Network Lag [Merged]

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xfighteveryonex.1852


Hi i just got gw2 today, i love it but i seem to be having some issues with latency to world, not home. When i press the jump button or do a counter roll there executed the moment i press the keys. However casting spell/interacting with NPC’s or gathering the action is delayed by a couple seconds. Im currently on Stormbluff isle and the server is very high in player count. I was wondering if its possible that it is the reason why im getting such a delay? My frame rate is fine anywhere from 50-70 depending on where i am so i know its not a preformance issue. would swithing to a more lightly populated server fix it? Also im still really new to Gw2 but is there a way to check connection to a server before entering it?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Also im still really new to Gw2 but is there a way to check connection to a server before entering it?

Only way I know of, is to use software like pingplotter to check the status of individual maps (each map has a unique ip address, can see which ip it has by typing /ip in the chat window).
That’s what I use anyway.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exebeast.4039


I too am having intermittent lag with skills every 30 seconds or so. I have noticed this since thursday. I know the update said it was just for billing etc., but something has def changed. I have not had any issues from release till now, but in the current condition it is not playable for group content. It still lags when I am just exploring too. On that same day while in a group we suffered several disconnects for a while in addition to the lag. It is very frustrating and I just wanted to post.

I rarely post these type of complaints because it doesn’t do much, but kitten this is very aggravating.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archeos.5619


I’m having the same troubles as you Exebeast.
Taking forever to talk to Npc’s and generally laggy.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aurorablue.5163


I’ve never had this problem before. I returned to GW2 after a months break I was able to play fine on the weekend.

But today I try and play and it’s lagging like crazy, I see my abilities flashing on the bar as I use them but it seems to take forever before they are used. Everything is laggy including how long it takes to loot a corpse.
And it lists my fps as 132.

GW2 is unplayable for me with all this lag.

Edit: I know it’s just GW2 as Iam able to play other games fine without any lag.

(edited by Aurorablue.5163)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: scree.2061


Aurora is correct, I’ve noticed significant micro-lag in this game. I can play and chat normally….. and their are very brief moments of me being unable to perform an action. The game snaps back and all of sudden its fine again. These occur once every minute or so?

Its really annoying. I even took steps to watch a tracert/pingpong report live as I played utilizing the /ip of each map I was on. The lag seems to start as soon as I hit arenanet’s ip allotment. I’ve also noticed sometimes spikes along the level3 dallas ip allotment.

Not sure whats goings on but its absolutely new code causing it. I play Counterstrike and haven’t experienced a drop of an issue despite existing lag complaint in GW2.

If you need more info let me know I can paste tracert reports.

Did you guys make any network changes in the last patch?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Geewoody.2017


Lag is worse than ever. Sadly, this isn’t the only massive thread regarding connection issues and this has been going on so long I’m starting to doubt that this is something AN can fix. I really hope they aren’t just stringing us along.

That Rift expac is looking very tempting right now.

EDIT: Getting hit by 15 second lag spikes now. sPvP is the only reason I still play GW2 and now I can’t properly play it. Oh well…

(edited by Geewoody.2017)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lineria.4876


Lag seems to have gotten quite bad after the last update. May be coincidence but over the last week I’m getting substantially more lag than when I started playing. Its definitely not my connection if I can minimize the game and stream youtube video’s at 480p without buffering. very disappointing i cant enjoy the game anymore considering dropping down to a lower population server. Has this helped anyone or is this happening across most servers?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lineria.4876


okay just switched to a lower population server and it fixed all my lag problems. Seems ArenaNet is having trouble with their high population servers. Aurora Glade is unplayable for me.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dante.1508


Pretty bad Lag spikes today, while in Combat everything freezes then goes again and repeats, last few days were fine, today its been the worst ive ever experienced lag..

I’m in Brisbane Australia insane lag spikes all evening here..

Seem to have no issues with my internet or other games just Guildwars 2. I’m on Sea of Sorrows Server.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Modimor.4319


My lag gets progressivly worse every day now. Couple of days ago it was only while in WvW or quing for it. Now it’s in empty PVE maps aswell.

Only exeption being while i’m doing perosnal story line.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

Tarnished coast in Bloodtide Coast. A lot of healing turrets are on the path to the cursed artifacts heart. They seem to be causing area wide instability.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ooshi.8607


Lag continuing almost for a month now. Since the last update sometimes the amount of lag is unbelievable. Can’t select skills, can’t interact with anything. It’s not my internet connection as i’m able to do everything else at a normal speed. Whatever you guys did with the last update, please change it back. Had no issue with lag or disconnects before the 6th.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: soulwblood.1529


I’ve been experiencing lag on Ring of Fire. It started yesterday and having lag had never happened before since launch. I can say some of my guild mates have also been lagging sometimes.

