Guild wars 2 & ubuntu
Hey Enzo,
There currently is no official supported Linux client. However, as you probably know there is a windows library hooks for Linux libsprovided by Wine. You can find more information here:
There is also http://www.playonlinux.com/ which is based on Wine and may be easier to setup for a specific application.
But of course its not perfect: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=26558 and with a Bronze/Silver rating, don’t expect much.
In terms of performance, check out some youtube videos of people playing.
Any issues you run into this method won’t be supported by ArenaNets team, and you are likely to run into a lot of issues. I wish there was an Linux client! Thats the only reason I keep windows around, and with the fail that is W8, I really want to jump ship.
word is, even with playonlinux gw2 has issues like trading post not working.
sorry but real gamers use windows.
if you want to use linux, support only games that have true native linux clients, encourage more developers to support your platform.
but dont expect most developers to want to support linux, there are to many problems with the OS that make support a nightmare that most developers do not want to deal with that.
you could encourage linux developers to come up with and use a stable driver api/abi, and hardware abstraction layer, because as linux stands now, every kernal patch update breaks drivers…
BSD is a better *nix based OS, but is less popular then noobuntu….
Linux is great for appliance systems, its great for servers, and its a fun toy to play with on desktop, but its not “ready for prime” as a desktop from any realistic point of view….
even people who love linux admit that it sucks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh-cnaJoGCw&feature=player_embedded watch that it will help you understand why linux is not taking over the market from windows and OSX…
dependancy hell sucks….if only linux dev’s could take a que from bsd and osx(based on bsd) to fix these issues.
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
but dont expect most developers to want to support linux, there are to many problems with the OS that make support a nightmare that most developers do not want to deal with that.
you could encourage linux developers to come up with and use a stable driver api/abi, and hardware abstraction layer, because as linux stands now, every kernal patch update breaks drivers…
BSD is a better *nix based OS, but is less popular then noobuntu….
Linux is great for appliance systems, its great for servers, and its a fun toy to play with on desktop, but its not “ready for prime” as a desktop from any realistic point of view….
even people who love linux admit that it sucks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh-cnaJoGCw&feature=player_embedded watch that it will help you understand why linux is not taking over the market from windows and OSX…
dependancy hell sucks….if only linux dev’s could take a que from bsd and osx(based on bsd) to fix these issues.
Ugh this is so full of inaccuracies it hurts me to read. Linux is a kernel. Those who understand well the distro they are using and their package manager for their have very little issues. The problem is people running Linux and not wanting to learn their distro, and wanting things to be handed to them. Linux requires knowledge to use. It has freedom to do EXACTLY what the user tells it to do, without hand holding. This is a double edged sword.
And while BSD is definitely more stable, changes/packages take forever to be marked as stable. It definitely makes for a more stable OS, but unless you want to use packages that are outdated or have a team of developers getting paid to handle development (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_) don’t bother with it.
And I have had NO driver issues, save some problems with proprietary closed-source drivers which I remember Linus addressing quite firmly:
The main reason for lack of mainstream games in the lack of market share. As a developer I love programming for Linux. The driver model is more sane, the APIs are better defined, and abstraction layers are still evolving… Yes X could use some work, but what X solves isn’t an easy problem to solve any better. The problem is there are a lot more desktop gamer Windows and Mac users than Linux users, so why would you devote resources to developing a game for it for minimal ROI? Luckily steam is working towards help solve that problem.
linux ties drivers directly to the kernal, Linus(the guy who invented/created linux) still to this day stands by that choice despite the fact it means every kernal update breaks drivers…..its a big part of what alot of linux dev’s want to fix.
just because you claim to have no driver problems dosnt mean many dont, watch the video all the way thru, they have been doing that video and one thats “why linux dosnt suck” for years, and the thing is, the same problems have been around a long time(watch it you will get the problems and why alot of dev’s avoid linux as a supported platform)
and another big problem with linux is, you cant be sure from distro to distro that each will support the same audio framework or input framework.
steam will help you a bit but it wont convenes most large dev houses/publishers to support linux in general, they may support a particular distro but no guarantee how long it will take to support each new major update/patch….
windows you can be sure will have a set minimum support for each version.
all XP systems have dx9 support(software at least) that means d3d9, direct input, direct draw, direct sound, exct, linux lacks a system like this.
vista dx10 and 11 are supported same with 7, you can be sure that with vista and 7 and 8 that the min hardware somebody will have will be dx9 level most will be 10 or 11, again, you cant do that with linux, because people can use very old hardware to run linux, hardware nolonger supported under windows.
this is great for a server or websystem/basic desktop system, but its not good for gaming……
and I will take stable packages that are older over packages that are full of bugs, tho, I will say, I havent had any trouble with setting bsd up with “unstable” apps, you can install them by choice.
X needs replaced, most linux dev’s agree there are newer better options that just need to be matured more, its not that x wasnt great in its time but…..its kinda a mess now…..
ofcorse then are more users of windows and osx, they are stable well supported operating systems that dont put you thru dependancy hell, that dont require you to learn the underbelly of the OS to make full use of the system…..
Linux isnt bad for its main market(servers and appliances), is not a good general use desktop OS, sorry, but even most linux dev’s will admit that linux isnt suited well to the average PC user who just wants their system to work.
I use linux on systems for people who just need appliance pc’s(web browsing, homework, exct) I would never do it for somebody who needed a system with MS office or equivalent, I would never do it for a gamer, I would never do it to somebody who needed access to mainstream apps.
As somebody whos been a PC tech(mac/windows/exct) for 20odd years, I can tell you, No tech I know, even those who LOVE linux or BSD for their personal use, would try and push it on a client/customer who didnt specifically want or need it.
if you like/love linux thats great, but you need to accept its got problems and limitations that windows and even osx systems dont have software and even hardware wise…..(osx has better quality drivers then linux most of the time….and at least wifi on windows and osx are reliable….cant say that for linux across the bulk of modern wifi hardware…….i know this from personal exp…..wifi in linux still sucks…..)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
Hi and thanks for the feedback, sorry if my thanks was late, work & some other stuff kept me for coming here sooner, but thanks, i’ve watched the videos on Gw2 and ubuntu, and i will try it out =).
Cheers and good game
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Hello Enzo.
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