GW2 unplayable

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057



I have read over a hundred times now that game is crashing for everyone in 2-10 minutes time span while playing, causing they’r PC’s CTD and needing to hard restart, as well as going BSOD or completely lock up.

The following messages are almost exactly the same such as:
‘’Not enough memory!’’
‘’Address line space 0000005(something) ran out of space, and GW2.exe needs to close’‘!
’’Characters ’’child’’ or something are not found or compatible with backbone(backbone is missing from the following) and the Gw2.exe has stopped responding’’

I have the same problem with many other people that posted they’r topic, and I BEG YOU ARENA NET to look into these problems and solve them ASAP, instead of fixing in game trading company or guild problems, because people actually playing and people not even being able to run the game, are two completely different stories, and those with bigger problems should have been addressed first!

W7 64 bit
AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE(4.0 Ghz with watercooling)
Kingmax 8 Gb DDR3 1333mhz FLFE
Ati Radeon(Sapphire) 7950, 3Gb, 384 bit

Me and many others also probable went through the following:

Fresh OS installation to W7 x86 and/or x64 bit
Updating drivers for GPU to latest
Rolling back drivers one by one to oldest for GPU to see if thats the problem
Updating Dx9 to see if thats the problem
Reinstalling mobo chipset drivers or any other mobo related drivers
Running the game in admin mode
Running the game in compatibility with WXP/W Vista(SP1,2)
Checking out our Catalyst control centers for Ati and what not for GeForce
Running memtest for RAM and testing out our HDD’s
Repairing the game
Reinstalling the game
Moving the game to other folders
Switching to different graphics card to see what will happen
Switching in-game graphics options
Taking out and putting in RAM
Underclocking video cards
Port forwarding
Connecting directly to the modem/router


So please be so kind and at least post an ETA for a solution that you are working on, assuming you are working on one!

Your fan from Croatia, Bojan… =’/

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


“I have read over a hundred times now that game is crashing for everyone in 2-10 minutes time span while playing, causing they’r PC’s CTD and needing to hard restart”

I don’t think this statement is correct.Tbh i have never crashed yet,not a single time,wich makes me wonder if the problem doesn’t lie in faulty hardware in your system,don’t rule out that possibility.And if you’re gonna post error codes,make sure you Do post them correct,not 0005something…we can’t do anything with that.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


The point is, that every wise guy says its my system, but the truth is far from that. I didnt have any problems with my PC, I am playing BF3 for whole day, If I want to with well over 100FPS and nothing happens, I am playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, CSS: GO, Skyrim, Max Payne 3 and so on and on…and NEVER EVER has my PC crashed or I had any problems with performance. So this is definetly not a problem with my PC, its GW2 client problem and an error somewhere in the code.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tavril.7109


I think your best technique would be to start a ticket with Guild Wars 2 support. They will ask for whatever logs and information they need to fully diagnose the problem. It does sound like some sort of unfortunate issue with GW2 and some unique element of your system.. you’re one of the first I’ve read that has this issue.

Sanctum of Rall
Qalciut, Rawtor Rendfist, Qavril, Vertabran, Qxxl, Qorval, Qamtel, Qevxl

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leviathan.3978


I’m with Mraz on this one tbh, i have saved every penny for months to get enough money to preorder it. Some of us don’t live in a high buget areas with good salaries. But still sacrificed something for the exchange of having fun and playing GW2. I have FPS problem, I played on the 25th and 26th of August great, 10 hours strong with 40-50 FPS in average crowded areas, around 20 ppl around me. But starting with 27th of August, in the morning I turned my PC on, launched GW2 and out of nowhere, my FPS was down to 5-7. Unplayable. I tried 90% of what Mraz posted that he tried and I didn’t gain even 1 FPS. As he stated I can play many other games on high/ultra settings with ease, hell… i played GW2 all of the beta’s i could and even 2 days of Headstart with nothing to worry about. Then when the FPS droped to 5… hell. Every day i struggled to get high fps with no succes. The only times I did manage to get my normal fps back is by staying up all night, around 03:00 AM till 08:00 AM I could start my game and have the time of my life. Even if I stood up untill the next day, I could play ALL day with no worry. If I shutdown my PC just for 30 minutes, and relaunch the game, 5 fps back. But now, I can’t play even at night. Never. Constant 5 fps. It’s clearly something to do with the servers. Some speculations say that in online games, if there are players with LOW end PC and network connection, the higher end are pulled down. And mainly cause game servers can’t keep them all balanced. I’m no expert, i’m just desperate.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


I think your best technique would be to start a ticket with Guild Wars 2 support. They will ask for whatever logs and information they need to fully diagnose the problem. It does sound like some sort of unfortunate issue with GW2 and some unique element of your system.. you’re one of the first I’ve read that has this issue.

