New game patch while in dungeon party.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lambros Augustus.6594
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lambros Augustus.6594
Hi with this latest patch two people were disconnected by their connection at the last boss and were forced to patch and could not get back into the dungeon with us. Is there anyway to mitigate this in the future on your end or will this always happen a small but unhappy percentage of the time?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389
i doubt anet will respond but, from what i have seen from anet, dont expect them to care, im betting the response would be “just run the dungeon again”
im saying this because they close threads about problems all the time to avoid people taking about them, rather then fixing the problems, or even admitting there are problems.
sorry to sound pesimistic, but, if you spend some time watching and participating in this section of the forums, you will find that anet dont come in on any of the hard or long standing problems…..but they do lock threads talking about htem all the time.
i doubt anet will respond but, from what i have seen from anet, dont expect them to care, im betting the response would be “just run the dungeon again”
im saying this because they close threads about problems all the time to avoid people taking about them, rather then fixing the problems, or even admitting there are problems.
sorry to sound pesimistic, but, if you spend some time watching and participating in this section of the forums, you will find that anet dont come in on any of the hard or long standing problems…..but they do lock threads talking about htem all the time.
If they close threads pointing out problems about the game, I’m surprised you’re not banned lol. Every single one of your posts is you complaining about the game.
Dude, if you hate it so much just stop playing lol.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389
thats the problem unspec, i love the game, but DE’s and WvWvW(the main reasons many of us got the game) are not fun when they turn slideshow…..even on high end hardware.
I have had several temp bans, and not every post i have made is negative, infact early on, i was supporting anet and sure they would fix it……now im quite sure they wont do a god kitten thing to fix it till theres money involved in doing so.
if you want to white knight anet go for it……i love the games design, I hate that the client performes like warmed over kitty poo even on high end systems…
I can play PS2 in huge battles and never see the kind of kitty pee poor fps a DE or LA give……..and yes, it upsets me, I prepurchased the deluxe edition, only to find out that most of the bonuses we got where crap(5 day banker……what a crock!!!!) then anet cant even be bothered to make the game run correctly on a high end gaming rig, I dont want to imagin trying to run this on my system from 2 years ago(that was also high end and is WAY above min specs)……..
anet fix your kitten…..
thats the problem unspec, i love the game, but DE’s and WvWvW(the main reasons many of us got the game) are not fun when they turn slideshow…..even on high end hardware.
I have had several temp bans, and not every post i have made is negative, infact early on, i was supporting anet and sure they would fix it……now im quite sure they wont do a god kitten thing to fix it till theres money involved in doing so.
if you want to white knight anet go for it……i love the games design, I hate that the client performes like warmed over kitty poo even on high end systems…
I can play PS2 in huge battles and never see the kind of kitty pee poor fps a DE or LA give……..and yes, it upsets me, I prepurchased the deluxe edition, only to find out that most of the bonuses we got where crap(5 day banker……what a crock!!!!) then anet cant even be bothered to make the game run correctly on a high end gaming rig, I dont want to imagin trying to run this on my system from 2 years ago(that was also high end and is WAY above min specs)……..
anet fix your kitten…..
Lol I knew you were going to call me a white knight. But anyhow, I do acknowledge that GW2 scales very poorly with hardware. But in the end, I still have fun playing the game. Despite its lackluster performance, its still an enjoyable game. And you have to realize, no matter how much you complain, the game won’t get better until anet decides to do so, so you’re pretty much just beating a dead horse.
Oh and have you even bothered looking at PS2’s terrain textures? -shudder-
Edit: And the game really doesn’t perform as bad as you make it out to be. At dragon events and other spammed events, I never seem to drop under 30. And that’s with SweetFX effects.
Also, min specs only mean your system will install and start the game. It doesn’t specify how well it actually will run.
(edited by Unspec.9017)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389
but, thats my point, min specs SHOULD mean you can run the game in a playable manner on low at sub-optimal res, say 720p min settings getting 30fps min.
i know many games fudge the min specs, but till now, I have never seen one that gives specs so low that the game would truly be unplayable in any situation with real people on screen.
I mean, even crysis min specs set on low let you play the game(i know, I happened to have a buddy who was insistant on not upgrading, till he saw crysis on my system vs his old min spec pos…lol)
and ps2’s turrain textures arnt bad for the kind of game they made, bumping them up would have no effect on my systems perf, it would on some peoples slow old systems though…….
but, the point is, ps2 is another game thats very cpu bound, due to UE3 by default not using many threads or using them very efficiently(funny enough ue2.5 has better default threading then ue3 or 4 from what i have been reading)
if you really never drop below 30 and arent overclocking the kitten out of your cpu, then youre kitten lucky or your getting de’s with far fewer people then the ones I have done for testing lately.
really gw2 “fails to scale” would be more accurate then saying it scales poorly, even you have to admit it runs like crap compared to how it should run…..
what fun is WvWvW when you cant see whos killing you, and the game becomes a slide show?
makes me sad
and i will continue to “beat the dead horse” because, if those of us who love the game and want it to run as it should keep going, eventually perhaps anet will hear/see us and do something even if thats a statement telling us to all get frelled, at least it would be something.
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