Not recieving items from Gem Store?

Not recieving items from Gem Store?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pritst.1469


Just purchased the makeover kit for my guardian and im not getting it in the mail, my GF just tried the same thing and she has not received it either

Not recieving items from Gem Store?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ixAndred.1378


I didn’t get mine either =x

Not recieving items from Gem Store?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JayoftheDead.2783


I’m having the same issue as well.

Not recieving items from Gem Store?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kryos.6230


Just purchased makeover kit thing – didn’t receive. Submit ticket? thx

Not recieving items from Gem Store?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ReaperXero.5472


the mail system in the game is down.. just tried sending a message and got an error..

Not recieving items from Gem Store?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aiko Kazanori.1673

Aiko Kazanori.1673

i’m having the same problem

Not recieving items from Gem Store?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ryougi.3872


Hi. I just bought a total makeover kit but didn’t recieve it. What can i do now?
Solved. My mail box was at 7/10, i deleted some message and got the kit…

(edited by Ryougi.3872)

Not recieving items from Gem Store?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gremnok.5439


Hi. I just bought a total makeover kit but didn’t recieve it. What can i do now?
Solved. My mail box was at 7/10, i deleted some message and got the kit…

Yes! just make sure you have some room left in your mailbox.
If your mailbox is full, you wont receive your items until you free some space.

Not recieving items from Gem Store?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaz.2860


My mailbox wasn’t full (7/10) and I still didn’t receive it until I deleted a message.

Not recieving items from Gem Store?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neeko.7490


My son’s account is not receiving in game mail from players or the gem store. This has been going on since October. He purchased the Halloween Miniature Spooky Trio and never got it. It still shows as being the last thing purchased in the store. I have sent him numerous things not realizing they were never getting to him. It wasn’t until he needed some silver to get to a way point to meet us, when I sent him some it did subtract it from my funds but the mail never arrived, I even tried twice. That is when we realized he hadn’t gotten anything I’d been sending him for a while. He has sent in several tickets about the issue and hasn’t gotten any response. Its annoying enough that he is not getting looted items or in game money but not getting things you are actually paying real money for is even more upsetting. I wish someone would respond to his tickets and fix this problem.