Tried doing PvP today – It was certainly impossible since I was teleporting all around the map without knowin what was happening to me :p

Hopefully some fix is coming. Not sure if I should give some more info…

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ecuze.6943


I’ve also problems with my internet connection since the January updates. I can play for 20-40 minutes and then it begins to lag, delay or disconnect the game. It just gets worse if I try to continue to play. The strange thing is, skype is also disconnecting when I play Gw2, just all random. Note that I don’t get disconnections in skype if I don’t have played gw2, so it always starts after I’ve played. I’ve never had any disconnection problems with gw2 before, well maybe in the beta.

I’ve the whole gw2 map in exclusion list in the anti-virus software.
I called my internet service to ask if they could see any problems with my connection but no, it all looks very good. And it seems that I don’t actually get disconnected from the internet itself, it’s just gw2 and then skype.

These are a few softwares I use daily.
Kaspersky Pure 2.
Advanced SystemCare 6 pro.
Skype (latest version).
Maxthon & firefox browser.

AMD FX-8120.
sapphire 6950 2gb.
8 GB Ram – Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Komolov.5903


Im not sure what you guys are doing but recently the lag problem is back. It seems to happen after you guys had updated something. Cant wvw/pve, in other words, the game is unplayable.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Preech.2671


I’ve been experiencing a lot of lag spikes for a while myself, maybe 3 weeks I’m not really sure. Some days are almost lag free, most days I can’t really play at all. I’m on TC, been playing for a few months now and I honestly can’t remember any lag issues before. I haven’t changed my pc in any way, internet is the same, I do the same things as always in the game. Mostly wvw, but I tried to just level up an alt a few times and still get lag in the same kind of ways as in wvw.

Nothing else I do on the internet has changed. Play other games with no issue, watch netflix on 3 pc’s at the same time with no issues. Is there any news from Anet about these issues? I’d really like to keep playing, but I don’t know what to do next. Tried the pingplotter thing they said to use and it shows a real bad connection to their servers, pingplotter seems to show a good connection to other places. Anyone with any ideas?

This is pingplotter when I had bad lag last night standing around mostly in Mount Maelstrom without much going on:


Scramblerx – Engineer

(edited by Preech.2671)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Preech.2671


Here’s Pingplotter this morning when I had almost no lag issues in WvW in EB with some decent sized fighting:


Scramblerx – Engineer

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: nukeyoo.9516


I just recently transferred from Sanctum of Rall to the euro server Aurora Glade. I came to experience majory latency issues but only in pve areas. Tried to do fractals with some friends but after the first couple minutes of ghosting and abilities taking 2 seconds to go off (FPS in 50s-80s+) then also being disconnected, I decided to save them the grief.

So then I went out in Eternal Battlegrounds it initially was a bit rough but it smoothed itself out. After running in EB for an hour or so I decided to try Citadel of Flame. Again the issue arose even before entering the dungeon. In Fireheart Rise the abilities lagged again and the same experience inside CoF with another d/c midway through. All the while my FPS ranging 50-80s..

Never had any issues like this since release on the US servers. Is there a breaking in period or is this just going to be common place until I transfer back?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zoidy.2685


Is anyone finding the game to be really laggy atm? I was fine all day up until a few hours ago it started to lag a little bit, nothing major just enough to be annoying but still playable. Now however the lags gotten worst to the point its almost unplayable. You activate a skill and wait for 10 second, 30 seconds, one minute or so before anything happens. You also get killed without being hit that you can see as the lag kills you before you even know your being attacked.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ooshi.8607


Lag lag lag lag lag.
Lag in La, lag in every instance, lag when using TP, lag when crafting, lag lag lag lag lag.
Getting slightly lagged off with all of this.


Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lolpingu.2871


Well, now the lag is just downright inconsistent!
It used to be that the horrible skill delays only start at around 6:30PM, but today I logged in around 11AM only to find out that the game is unplayable… AGAIN!
What is it with this lag? it doesn’t even make any sense – the changing map location coordinates of the player and chat messages are updated at a normal speed, yet skill activations take 15 seconds to execute?

(edited by Lolpingu.2871)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ceelaniri.8410


game is unplayable due to huge lag.

internet is working fine for any other software (internet browsing, games, streaming,…) but GW2.

very annoying

Desdaemon Frag

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Naori.5871


The same for me, been very laggy. And I think it’s been since they released the latest patch files. Didn’t experience it before that.

Maybe something in the patch files changed something to the worse that caused lag?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jarv.1972


I’ve been getting lag spikes for a while now not sure if it was the last patch or the patch before.

No issues elsewhere on other online games or with anything else. managed to stream from Netflix fine for 3 hours last night too. Im in EU on Desolation, Virgin Media Internet.

Been most noticeable the last few days as i went to WvW and Fractals where a spike generally means death. Especially on the jumping puzzle type fractals

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amok.4961


Considering the amount of ppl posting in this thread a Dev. reply would be appreciated..