I seriously hope this is some kind of sick joke you just said, open your eyes a bit and go through the forums, every second topic is about game crashing every few minutes leading to PC freezing and needing hard reset.
In fact I would go so far by saying that only on the tech forums I have seen three issues so far: 1) Crashing every couple of minutes 2) Low Fps problems 3) Random graphic problems in game(such as blue color merging with characters, shadows being weird stripes etc.)

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Here’s what I’ve got…sry for double post.

0063DD94 e8178eff ff8b4d14 8b95ecfe ffff83c4 ……M………
0063DDA4 286a0051 528d95fc feffffb9 05000000 (j.QR………..
0063DDB4 e8170001 008b4dfc 5f5e33cd 5be89a8f ……M._^3.[…
0063DDC4 25008be5 5dc21400 cccccccc 558bec8b %…]…….U…
0063DDD4 45086a00 50e892fd ffff5dc2 0400cccc E.j.P…..]…..
0063DDE4 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 8b0db812 …………….

There must be an error here somewhere, but I’m not into code and stuff…

BTW this is what error log popped out…on multiple occasions while crashing.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tavril.7109


Hmm yeah there are a few now that I look at it, I just hadn’t read any others

What about checking your hard drive for errors? Run chkdsk /r on your game drive. You might have to reboot for it to run.

Sanctum of Rall
Qalciut, Rawtor Rendfist, Qavril, Vertabran, Qxxl, Qorval, Qamtel, Qevxl

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


I did, I basically did everything almost possible, from HW testing to reinstalling OS, updating drivers, chipsets even BIOS, playing with my router…nothing helps…

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RyuProctor.9274


Yup, you are definitely not the only one. I am in the exact same boat as you are. I have been able to play EVERY game at max on my computer (BF3, Skyrim, etc.) and never ONCE had an issue with lag, FPS, or even the card getting too hot.

I too was able to play the first few days (head start) with no problems but it was shortly after that the game became unplayable for me.

The crashing is random too. Sometimes I get to play for two hours uninterrupted, other times I crash right out of the gate. Every crash requires a full computer restart and it is extremely frustrating to say the least.

I have already put in a ticket with ANet and they looked over my GameAdvisor log and told me a few things that I could try. However, just like everyone else here NOTHING has helped. It is ridiculous. I know it’s not system specs because my friend has a computer that isn’t as powerful as mine but he has NEVER crashed once. We both have AMD chipsets and GPUs as well.

I have really looked forward to playing this game and this experience is truly disappointing.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: humpo.3906


i have just attempted a dynamic event and crashed 4 times in the space of 10 minutes thus getting no loot or XP or Karma or coin, i crash when i do PvP, i crash when travel, i crash when i look at the map i crash when im just running about.

it always the same out of memory crash

Please sort it out

(edited by humpo.3906)

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dina Van Heyr.3018

Dina Van Heyr.3018

I have same problem when I launch game it always crashes with hardware failure detected or blackscreen, BUT when I launch B3 or Dayz (or both of them) and then start GW2 again, with on of them or both games runing in backround, game actualy starts or ocasionaly finish in blackscreen and client not responding message in task manager, but then I can finaly play without any problems or crashes while playing, from my poin of wiev has game huge problem with pc when it runs in in desktop gpu and cpu frequencies or something like that .. so every day if i want to play even a while I have to run some other games and force GW2 to start ..and its quite is annoying
my PC: Gigabyte GV-N66TOC-2GD, Gigabyte 879A-UD3, Phenom 965 Black edition(3.9 GHz) 8Gb ram,Win7 64,

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: onmuumno.2918


Why are we being ignored? How come nobody is seriously helping us or trying? Did they not hire any staff for the forums tech support or what?

