Games crashing again.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheFool.4589


—> Crash <—
Assertion: !s_validationProc || s_validationProc(msg)
File: ..\..\..\Services\Log\LogQueue.cpp(38)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 1756
Cmdline: -allowInstall
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 15107
When: 2012-08-15T23:12:18Z 2012-08-15T18:12:18-05:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:11:43
Flags: 0

Its starting again. play for under 10-20 mins…games crashes entire computer…no drivers changed, no updates. nothing. It was fine a week ago.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kubi.2316


This… I’ve had multiple crashes today including a crash for my entire party in the water fractal…. When my game crashed at level 30 maw I came to the realization that this is not a game I want to be playing at its current state.

All the crashes + the stupid jumping issue = me not going to play this pile of crap game.

GL to all of you on your frustrations…

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheFool.4589


Bump…need some answers here!
What does the !s_validationProc || s_validationProc(msg) mean?

(edited by TheFool.4589)

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheFool.4589


Anyone? please?

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: spitov.2198


All the crashes + the stupid jumping issue = me not going to play this pile of crap game.

GL to all of you on your frustrations…

true story im mad when i see this now, and i never buy more GW2 games

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivyliivy.5601


yesterday i crashed every 10 mins

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gian.4517


All the crashes + the stupid jumping issue+Lag when you find more than 10people+ lag on pvp worlds, please anet fix that, i always played good before this patch

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iced cooly.5794

iced cooly.5794

What systems you all using? I get a lot of crashes, however I think it is down to the graphics card / driver. I am using a Geforce 8800 GTX and running windows XP 32 bit OS on a 64 bit system.

This set-up isn’t ideal at all but its all I have to go on at the moment. I don’t blame Guild wars 2 for this. In my case the crashes are definitely to do with my system.

I’m just wondering those of you who are having these issues, could you post the technical info of your machines? It may help them to help us. Simply saying “it crashes, fixt it” will get us no where.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kubi.2316


What systems you all using? I get a lot of crashes, however I think it is down to the graphics card / driver. I am using a Geforce 8800 GTX and running windows XP 32 bit OS on a 64 bit system.

This set-up isn’t ideal at all but its all I have to go on at the moment. I don’t blame Guild wars 2 for this. In my case the crashes are definitely to do with my system.

I’m just wondering those of you who are having these issues, could you post the technical info of your machines? It may help them to help us. Simply saying “it crashes, fixt it” will get us no where.

Running a high end system on windows 7 (64) with updated drivers. I can guarantee that these crashes are because of software failure and not hardware issues. I don’t have problems running any game ever.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gian.4517


Yeah, It’s only a GuildWars2 problem.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iced cooly.5794

iced cooly.5794

Oh dear :-( I’m curious, with your crashes; do your computers freeze up forcing you to reboot or can you quit the game and start it up again?

When I get a crash my computer completely freezes and I have to force a reboot.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Scorpion.1286


me too welcomes the new update with constant bug reports sending. How about removing bug sender. Bug out reports of fractals. again then bug outs of Lions Arch way point bug out bug out bug out. I know this sounds like a broken record but come on what the .. is going on.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kalinikos.2481


Oh dear :-( I’m curious, with your crashes; do your computers freeze up forcing you to reboot or can you quit the game and start it up again?

When I get a crash my computer completely freezes and I have to force a reboot.

Have the same problem, im running the game on an asus zenbook so i have two graphic cards. One decent geforce 620M, and a slow intel hd 4000. Actually the game only breaks down when i use the geforce card… Still not sure ifs geforce that doesnt go well with gw2 or the other way around….

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Scorpion.1286


OK guys here is something I stumbled on. The guys having the problems seam to be the ones with NVDIA cards
Go to start button
right click my computer
goto manage and device manager
Sound and video and game controllers
{i some reason have 3 drivers in there
1. Intel{r} display
2. NVDIA High definition audio
3. realtek High definition audio
So i have disabled the NVDIA one and left the others

I managged to get through fractals w/out DC

Hope this works for you alswel

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sato Matsumoto.1258

Sato Matsumoto.1258

Hey guys. I have the same problem. I’m on 32-bit and use a Nvidia GTX 550 Ti on Windows 7. The game ran fine before the Lost Shores updates. A temporary fix that has worked for me so far is to right click on the shortcut and choose “Troubleshoot compatibility.”

Apparently the game is crash free when it is in compatibility mode for “Windows XP Service Pack 2” for me. Because of this, I know it is either a problem with video card drivers (which I doubt because the game was running fine before LS) or a new bug within the game that makes Windows think it is incompatible with the game in its current state.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Scorpion.1286


sigh bugging again ..

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Scorpion.1286


  • Crash <—*
    Exception: c0000005
    Memory at address 000000b4 could not be written
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 920
    BaseAddr: 00400000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 16189
    Module: nvd3dum.dll
    When: 2012-12-04T17:24:20Z 2012-12-05T01:24:20+08:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:04:48
    Flags: 0

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iced cooly.5794

iced cooly.5794

Yesterday I decided to finally mess around with my PC to see if I could sort the problem out. I re-installed windows XP 32 bit, service pack 3 and all updates, Installed the latest Nvidia drivers and didnt put anything else on there apart from GW2.

I was able to play for the entire evening without a single crash and I was able to run it fine with higher graphics settings. :-)

I urge everyone who is having issues who have not performed any maintenance on their machines to give it a go. I know it is a lot of messing around but thats PC gaming for you and GW2 is worth in my oppinion.

Hopefully when I play this evening it will run just as smoothly.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SMOR.3510


as i noticed gw2 has some bad issues with nvidia cards..i run on 8800gtx up to 30 fps..and after last is very unstable i i cant even start gw2..i click on icon..screen become black and flickering and my nvidia driver like explode..when i kill proces gw2..driver for nvidia doesnt work..i can run any game or watch movies..i have to restart..whats up with that!?!?

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SMOR.3510


i just wonder does ATI users have any of these problems?

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Swedemon.4670


Yes, i have a Radeon 5770 crossfire with Win7 (64) and the last couple of days, especially last night, am crashing within 5 – 20 minutes of gameplay. All temperatures down. I’m going to try to disable audio all together to confirm whether that is a player in these issues.

Never really had crashing issues since launch.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Swedemon.4670


Edit: Nvm. Crashes persist despite changing to GTX 280 video card.

(edited by Swedemon.4670)

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ghilteras.4869


same issue here. I am crashing something like once every 10-15 mins, my graphica card is an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti with 306.97 drivers

the crash is always Exception c0000005

“Memory at address xxxxxx could not be written”

Never crashed during beta, then started crashing sometime in the last 2 months, now crashes have intensified to the point that the game is unplayable.

I also notice a lot of these warnings in the windows event viewer while playing gw2

A corrected hardware error has occurred.

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Corrected Machine Check
Error Type: Internal parity error
Processor ID: 0

any hints on how to mitigate the issue?

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Swedemon.4670


Well I should have tried this earlier but I reset the BIOS to defaults essentially undoing what I thought was a stable overclock and the crashes (almost completely) ceased. I did get one crash last night but that was after 10 hours of game time.

The c0000005 Exception is a tricky one but after all my tweaks it does seem to point to a hardware issue be it the power supply, cpu or memory. It does not appear to be directly related to video cards because after changing video cards from HD 5770 to GTX 280 I saw no effect. I would still crash to desktop every 5-15 minutes.

Games crashing again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Has anyone found a way to solve this? Any fix? My buddy has an NVIDIA Gtx 560 and the game keeps crashing on him every 2-10 minutes, it’s frustrating and unplayable.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW