Incredible long Loading screens?

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dorin.4618


New update , new problems. Unfortunately nothing good like usually.
Double (that’s the nice way to say it) loading times here too.
Before 2-3-4 seconds , now goin to 10 and even more sometimes. And not talking about LA or other crowded cities.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PrinceCola.5620


Like the rest i am also experiencing this issue. (If that is the word for it?)

Samsung 500 GB SSD

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support


For any of you guys experiencing this issue, could you please submit a technical support ticket so that our team can look into this issue a bit further? The thread below should detail contacting support:

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: EnemyCrusher.7324


It took me almost 5 minutes to load LA yesterday. I’ve always had slow loading screens (I’m running GW2 on a 4 year old laptop) but it got noticeably worse when Cutthroat Politics began.

For an issue that seems to be affecting a large portion (if not a majority) of players, I don’t think support tickets will do anything but burden the customer support team.

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Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Coldmind.7946


Same here since recent patch. From 6-10 sec to 15-30 sec on most maps (only LA a bit more).
Deleting local.dat did not help.
Samsung 830 SSD, Win7 64×.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neph.2163


I am also experiencing this.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


I did some timings tonight.

Loading character into DR (bank/tp waypoint area) from selection screen after start up. – 68 seconds, however I noticed there was no culling or popup rendering of player characters and NPCs all were fully rendered, and quite the crowd. Most other travel cases had culling upon arrival along with various sounds being delayed.

Asura Gate from DR to LA – 33 seconds
LA to DR – 34s

LA to Hoelbrek – 25s
WP travel across Hoelbrek – 17s
Hoelbrek to Wayfarer Twinspur Haven WP – 22s

DR to Queensdale using zone gate – 13s

Now most of these times I don’t consider bad. It didn’t “feel” slower or much slower at least.

I have 1TB 7200RPM drive that benchmarks at 100MB/s on average hooked to SATA II controller, 3Mb/s max. Drive is less than 25% full. It’s also the system drive. I have 8GB of system memory.

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(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dorin.4618


I did some timings tonight.

Loading character into DR (bank/tp waypoint area) from selection screen after start up. – 68 seconds, however I noticed there was no culling or popup rendering of player characters and NPCs all were fully rendered, and quite the crowd. Most other travel cases had culling upon arrival along with various sounds being delayed.

Asura Gate from DR to LA – 33 seconds
LA to DR – 34s

LA to Hoelbrek – 25s
WP travel across Hoelbrek – 17s
Hoelbrek to Wayfarer Twinspur Haven WP – 22s

DR to Queensdale using zone gate – 13s

Now most of these times I don’t consider bad. It didn’t “feel” slower or much slower at least.

I have 1TB 7200RPM drive that benchmarks at 100MB/s on average hooked to SATA II controller, 3Mb/s max. Drive is less than 25% full. It’s also the system drive. I have 8GB of system memory.

It depends on everyone’s configuration.

For me 2-5 seconds is normal, 5-10 acceptable and over 10 seconds is boo. And after last patch , most of the loading times are over 10 seconds.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


You need absolutly to fix this.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BluePhantom.2894


Noticed a problem here too.. with my old pc i usually take maximum 20-25 seconds to enter a new map, now it require more than a minute..

I have an Intel E2180 and an Nvidia 8600, i guess I had to see that coming..

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MasterYoda.8563


For any of you guys experiencing this issue, could you please submit a technical support ticket so that our team can look into this issue a bit further? The thread below should detail contacting support:

I filled out a ticket and attached a Game Advisor file then supports trolls me, by telling me to give them a Game Advisor report before they can help. (ticket number 130808-000104)

I have 2 Vertex 4 sdd’s in Raid 0 the drives are not even close to being full and in perfect health.

Update Edit I got reply from support actually helping me this time.

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GG Anet

(edited by MasterYoda.8563)

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Bah….tired of this same old scenario ….every time there is a patch or update, we get long loading screens. I think I’ll go play another game for a bit.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Galdamir.4026


So bored of this now, every patch, problems with long loading screens leading to a crash and error message. Cant be too difficult to figure out where to push resources when you are loading the servers in a single location every 2 weeks.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qiko.2461


For any of you guys experiencing this issue, could you please submit a technical support ticket so that our team can look into this issue a bit further? The thread below should detail contacting support:

I filled out a ticket and attached a Game Advisor file then supports trolls me, by telling me to give them a Game Advisor report before they can help. (ticket number 130808-000104)

I have 2 Vertex 4 sdd’s in Raid 0 the drives are not even close to being full and in perfect health.

Update Edit I got reply from support actually helping me this time.

Did they provided a fix?

Mesmer – HoD server

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276


Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

Hey MasterYoda – It looks like we suggested deleting the local.dat file and following up with a repair. How did that work out for you?

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wilhelm.6894


Hey MasterYoda – It looks like we suggested deleting the local.dat file and following up with a repair. How did that work out for you?

Thing is though you can’t tell the majority of players to do this unless you shove it down their throats when they log in. There’s quite a few players that never get on the forums and will never see this “potential” fix.

This isn’t just a small minority of people having this issue, I even asked in my own guild yesterday and got 43 people(out of the 60 on at the time) saying they’ve gotten anywhere from 5-30secs of extra time added to most loading screens. Most of this seems to have been after the 6hr maintenance the other night, idk everything that goes on during a games maint but when it affects loading screen times in a negative way something somewhere had to have gone wrong during said maint.

(edited by Wilhelm.6894)

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rennuh.9356


I’m having this same problem, also using an SSD by the way as everybody seems to have. Deleting the local.dat file did not change anything either, I hope this gets fixed soon as it is really annoying. Not gamebreaking or anything but I’d rather enjoy the new content than loading screens.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tasslehoff.5738


“Fixed an effect loading bug.” If this is fix this problem than not for me, still loadings take alot more time like before. So nothing fixed.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jiggawattz.7129


yes, i’m having long loading screens, 40 seconds or more with intel SSD

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Before this patch I would transition into a new zone full of name tags on no character models or sounds for several seconds. Just maybe they now wait until those assets are fully loaded before dumping you out of the load screen because I’ve noticed both sound and all characters, player and NPC, present when I leave the load screen.

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Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Albert Of Tyria.2149

Albert Of Tyria.2149

Same problem. And Anet you must fix this because its not a problem for some people; the majority of players, if not all, have this issue; so it doesnt depend from people’ system but from the game/client

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dronzer.8392


I noticed this very exact thing, sitting around jumping zone to zone and starting to think- " why is the loading screen taking so long?! " something has definitely changed in the last patch that has caused this.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ANGELofPAIN.4809


same problem … think after the patch “why is Divinity’s Reach loading so long … it’s not LA … mähhh”

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maze.3825


Will you ArenaNet please inform your community that this is an issue being looked into at least?
For some of us this is like buying a new car and one wheel is an invisible square shape!
My car moves but kitten that is bumpy; i.e. 99% of all players experience since Queens Jubilee.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BuD.7851


Load times have quadrupled, deleted dat & did repair as suggested above. No change what so ever, total waste of an hour+….

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Takato.4976


Game changer for PvP right now.

Not only do you die and wait 15+ seconds to respawn, it takes another 15-30 seconds to load now and gives a kittened advantage to the other team.

Might as well call it hard core mode and never allow dead players to respawn.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xlion.3065


Loading times are at least 2-3 times longer after the patch.
Deleting local.dat and running gw2 -repair didn’t improve anything.
Also setting an FPS limit of 60 now actually reduces FPS to around 30 which is the post patch upper limit in the login screen regardless of settings.

(edited by xlion.3065)

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Hey MasterYoda – It looks like we suggested deleting the local.dat file and following up with a repair. How did that work out for you?

I contacted the tech support as u said and i received the same “fiX” that, of course, doesn’t work

This is not an our hardware problem, but it’s a problem caused by patch or another thing that came with this update.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


Is there anyone not having this issue or have normal loading times?

Anet unable to reproduce this issue?
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Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nakaa.6304


Dear Anet,
please fix the long loading times you introduced in the last patch. I run a 2500k with 8gigs and a 830ssd. Before the patch loading times were /- 6secs, after your patch 20 secs. Nothing has changed on my pc just your patch. All oter games load fast. Deleting local.dat didnt fix the problem. /caugh*Only happy cumstomers buy gems*

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ziwdon.3075


Me and my brother are also experiencing this.
We also had a considerable FPS drop…and we have different specs.

“And now we rise; And we are everywhere” ~ From The Morning, Nick Drake

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sixshot.5798


The long map loading is starting to get ridiculous now. I wonder if this is a conspiracy to reduce people traversing through LA to minimize waypoint cost.