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbuzz.5083


The point is, that every wise guy says its my system, but the truth is far from that. I didnt have any problems with my PC, I am playing BF3 for whole day, If I want to with well over 100FPS and nothing happens, I am playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, CSS: GO, Skyrim, Max Payne 3 and so on and on…and NEVER EVER has my PC crashed or I had any problems with performance. So this is definetly not a problem with my PC, its GW2 client problem and an error somewhere in the code.

My nerd rage detector is going off the charts. Try toning it down a bit batman.

You might “THINK” you don’t have any problem with your pc just because it plays other games fine, doesn’t mean its going to play GW2 & that your system is 100% stable. Have you done any stability testing? I’m guessing no..

Why is it that I’ve got six (that’s right 6) pc’s here that I bench/play/test GW2 with & not a single one of them has any issue whatsoever? Why is that?

i7 3770k@4.8Ghz / AIR
GTX 6GB Titan@1160Mhz

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sauceboss.7693


The point is, that every wise guy says its my system, but the truth is far from that. I didnt have any problems with my PC, I am playing BF3 for whole day, If I want to with well over 100FPS and nothing happens, I am playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, CSS: GO, Skyrim, Max Payne 3 and so on and on…and NEVER EVER has my PC crashed or I had any problems with performance. So this is definetly not a problem with my PC, its GW2 client problem and an error somewhere in the code.

My nerd rage detector is going off the charts. Try toning it down a bit batman.

You might “THINK” you don’t have any problem with your pc just because it plays other games fine, doesn’t mean its going to play GW2 & that your system is 100% stable. Have you done any stability testing? I’m guessing no..

Why is it that I’ve got six (that’s right 6) pc’s here that I bench/play/test GW2 with & not a single one of them has any issue whatsoever? Why is that?

Consider yourself lucky cause I’ve tried this game on 3 PC’s and it still run’s like **** (and crashes) no matter what I do. This game is the most awfully optimized game I’ve played in years.

The thing is, the game doesn’t even look that good, even on max. We ALL realize it’s a different engine, but when people can play any other game just fine, it’s the ArenaNet’s fault, not ours.

Speak for yourself.

(edited by sauceboss.7693)

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaron.1687


Cbuzz, do you really think that the 6 pc’s you have are a clear and accurate representation of ALL pc’s on the planet??? That is just silly. The whole, " I don’t have a problem therefore there can’t be a problem for anyone else" is just dumb. Think before you post.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbuzz.5083


The point is, that every wise guy says its my system, but the truth is far from that. I didnt have any problems with my PC, I am playing BF3 for whole day, If I want to with well over 100FPS and nothing happens, I am playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, CSS: GO, Skyrim, Max Payne 3 and so on and on…and NEVER EVER has my PC crashed or I had any problems with performance. So this is definetly not a problem with my PC, its GW2 client problem and an error somewhere in the code.

My nerd rage detector is going off the charts. Try toning it down a bit batman.

You might “THINK” you don’t have any problem with your pc just because it plays other games fine, doesn’t mean its going to play GW2 & that your system is 100% stable. Have you done any stability testing? I’m guessing no..

Why is it that I’ve got six (that’s right 6) pc’s here that I bench/play/test GW2 with & not a single one of them has any issue whatsoever? Why is that?

Consider yourself lucky cause I’ve tried this game on 3 PC’s and it still run’s like **** (and crashes) no matter what I do. This game is the most awfully optimized game I’ve played in years.

The thing is, the game doesn’t even look that good, even on max. We ALL realize it’s a different engine, but when people can play any other game just fine, it’s the ArenaNet’s fault, not ours.

Speak for yourself.

Yeah ok man whatever you say. It’s easy to point the finger if your not very IT savvy.

One of the things you realize after being around pc’s for 25years that if something doesn’t work, it’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault. Can’t POSSIBLY be my computer… NO WAY MANG!!

i7 3770k@4.8Ghz / AIR
GTX 6GB Titan@1160Mhz

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbuzz.5083


Cbuzz, do you really think that the 6 pc’s you have are a clear and accurate representation of ALL pc’s on the planet??? That is just silly. The whole, " I don’t have a problem therefore there can’t be a problem for anyone else" is just dumb. Think before you post.