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Omgnotimba.1785


started out as spikes once or twice every day which lasted for 2 weeks

but lately it has been getting worse. Been getting lag spikes about every minute, which lasts for about 20-30 secs and then everything gets fast forward

been trying to get story done for my characters, which of course wont work when you get disconnected

give us a fix or solution

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Considering the amount of ppl posting in this thread a Dev. reply would be appreciated..

Well, I even had the network engineers from my ISP try to contact them directly, and they are ppl that know what they are talking about. When they pointed out the fact that the PL happens at Anets server, they still refuse to acknowledge it, and replies with a generic answer.

Some crap’s going on on their side, but they keep blaming each and everyone of us for lousy connections. Go figure.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seraxus.6403


Well my brother has a laptop and i have a PC. My older PC had no problems with internet lag on the exact same internet home network, but had an fps issue, now this new PC handles FPS amazingly but is lagging horribly -+3 seconds. My PC is faster and better in nearly every way. As i mentioned we are connected to a home network that has very fast connection speed. He never lags and i experience constant lag. So… the question is… what software is messing up the communication between my PC and the server? by the looks of it this is a real issue for a lot of people and will stop me from playing until i can fix it. So if you could help that would be greatly appreciated.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renly.6231


i have a disconnect every 2-3 minutes. this is started 15-20 days ago. i’m f—-ing frustrated. fix this soon.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Miyukiou.8376


Well i’m just hoping tommorows patch will fix the lagg.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Snapp.2654


Lag has been terrible the last few days. Often takes several seconds for skills to activate and I’ll take damage without ever seeing anything happen. I’m on Jade Quarry.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aceanita.5923


Again. Another evening spent trying to figure out why I can’t play. It’s obvious ANet’s got issues with their server loads. I can play fine earlier on in the day, but can’t even get onto the map with any of my characters. Isle of Janthir over here….. Wish it would go away. I hate getting a good nights sleep XD

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FunkyMonkey.1879


I have some Issues with Lags in Dungeons and in WvW since the Flame & Frost Patch. Internet works fine with any other software. PvE runs smoothly even when many players are particpating at an event (Like Temple Bosses in Orr).

So, I don´t know what happened with the last Patch, but it broke my GW2, makes it unplayable for me. ^^

Server: Riverside

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MastaNeenja.1537


I am experiencing skill activation lag in combat, chat lag in combat, looting lag after combat, and players and mobs hyper moving around during combat when it gets really bad as well. Sometimes the skill I pressed will flash as if it is waiting to activate then 2-5 sec later it will finally goes off. Or my character will idly stand there after I pressed an attack skill to initiate combat. This only happens during combat outside of it when I am walking in LA or just on any map not engaged in battle i have no problems.

This happens literally after every other patch that comes out. It usually happens when it’s a minor patch. I had this problem up until the big patch on 01/28 the game ran great after the patch, then another minor patch yesterday 01/29 and bam back to laggyness.

This has been going on for almost two months now, i think it started happening in mid November.

I would really like to see this fixed once and for all I feel like I have patch dread now.
I see that others are experiencing the same symptoms and it makes me think its not anything related to my system or my ISP. It really seems to be patch related to me because after some patches (usually the major ones) my game will run smoothly until another patch is implemented.

Server is TC

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: themaster.9802


All of this seems to be occurring through Level3 routing hops. Perhaps Anet should get in contact with them about it since it’s affecting so many of their users?

As support suggested, I tried contacting my ISP to in turn contact them and provided trace info with PingPlotter, but then they started asking me to do diagnostics on my own modem. Obviously they’re not going to be of any help. Can this get resolved?

I have yet to see a response from a moderator about Level3 being the issue.

I’m still getting constant issues every single day. Constant skill lag, loot lag, everything lag.

(edited by themaster.9802)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acidogio.5148


i have experienced the same exact issue, and it started few days ago, before patch.
the game used to run smoothly, the only time it’d lag would be when someone else in the house would be using the connection, but that aside it was fine.

now even when i am the only one in the house connected to the internet, the game is unplayable, massive lag, especially near a zerg in WvW, while the framerate is fine, as usual.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Areoh.7495


HoD network lag and disconnects

Maeg Areo Hotah

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Beeca.9467


Lag has become so bad its killing doing dragons my fps goes from around 100 down to 15-20 cant move or do anything.

And i do know its the game or something at your guys end because i can log into eq2 and it plays great.

And the culling is getting worse you folks need to really fix this stuff to make the game enjoyable again.

