Memory Leak

Memory Leak

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


It would appear that the game has a memory leak issue. Every so often, the game lags down. That is, my FPS drops off and the game becomes choppy. So I did a test.

Starting next to Smokestead Waypoint (just outside Black Cidital) I entered WvW, then left through the gate to LA, waypoint traveled to the other gates, went through to Black Cidital, ran through and out the front back to where I started.

My memory peaked at 2,000,000K while traveling past the northern part of Black Cidital and sure enough, I was experiencing the problem when I got back to where I started. Choppy, low frame rates and only at 1,600,000K memory used.

I restarted the game, and after moving around in the immediate area, I peaked out at 1,200,000K memory used. Which means the game isn’t letting go of 400,000K as it should and I believe this is causing interference resulting in a drop in frame rates.

This isn’t the only situation where it has happened, just the situation I know how to repeat. I’ve had it happen a couple other times depending on what I’m doing and where I’m traveling.

Memory Leak

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


That’s not a memory leak. It’s normal usage which varies depending on where you are and how many people are around (etc.).

Also, 2 Gig memory usage for GW2 is not excessive. If this is causing your computer to run out of RAM (more “swap” file usage) then you need more memory OR you need to free up some RAM by turning off background programs.

Memory Leak

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


That’s not a memory leak. It’s normal usage which varies depending on where you are and how many people are around (etc.).

Also, 2 Gig memory usage for GW2 is not excessive. If this is causing your computer to run out of RAM (more “swap” file usage) then you need more memory OR you need to free up some RAM by turning off background programs.

Read again and read carefully.

The 2gig occurred in the Black Cidital and this is not where the issue occurred. The issue took place outside the Black Cidital and happened with just 1.6gig used. Restarting the game caused it to drop to 1.2gig at the same location and no issue.

I have 32gigs of ram although windows 7 x64 home premium only allows me to use 16gigs. Between GW2 and other programs, my ram never exceeds 50%.

Memory Leak

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


1. That’s not a memory leak and I don’t need to read your post again.

2. You are assuming that the client will free a certain amount of memory when you have no idea how the client is designed to work. It is probably caching assets in memory that the client “decided” that it may need to access again.

3. Something else is causing your FPS to drop and the game to become choppy. It has nothing to do with memory usage.

Memory Leak

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


1. That IS a memory leak

2. Memory leaks can cause issues even when there is more than enough space available. This is due to conflicting data.

3. I’m not assuming anything. I can play the game just fine in most cases. In the odd case (always following a loading screen where old data should be dropped and new data loaded) some old data is not being dropped and it’s conflicting with the new data being loaded. Resulting in a performance issue.

I have dropped my graphics settings and still got the problem so it’s not an issue with the graphics. I run an i7 OC @ 4.5Ghz so it’s not the cpu. Temps are well below limit so it’s not a overtemp issue either.

I have experience with computers and programing. I’ve dealt with memory leaks on both ends before. Unfortunately I can’t deal with this because it is with the client and out of my hands, otherwise I would’ve done so.

There was no point in someone such as yourself even posting as this was not me asking for help. It was me informing those in a position to do something with a heads up about the issue.

Memory Leak

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


I’m not going to argue with you. You are wrong, period.

Good luck and have a nice day.

Memory Leak

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


If it was a memory leak, your GW2.exe client would continue to ‘leak’ memory until it ultimately crashes.

What you are describing, and possibly experiencing, is nothing more then poor memory management. The Game, being what it is, can use up to 3.5GB of ram for the entire host process of gw2.exe. It will not release ram that is not needed until it is forced to cache the pool out. This only happens when the memory limit is hit with the processes and it needs to delete stored memory mapping data in its cache to make room for newer data. This mainly happens with character data that your client must process.

But your poor FPS and the memory ‘issue’ you are describing are going to be unrelated. You are well below the 3.5GB limit (3.48GB is actually where GW2.exe tends to crash unfortunately.), and you have 32GB (16GB usable, you really need to upgrade to Professional, or Win8.1), so you should not be having memory issues at all.

You could be having driver and/or power issues.

a better thing to do would be to load up GPU-Z, CPU-Z, and maybe HWInfo and verify CPU/GPU clock speeds, and your temps to make sure something else isn’t going on.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Memory Leak

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

If the game code had a memory leak, EVERY player would be having these issues. A memory leak in code is NOT machine dependent…..all clients would have the bad code and all players would see the “symptom” you are reporting…..we are NOT seeing it so it is NOT a client code based memory leak.

Your assumption is simply wrong, so quit trying to defend it and look for a REAL solution to your problem (we would be happy to help with THAT).

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Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances