I want a refund

I want a refund

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Philo.1542


The game is not playable. Your product does not function. I exceed the minimum requirements. I think a refund is in due order. Have a representative get in touch with me. Thanks.

I want a refund

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Ask using the appropriate method: contact support. This is a public forum not for private matters. Also, games are NEVER EVER playable with just minimum requirements, and only a slight or even sometimes a big jump wont even change that. What are your system specs?

I want a refund

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Philo.1542


Ask using the appropriate method: contact support. This is a public forum not for private matters. Also, games are NEVER EVER playable with just minimum requirements, and only a slight or even sometimes a big jump wont even change that. What are your system specs?

6gb DDR3
I7 2.6ghz
GTX 260

Now, I don’t expect the best performance in the world. But I do expect better than 1fps at the lowest settings. I have followed the automated suggestions to no avail. I’ve linked all my necessary information. Apparently, I’m to wait 4-5 days before I even receive an initial response.

Frankly, I have no desire to wait weeks on end as others have to deal with a product that simply does not function. I’d rather have my money and buy a product that actually does work.

(edited by Philo.1542)

I want a refund

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sephirox.4071


MY specs are EVEN worst..and I can run on high 55-60 fps..check your system GW2 is not the problem. Check background tasks.

I want a refund

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Philo.1542


MY specs are EVEN worst..and I can run on high 55-60 fps..check your system GW2 is not the problem. Check background tasks.

And there are many others with similar and better specifications who cannot run the game. They and I have updated drivers. We have followed every suggestion to the letter.

Don’t generalize based upon your case. There are too many variables in play.

I am more than capable of playing other high-end games fine. As I stated, the drivers are up to date, I have followed the automated suggestions, and to no avail. It is simply not acceptable that I’m only receiving 1 fps at the lowest settings. That is utterly ridiculous.

I’m at the point where I don’t have any desire to wait on a patch, or wait for weekly responses because their customer service department isn’t up to speed.

I’d rather have my refund and go on my way.

I want a refund

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darcwolf.6817


so your pc isnt functioning properly and you want a refund, thats like having a broken car and wanting your gas money back, lol.

I want a refund

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Philo.1542


so your pc isnt functioning properly and you want a refund, thats like having a broken car and wanting your gas money back, lol.

I think you might have difficulty with reading comprehension, Darcwolf. Let’s be clear, I have already stated that I have and do play other high-end games, and they do run fine. Whether we’re talking about Battlefield 3, Crysis 2, Age of Conan, World of Warcraft, Counter Strike Go, etc. My drivers are fully updated as I stated in previous posts, and I have followed every automated suggestion to the letter. Now, I am just not prepared to wait weeks and months on end for this company’s customer service department to get up to speed, or for the programmers to resolve issues with their code.

The issue is not the car. It’s really not even the gas. It’s the entire gas station.