80-Guardian /80- Mesmer

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Paveway.2037


Its become unplayable again in the evenings with 2-3 second packet loss. I’m wondering if there’s ever going to be an ‘official’ reply to this, as twice now my IP has said its something going on at the ‘targets’ end.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NeoTron.7268


After the holidays, after not playing much, I started noticing micro-lag (1-3 second lockups). This isn’t something I had ever seen before Christmas. I seem to have issues at the same jump as the earlier ping tracker logs in this thread:

                                                                            Packets               Pings
   Host                                                            Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
12.          8.8%   693   43.4  45.7  42.7 176.8  11.9

I don’t recall / notice any issue in any other networked games that mirrors my GW2 lag spikes.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cseti.8936


This is NOT information that i have come up with, it was gleaned from another sites and i thought it maybe of some use here.

I take NO responsibility if these changes damage your comp.

Open your Network and Sharing Connections. Go to Local area connections and then Properties.

Then (Un-check)
QoS Packet Scheduler.
Link-layer topology discovery mapper I/O Driver.
Link-Layer discovery topology responder.
Then hit ok or apply, then re-log.

If you use Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4)
You can also (Un-Check) > Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)

I also make a few (safe) changes to the Network Card Setting, I use an onboard NIC, so these setting below may or may not be accessible for you.

Again or if your already there > Open your Network and Sharing Connection > Configure Tab > Advance.

Disable > Interrupt Moderation
Disable > Flow Control
If the changes to these setting causes any problems just revert them back.

Here is a link to a handy program that also tweaks some different internet setting, please view the youtube link first for proper configurations.

And here is the link to the program, TCP Optimizer >


Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Majion.4095


I just bought the game yesterday and since yesterday I’ve been experiencing both error 7 on loading screen and now a huge lag/disconnect after 5 minutes of gameplay.

did anyone manage to fix the huge lag/disconnect problem?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Delarius.1583


Only receiving massive crippling Network Lag during Dragon Fights. No attacks work, but chat works. Makes Dragon Events, and my main source of hunting rares and precursors, completely unplayable.

(Before working on adding more content, which is great, you should probably fix the game breakers… Just my opinion.)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


From the last patch im getting pretty bad lags aroound 8 pm gmt+1 (Poland). It was all fine before, I even reinstaled windows ( which gave me around 5 more fps) but its smtn with the game servers. My internet works good as it did before patch and i have no dealys in other games.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lasur Arkinshade.4107

Lasur Arkinshade.4107

I’ve been experiencing this too and it’s awful. It only really begins to occur at prime time, usually 5PM or later (GMT). It’s incredibly annoying and significantly detracts from gameplay.

I’ve seen similar results from my logs as the other people posting in the thread as of late.

Please, someone from ArenaNet respond. This is a very important issue that is severely affecting a (relatively) large part of your playerbase.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grunblatt.4608


Since the flame and frost patch i experience heavy lags (chat lag, as well as delayed skill response and my character teleports around when i use leapskills) mostly in WvW and fractals (maybe other dungeons as well – i didnt play any other dungeons yet since the patch).
In combat sometimes everything in the game stops moving for a couple of seconds and snaps back into place after that.

My connection appears to be fine – i ran some speedtests and dont have any issues with other games or programs. Also i did not experience these lags before the patch at all. I am a bit confused that this didnt get reported more often here yet, since my guildies confirmed that they have similar issues since the patch, so i don’t seem to be alone here.
(i am playing on far shiverpeaks)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Volcane Crucio.4723

Volcane Crucio.4723

Same here. Since the flame and frost patch I’m experiencing lag. Especially during WvsW fights and SPvP.

-On my thief stealth sometimes doesn’t trigger.
-And/or Im visible eventhough im stealthed
-General skill lag, 1 a 2 sec delay
-General lag spikes during combat
-Peoplet cant stomp me and I cant stomp them

Same as others. I’ve heard a lot of people around me complain. Far Shiverpeaks server.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LionZero.3479


Same here on Far Shiverpeaks in wvwvw, animations showing are behind a little of what’s actually happening and damage skills delay and speed up out of the blue at times, which makes playing rather annoying when you try to hit a target that is where it shows for you but in reality is 1-2 steps nearby.

Didn’t have any issue’s before outside the random dolyak rubberbanding out of animation and being ahead of it sometimes.

No issue’s with other games currently, and had no issue;’ with gw2 before so i assume something on Anet’s side changed on the servers that caused this, makes playing rather annoying and not worth it for me as it currently is.

The issue is also appearent no matter the seize of the battle wether big or small it just seems the server laggs behind on data and speeds it up again, to many hiccups in it.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kelovar.6319


I’ve been experiencing heavy lag since the Flame and Frost update. I never had any lag since the release of the game (except for a few minutes randomly… never constantly).

Now the game simply is unplayable. There is a 2-15 second delay before skills activate (if they do activate at all). My character is displayed at a different location than where it actually stands, making it impossible to avoid any kind of AOE, and causing lots of my attacks to strike off target.

Nothing changed on my side. The only change I can see is the recent patch…