have kitten something up in your system or its not running optimal, then it doesnt matter if you have the best pc money can buy. Im saying that on my pc it´s running perfect. and mine aint high end at all. Even on my lousy laptop I have 20-25 fps. So you do the math lol
Perfect eh? I wouldn’t call 35fps on your desktop nor 20fps on your laptop as being perfect. In fact, that’s pretty bad IMO. 40-60fps would be good, consistent 60fps would be perfect.
The bickering is getting quite ridiculous and its not helpful.
Most people who are having a hard time with this game have older model CPUs, this seems to be the common denominator.
I think you’re right, my machine is has older model CPU but still within the realm of the requirements set by Anet. However the game runs like utter garbage and I noticed that the game taxes my CPU to the max (so much so that I’m worried it’s going to fry) and barely uses my GPU. This clearly is a problem with the engine, I cannot understand why other people feel the need to come in here and say that it’s not the game when it so clearly is.