For all the people with unstable internet

For all the people with unstable internet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: yasutora.7218


Dear Arenanet,

I have been playing your game for half a year now and I have to say first of all that I like many aspects of it, but I feel like there’s an easily fixed issue that would help out a lot of people.
My internet is okay, but from time to time I get a dc. Even though this dc is like 2 secs or something I always get kicked from the server and go to the character select screen.
Here’s the thing. When I reenter the world while doing a big event like the Twisted Marionnette thingy at the moment I get pushed to another overflow than the one of which I dced. I feel like this is really unfair and that you could fix it quite easily.
Ofcourse this problem also persists in getting kicked from main to overflow.

Here is how I think you could fix this and how you could make the lives of a lot of your fans less frustrating (sorry for the dramatic note). What if you made a system that let people rejoin their overflow/server they were on before with a timer that stays on a minute or so. By doing this people have some sort of ‘reserved’ spot that will make them able to reenter their event if they have a little issue (like a dc etc.). Because let’s be honest, people are being punished for having a dc right now. On the other hand a short timer won’t make you totally ruin the event.

I’m not sure wether anyone will even read this but I hope people do and that Anet will also give a glance at my humble concern.

Full of confidence that this will be fixed someday,

For all the people with unstable internet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


They can ONLY fix problems with their own servers.

Any issues beyond that are not their responsibility and they cannot fix it. I have no problems staying connected to GW2.

For all the people with unstable internet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: yasutora.7218


It’s not because you have no problems that other people don’t. My guild leader for example has a lot of client crashes from time to time which also causes him to get kicked from overflow/server which results in the fact that he cant rejoin because it’s filled up by the time he gets in again (which is usually max 30 sec). So in a matter of fact it has something to do with the game and not only with the internet. Also alot of games out there have some sort of system that tries to reconnect after you dced for around 30 seconds (thinking of css/tf2 and other source games). It’s a smart system because it alows your internet to catch up. I’m here speaking for the people with problems because of the fact that they have for e.g. (such as me) less than 1 MB dl speed. This results in the fact of me dcing whenever someone is trying to load or stream something ‘big’ on our internet. They can fix this though it has nothing to do with their own servers but with the code that is written for disconnecting people.

For all the people with unstable internet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


The issue is between YOU and NCSoft’s Servers. Unless the issue can be traced down to your edge, or NCSoft’s Edge, there is nothing that can be done about it. That is just how the internet is.

Look through the forum, this topic has been beaten to death..much like the FPS performance issues.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

For all the people with unstable internet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Unhinged Carrot.3849

Unhinged Carrot.3849

It isn’t “just how the internet is”. Disconnections are, but how they’re dealt with isn’t. In most MMO’s, the character stays in the world for a brief period following a disconnection, so that you can log in and resume where you were previously if the connection drops for whatever reason. In GW2, the character disappears from the world instantly, regardless of the reason for them being disconnected.

In the first week of the game when the servers were jittery at best, I was doing that atrociously dull personal story mission painstakingly following Trahearne around a dream version of Orr. Just as I got to the last boss in the mission, the instance server died. No fault of my own; nothing I could do about it. I logged back in immediately, but I’d been booted anyway, and had to redo the entire grueling thing. Through no fault of my own, rather because the game server/client infrastructure does not sensibly handle a loss of connection.

Zobb – Asura Engineer – Seafarer’s Rest

For all the people with unstable internet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


It isn’t “just how the internet is”. Disconnections are, but how they’re dealt with isn’t. In most MMO’s, the character stays in the world for a brief period following a disconnection, so that you can log in and resume where you were previously if the connection drops for whatever reason. In GW2, the character disappears from the world instantly, regardless of the reason for them being disconnected.

In the first week of the game when the servers were jittery at best, I was doing that atrociously dull personal story mission painstakingly following Trahearne around a dream version of Orr. Just as I got to the last boss in the mission, the instance server died. No fault of my own; nothing I could do about it. I logged back in immediately, but I’d been booted anyway, and had to redo the entire grueling thing. Through no fault of my own, rather because the game server/client infrastructure does not sensibly handle a loss of connection.

yea, that has nothing to do with connection issues what so ever.

what you are talking about is a quality of life change, that should really be put on the suggestion forums.

the main reason they dont do that here is to save on resources. after all GW2 is not a pay to play game, so they need to trim their server requirements down. Not having the feature of keeping characters logged in after disconnection helps with that.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

For all the people with unstable internet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steakpuncher.1603


They can ONLY fix problems with their own servers.

Any issues beyond that are not their responsibility and they cannot fix it. I have no problems staying connected to GW2.

’’m having issues myself and tbh I have a feeling it is on their end rather than anywhere else.

I base this on the fact that I can be almost entirely lagged out in WvW while someone sat right next to me is playing fine in Kessex Hills.

If it is an ISP along the route and it is affecting a lot of people then it’s in their best interest to fix it. I doubt people are going to spend money purchasing Gems to unlock slots, skins, whatever for a game they cannot log in to play.

Arena don’t HAVE to fix it, just like people don’t HAVE to leave a burning building. the fact of the matter is if an ISP/Network node is an issue, Arenanet are able to exert a lot more pressure than customer can.