Did I say I represent every PC on the planet? Stop making stuff up bro. Of course people have issues, it’s there troubleshooting skills that really need some work. Sometimes, especially with new released titles, it may take a bit of tweaking/testing/fixing stuff to get it working 100%. Not just “CLICK” WTF MANG ITS NOT WORKING. YOUR FAULT!!!!

One thing I would take to the bank is if I had OP’s pc in front of me I’d have GW2 up & running in under 5min OR I’d be able to tell him what the issue was.

i7 3770k@4.8Ghz / AIR
GTX 6GB Titan@1160Mhz

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RyuProctor.9274


It’s okay everyone, Cbuzz sounds like your typical jaded, cynical middle aged IT guy who feels superior to the younger generation due to his many years of experience around computers.

Cbuzz, I’m sure that you are very tech savvy and know your stuff, but you can’t seriously be that arrogant to believe that everyone on here is too dumb to consider the various reasons why the game isn’t working.

I hold degrees in IT/computer related fields from accredited Universities, have been using computers my whole life, know many tricks of the trade, and even I am having issues with this game after EXTENSIVE troubleshooting.

The difference? Your pompous attitude isn’t helping anyone. If you are so IT savvy then perhaps you should use it to help the people on this forum rather than just berate people who are probably young enough to be your kids.

Grow up.

To everyone else, I’m sure you have probably tried everything (like me) but here is a response I got from ANet that might prove useful to some:

1. Please download the latest driver from the following website and save it to your desktop, but do not install it yet:

2. Download Driver Fusion by visiting – Click “Products” then select “Driver Fusion.”

3. Click “Download for Free” and save it to your desktop.

Once you have both files on your desktop, we will need to remove your currently installed drivers. To do this:

4. Navigate to “Control Panel” in Windows and select “Uninstall a program or Add/remove programs” depending on your operating system.

5. Right-click on “AMD Catalyst Control Panel” and select “Change.”

6. Select “Uninstall Manager” then “Express.”

Once the removal process has completed, please double click the file “Driver_Fusion_X.X.X” to start the installation process.

7. Choose the default installation options and once installed, start “Driver Fusion.” (note, you may have to provide administrative rights if you have User Account Control enabled)

8. Left click and highlight the following options:

AMD – Display
Intel – Display
Nvidia – Display

Do NOT check any labeled “Chipset.”

9. Once selected, click “Analyze.” This will scan your system for any AMD, Intel or Nvidia drivers and list them for you to review.

10. Once you’re list has compiled, select “Delete” to remove these entries.

At this point, you will need to reset your computer to complete this process. When you return to Windows, your display will be in a low resolution. This is normal.

Once you return to Windows:

11. Right-click the driver file you downloaded in step 1 and select “Run as Administrator.” (note, if you are on Windows XP, you will not have this option, just double click the file)

12. Once the setup file is loaded, select “Install” then “Custom.”

13. Click “Select All” and then click “Next” to start the installation process. (Note, your screen may flicker or go blank during the installation process, this is normal)

That is your standard driver cleaning process. Now remember, that link to AMD’s website is for AMD card users. If you have an Nvidia you will need to go to their website. Also, the driver fusion software has one of those goofy toolbar installations so be sure to keep your eyes open for that during the install.

Hope that helps!

(edited by RyuProctor.9274)

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


The point is, that every wise guy says its my system, but the truth is far from that. I didnt have any problems with my PC, I am playing BF3 for whole day, If I want to with well over 100FPS and nothing happens, I am playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, CSS: GO, Skyrim, Max Payne 3 and so on and on…and NEVER EVER has my PC crashed or I had any problems with performance. So this is definetly not a problem with my PC, its GW2 client problem and an error somewhere in the code.

My nerd rage detector is going off the charts. Try toning it down a bit batman.

You might “THINK” you don’t have any problem with your pc just because it plays other games fine, doesn’t mean its going to play GW2 & that your system is 100% stable. Have you done any stability testing? I’m guessing no..

Why is it that I’ve got six (that’s right 6) pc’s here that I bench/play/test GW2 with & not a single one of them has any issue whatsoever? Why is that?