Like many who has posted before me, I run kitten (Samsung 830 128GB) for the OS and for a few games, including GW2. Map loading on LA felt twice as long and using waypoints inside the city would take much longer to load.

I’m starting to get pretty aggravated when loading any map now… (GW2 Boss Schedule)

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sartori.1962



Add me to the list, loading times have doubled for me since last maint/patch.

Am on Dragonbrand, running an Intel SSD, I7, 560ti, 8 gig corsair Vengance, Asus Sabertooth. PC power and cooling 850 watt psu. Windows 7 pro sp1.

Averaged around 10 seconds per map load before now its around 20 or more…


Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tasslehoff.5738


after repair and delete local.dat still loadings are horrible long

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maze.3825


Please stop trolling us with average suggestions like:
“Or make sure there are no potato chip crumbs on your keyboard” and at least acknowledge the loading times have been altered and are unacceptable. TIA.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Azunai.1065


Hey MasterYoda – It looks like we suggested deleting the local.dat file and following up with a repair. How did that work out for you?

Loading into the asuran tutorial = 25 sec
deleted the gw2.dat, downloaded the it from scratch → 25sec
deleted the gw2.dat, downloaded via -image → 25 sec

prepatch it was around 4-5 seconds

Namefather of the Asuran Elementalists from [Bots]
My first Video:

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RaZ.2145


I noticed than Eternal Battle loading screens is more long than other loadings screens … and sometimes Freeze too …

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Hey MasterYoda – It looks like we suggested deleting the local.dat file and following up with a repair. How did that work out for you?

Tried it. Didn’t help.

Also, check here:

I don’t think it’s an asset/loading issue. I think it’s a network issue.

Also, I haven’t talked to a SINGLE person who is not having this issue. It’s affecting everyone.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Curuglas.1847


yes, i’m having long loading screens, 40 seconds or more with intel SSD

2 Intel SSD (1 OS, 1 Game), loading times are similar. I tried deleting all but the gw2.exe and have it install anew, not much changed (except the new gw2.dat being about 4 GB smaller than before).

Is there anything we could do to reduce loading times?

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


yes, i’m having long loading screens, 40 seconds or more with intel SSD

2 Intel SSD (1 OS, 1 Game), loading times are similar. I tried deleting all but the gw2.exe and have it install anew, not much changed (except the new gw2.dat being about 4 GB smaller than before).

Is there anything we could do to reduce loading times?

Read the post above yours real fast and check out the link I posted. I think it’s a network thing, not a HDD/SSD loading issue. Don’t know if that means it’s on the server-end or the client-end though.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toash.8063


Insane loading times here too, I´m using 2x Adata XM11 SSDs in RAID0…

Even porting between WPs in the same zone (close wps) is showing a loading screen <goes nuts>

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maze.3825


Hello A-NET, do you copy? Yet?

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Insane loading times here too, I´m using 2x Adata XM11 SSDs in RAID0…

Even porting between WPs in the same zone (close wps) is showing a loading screen <goes nuts>

Watch your HD indicator light. I bet it’s not reading for almost that entire time.

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrChaos.8602


Same here since last patch; with SSD

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Azunai.1065


guess thats Anets coding policy

Namefather of the Asuran Elementalists from [Bots]
My first Video:

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maze.3825


Anet so advanced rendered SSD technology useless !!

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toash.8063


Insane loading times here too, I´m using 2x Adata XM11 SSDs in RAID0…

Even porting between WPs in the same zone (close wps) is showing a loading screen <goes nuts>

Watch your HD indicator light. I bet it’s not reading for almost that entire time.

Its almost never loading, so yeah it has to be network (?) related, and not IO.
Hell, porting between close WPs should be instant since everything is already in ram/cached, instead its taking ages.

(edited by Toash.8063)

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maze.3825


ANET fixed the loading time issues.
Thank YOU

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: do it.4016

do it.4016

Same here. longer loading screen, and chance for constant FPS drop to 5-9 fps inside game maps.
restarting PC solve the FPS drops, but then it come back randomly after game restart.
all of this wasn’t an issue before last patch.
please also note that Game is just running fine on character selection screen.

~don’t tell me its my PC because the game is running on dedicated GW2 PC !
*The gfx card never exceed 45°C on overdrive OC settings.

lv80>Mesmer>Damage Capping build>Supporter

(edited by do it.4016)

Incredible long Loading screens?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toash.8063


WOOHOO, back to insta zoning! thanks guys