Consider yourself lucky cause I’ve tried this game on 3 PC’s and it still run’s like **** (and crashes) no matter what I do. This game is the most awfully optimized game I’ve played in years.

The thing is, the game doesn’t even look that good, even on max. We ALL realize it’s a different engine, but when people can play any other game just fine, it’s the ArenaNet’s fault, not ours.

Speak for yourself.

Yeah ok man whatever you say. It’s easy to point the finger if your not very IT savvy.

One of the things you realize after being around pc’s for 25years that if something doesn’t work, it’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault. Can’t POSSIBLY be my computer… NO WAY MANG!!

This,i have seen so many times,crashes are Most likely due to something wrong in your hardware in combination with the gw2 engine offc,but the Biggest problem def lies in your hardware,drivers.Wich most people wont accept because their systems are Leetz and can play bf3 on ultra zettingzzz!!

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaron.1687


Caedmon, you realize that hardware and software issue are different don’t you, and that drivers are software? How about the fact that game manufacturers are SUPPOSED to make their game work with all drivers?

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daedalus.2045


The point is, that every wise guy says its my system, but the truth is far from that. I didnt have any problems with my PC, I am playing BF3 for whole day, If I want to with well over 100FPS and nothing happens, I am playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, CSS: GO, Skyrim, Max Payne 3 and so on and on…and NEVER EVER has my PC crashed or I had any problems with performance. So this is definetly not a problem with my PC, its GW2 client problem and an error somewhere in the code.

My nerd rage detector is going off the charts. Try toning it down a bit batman.

You might “THINK” you don’t have any problem with your pc just because it plays other games fine, doesn’t mean its going to play GW2 & that your system is 100% stable. Have you done any stability testing? I’m guessing no..

Why is it that I’ve got six (that’s right 6) pc’s here that I bench/play/test GW2 with & not a single one of them has any issue whatsoever? Why is that?

Consider yourself lucky cause I’ve tried this game on 3 PC’s and it still run’s like **** (and crashes) no matter what I do. This game is the most awfully optimized game I’ve played in years.

The thing is, the game doesn’t even look that good, even on max. We ALL realize it’s a different engine, but when people can play any other game just fine, it’s the ArenaNet’s fault, not ours.

Speak for yourself.

Yeah ok man whatever you say. It’s easy to point the finger if your not very IT savvy.

One of the things you realize after being around pc’s for 25years that if something doesn’t work, it’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault. Can’t POSSIBLY be my computer… NO WAY MANG!!

This,i have seen so many times,crashes are Most likely due to something wrong in your hardware in combination with the gw2 engine offc,but the Biggest problem def lies in your hardware,drivers.Wich most people wont accept because their systems are Leetz and can play bf3 on ultra zettingzzz!!

Yea but… the way the game is going right now (TONS of complaints on these forums) it doesn’t seem too likely that it would be hardware.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daedalus.2045


Caedmon, you realize that hardware and software issue are different don’t you, and that drivers are software? How about the fact that game manufacturers are SUPPOSED to make their game work with all drivers?

Couldn’t agree more.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Caedmon, you realize that hardware and software issue are different don’t you, and that drivers are software? How about the fact that game manufacturers are SUPPOSED to make their game work with all drivers?

I know this,i myself suffer from lower fps then expected and my sli isnt working properly,can also be that nvidia\’s to blame.But the crashing is usually a combination of the games engine,drivers,and Your hardware.Again,i still have not yet once crashed,crashes can be due to a million things,why wouldnt your hardware be one of the things possible creating the crashes ?

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clarty.9864


OP is absolutely correct!

This is not his PC because I and thousands of others are having the exact same issue.

I have re installed W7 on two diff hdd now on two different forms. SATA/IDE.

I have done every thing he said. There is nothing left in my PC that can be replaced or tested. I even replaced all cables outside the PC and my router.. I even ran a parallel cable to the PTSN exchange as a bypass and tried that!

GW2.EXE is the problem. There is something very very very dodgy about it!

I bought the game and since then I have bought 2 x HDD, 1 x Optical, 8GB RAM and still the game BSOD. Or hangs Or reboots etc.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clarty.9864


Cbuzz, do you really think that the 6 pc’s you have are a clear and accurate representation of ALL pc’s on the planet??? That is just silly. The whole, " I don’t have a problem therefore there can’t be a problem for anyone else" is just dumb. Think before you post.

Did I say I represent every PC on the planet? Stop making stuff up bro. Of course people have issues, it’s there troubleshooting skills that really need some work. Sometimes, especially with new released titles, it may take a bit of tweaking/testing/fixing stuff to get it working 100%. Not just “CLICK” WTF MANG ITS NOT WORKING. YOUR FAULT!!!!

One thing I would take to the bank is if I had OP’s pc in front of me I’d have GW2 up & running in under 5min OR I’d be able to tell him what the issue was.

Absolute horse kitten! No way in hell you would! I place blood on that statement I made!

Your ego is FAIL.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: humpo.3906


if its not a software issue, why are loads of people reporting that the game was fine during the beta and they suffered no crashes at all then once the game releases, the crashes start?

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaron.1687


It IS a software problem. Likely the way the drivers handle the game. Finding the right combination of lowered graphics to get the drivers to handle the game without crashing the game seem to be the key to getting it to work. For me it was disabling “Character Animation” and “High res textures” in game. I now have no problems and a high fps. It will not work for all, each card/driver package will be slightly different.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Majorshepard.1960


I am also suffering from game crashes, ever since I got the game I’ve had them. I always get a c000005 error which crashes the game and I have to close it. It usually occurs after 10-20 minutes of gameplay, best time was 6 hours before I had to close it down for dinner. When I came back it started crashing again. After a while I also started getting c00000d error reports which didn’t crash the game but made the sound start doing the weird crash loop thing, were it plays 10 seconds of music over and over again. Then two or so days ago I received a new error report which did not have any sort of code like before but just: p:\code\arena\services\IdMgr/IdMgr.h(88). I then received one today with was c0000093.

Those last two have only occurred once and haven’t happened since last time. I have contacted arenanet support and they haven’t replied back to me yet, probably cause they’re really busy fixing other problems. So I thought I might as well post it in the forums and see if there are any ordinary people that know how to solve the problem.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: motorhead.4827


Been having the same problem since beta, computer will out of nowhere hard reset. I know it isn’t the power supply (just got that replaced), and like everyone else here I am able to run every other game out there on the market @ the highest settings. I am using an Asus G73s notebook; interestingly enough, it seems that many other users of the G73 series are experiencing the same problems.

Yes, as many pompous middle-aged IT pros out there are so keen to point out, it may be a problem with the hardware. I am willing to bet it isn’t though, based on my own trouble shooting, and the sheer volume of other unsatisfied customers of this game.

If Anet doesn’t get their act together soon I’m seriously considering demanding a refund.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zerolimits.1278


I seem to have fixed my crashing issue. I would crash every few minutes as well and the game was unplayable. I did two things and played for 4 hours last night with no crashes.

1) Go to Nvdia control panel, hit the button that says “restore”, this will prompt you to set the control panel settings to default, click yes.

2) Launch GW2 and change graphics settings to the preset “Best Performance”. Now I know you, I, and a lot of others have systems that should be able to handle this at medium or high settings, but if you want to play at least try this. It doesn’t look very pretty but it works for now.

Enjoy the game, your milage may vary with this, but I was having unplayable crashes constantly. If it works for you, you can try adjusting individual graphic settings higher and see if it remains stable, if not just revert it back, I haven’t messed with any of the options for now and instead will play like this until Anet resolves the underlying issue, I am just happy to at least be able to play and level up for now.

Hope this helps someone who was having issues, It was beyond frusterating for me so I had to share the two steps that helped me, at least until a permanent fix is patched in.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Milkboat.6910


Have you tried setting the “Animation” setting in the graphics tab to the lowest setting? I use to get out of memory errors aswell, and I haven’t crashed since changing that.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wraith.4103


Dude, I ONLY got a crash in the game when I overclocked my processor and was using less cores than it have
I mean, I got the fx-6100 to 4.3 with 2 cores, and it just crash, it crashed with 4 cores too. Just do not when I use all 6.
I mean, when I say crash, the game crash not the computer lol Just to stay clear. Everything was working fine, except for the game.

Adrian Faust – Human Mesmer
—-—Art Of Invasion [ART]——-
Gate of Madness